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Posts posted by metaphorset

  1. if you can afford one, you can afford both.


    Making things that should obviously be "both" into either or questions is myopic.


    1. No.

    2. Wait... what?


    Let's forget about that and stick with the headline.



    I buy PCs not only for gaming and there are plenty of us "weird" folks out there. Let's keep it simple and only use the five private activities I spend the most time with when sitting in front of my PC

    1. Programming. All kinds of stuff. Lots of it. From simple helper scripts to complex 3D engines.

    2. Image processing. Photos, textures, drawings, you name it, I've done it at least once during the last 30+ years.

    3. 3D modeling. Blender, to be more specific (also brings a little bit of money, but I do it mostly for fun).

    4. Video editing. Not as much as I want to, but it's fun nonetheless.

    5. Gaming. Also not as much as I want to, mainly because there aren't many games out there that I really like to play.


    If I put the same emphasis on all of those activities and throw the costs of the PC in, that I am currently building, I'll pay 160 Euros per activity for the next 3+ years.

    After those 3+ years I probably invest into a new GFX card for 300 EUR that lasts another 3+ years, which brings us up to 240 Eur per activity for the next 6+ years.


    Console (PS4 that is, because why should I buy a console for games that are on PC anyway?):

    Around 300 EUR for a mid-generation model, top tier or if I were an early adopter, it would be 500 EUR.


    1. Gaming.


    Let's say it'll last 6+ years without breaking, that makes at least 300 EUR per activity for 6 years. + it takes up space.


    Since I use my PC also for work related stuff (thanks to swappable SSDs that's not even tax problematic), it also earns money and it redeems itself after about 6 months.

    Let's say that all the work related stuff is point 6 in the above list, then I am going to pay around 17 EUR for my gaming hardware for the next 6+ years.


    Isolated case? Well... I know at least three other people who do exactly the same thing.


  2. The problem with pre-alpha games is that about 95% of them never reach a gold status. Sad but true.

    The graphics look quite polished and that's not necessarily a good sign for a pre-alpha.


    - rudimentary gameplay first (should be fun and rewarding, especially in fighting games)

    - tie gameplay to a good story and setting (basic, unpolished but interesting)

    - polish and adjust gameplay to match story and setting (character abilities, magic, stealth, ...)

    ----> enter pre-alpha stage

    - polish graphics (still not final release)



    Also putting a random music track over the footage initially might be a great idea, because said footage might look more epic is not really a good idea in the long run.

    It would have been better to use ingame sounds (footsteps, ambient, weapons, etc), because these are far more important.

  3. Well, these are all very elaborate answers... ;-) And many of them contain parts of the truth.


    To put it simple, the "target audience" is everyone who buys the game. It doesn't matter if you think it's good or bad beforehand or afterwards - if you buy it, you are part of the target audience.
    I can'T count how many times I read a customer review and stumbled over lines like "I knew it was bad but I bought it anyway and hoped it wouldn't be that bad..."


    Of course Companies will put popular stuff into games to make them more popular. Of course they follow trends and of course they keep dumbing down the game experience because it means more customers.
    That's why F4 got "Survival Mode" with "Bonfires" in the form of beds.

    Games aren't made for gamers (or, as Sony puts it "for the players") anymore, they are made to make money. The same goes for every other kind of entertainment media, as well as for many other products. Everyone especially in the entertainment industry does it - even JK Rowling, when she decided that "Harry Potter and the effed up Butterfly Effect" is a good idea.

    Regarding F4's updates: Do you really think BGS or more correctly Zenimax care about the PC players? Do you really think they care about mod creators who want to create stuff that goes way beyond what BGS has thought of, when they gave us the Creation Kit? No. No, they don't. The only customers they care about are the console players, because they are the ones that bring in the big money. The updates are necessary to circumvent the biggest flaw of consoles. Especially Sony has limited the amount of additional content per game. Once they call it quits, it's over. The only exception to this rule are patches.

    I still have F4 installed and I still fire it up occasionally. By this time, I must have missed three or four updates, because I just ignore Steam's nagging messages about updates and that's that. It's not pretty but it works well enough for me.

    The sad truth is that it actually doesn't matter anymore if upset customers don't buy bad cashcow games because they deviate too much from what they actually want to play. Companies (and not only game companies) have trained and tamed the customers for years. For every one of us who doesn't buy their products anymore, there are at least two new customers who will buy them until maybe they get fed up some years down the road.


    It must be now well over 10 years that I decided to stop buying games from EA and Ubisoft, because I was fed up with their whole attire of delivering bat s#*! broken games and I know that I am not the only one out there. I still feel good about that decision but besides that it didn't change anything.

  4. This... uhm... "Trailer" reminded me of this 4k demo from 2009 called "Elevated".


    In case some smart kid says that it's not 4k resolution... the compiled demo's size is 4 kiloBytes, music and everything. That's about the size of two horrible Skyrim textures.


    "We don't have the technology yet"


    btw. "Skyrim 6" still gives me the giggles. Still waiting for Morrowind 2, though...



    Maybe we're all over reacting to what to us is an insignificant release of a Fallout MMOG that has no impact whatsoever on either TES or FO.


    They've got Elder Scrolls Online. Kinda makes sense they've have a Fallout online, when you think about it.



    It makes sense in that it follows the same strategy pattern as Skyrim. Yes.


    But, I don't think it's an over-reaction for users to express disappointment. It was our dollars that turned Bethesda into a wealthy company. So, when they turn around and hand the keys over to marketers who want to milk their titles instead of focusing on what users want (more releases faster) it should be called out.


    My feeling is that its really just too late with Bethesda. I'm looking for other companies/titles to fill the space of moddable open-world games. Hopefully someone like ProjectRed does that.


    "marketers who want to milk their titles instead of focusing on what users want (more releases faster) it should be called out."


    Well... "more releases faster" is not the solution either, in fact it's just another chunk on the pile of problems.


    For starters I would be totally satisfied with a BGS single player title with RPG elements that doesn't have bugs in every single quest stage.

  6. But why go to the trouble of creating those repairing animations? I must suspect there was a new mechanic that got scrapped or cut out, just as having Dogmeat and another companion fell to the cutting room floor.



    Those repairing animations aren't even new. Look around the harbors in vanilla Skyrim and you find pretty much the same animations performed by NPCs. There's even an NPC mod (Inconsequential NPCs) that heavily utilizes those animations by adding working NPCs to all towns.

    They obviously scrapped Dogmeat as an additional companion, because players would be ridiculously overpowered in a game that only got balance-tested up to level 30. They obviously scrapped the original combat zone because they didn't get it to work without errors in time, the same goes probably for Easy City Downs and a whole bunch of other smaller things. Take the railway bridge between Graygarden and Beantown Brewery for example. That derailed railway carts on both sides of the bridge? They were placed there because the AI package and the navmesh don't work reliably here anyway (as well as in many other cases). The point is that all instances of scrapped content have left at least some traces in the game files. And there are no traces for a Sanctuary rebuild to be found anywhere. Those things are just there to add a little flavor to an otherwise stale and lifeless world.


    Again, BGS worked with a very small team compared to other studios and given that all the different engine parts seem to be glued together by what seems to be a mixture of duct tape, flour and Todd Howard's spit, the result is quite impressive.




  7. Interesting idea. But no, Sanctuary Hills is dead for 200 years and will never ever get back to its former glory. That's just the way it is in Fallout games.


    And then you also have to remember that it's not just a Fallout game but it's also a BGS game. Which means that it's developed by 100-ish people (including voice actors) with tools that are clearly rooted somewhere back in the late 90s and it receives the most basic playtesting in the whole AAA game industry ever. Their main focus lays on console gamers and the majority of them doesn't spend even one tenth of the time with any game than PC gamers with modding experience do with TES and Fallout.


    As for me, I couldn't care less about things like these; I'd rather have a BGS game where there weren't potential bugs in every quest for a change - or for starters at least not in any of the main quest stages. Right now, I stand in front of the Castle ready to take it back, but apparently good old Preston decided that he needs a break and won't talk to me anymore. Gotta look on the bright side - no more "I'll mark it on your map", I guess...






    Hooray, two more new pets added?



    Is there a full changelog somewhere, or is this literally it?



    • New Pip-Boy Paint Jobs including: the Unstoppables: Grognak, Manta Man, Mistress of Mystery, The Inspector, and Silver Shroud.
    • Anti-Materiel Rifle (AMR)
    • Nuka-Cola Collector Workshop: A new quest, an all-new house, and a full collection of Nuka-Cola themed workshop items.
    • Captain Cosmos: Venture onto the set of the old Captain Cosmos TV show, and obtain a unique weapon, outfit, and set of Power Armor.



    This is really everything I've ever waited for.

    Thanks, Banana Softworks Game Studios, you are really the best!

  9. Ahhh, Tina. She's a perfect example of the quality work BGS delivers in their games.


    On my first try to finishing the game I managed to mess up the quest (which wasn't really that hard, just go to the medic and talk to her before Bobby arrives and boom! - she bugs out. And that's just one way to mess her up) but I didn't even realize it. I guess I was just so used to hearing Trudy saying the same two lines over and over and over again that I just assumed it's one of the typical "we couldn't care less" moments we all love so much in their games.


    On my new playthr.. uhm... try (I guess?) I also use the "You talk too much" mod, but even then it's very noticeable that she is completely mute.

  10. Returning to the original topic - in reality it's extremely dangerous and stupid to place any technology in the hands of any single group.


    In the fictional universe of Fallout, the BOS are just a bunch of wankers. Raiders with advanced technology, a hypocritical codex and a bunch of nice lies on their lips. The original intentions might have been good at some point, but with power comes corruption. And the BOS are corrupt to the core.

    Fortunately they are doomed anyway, because

    1. with their overall "recruiting tactics" they are eventually going the way of the swampfolk in Point Lookout. And if there's one thing less desirable than lasers and fatmen in the hands of raiders, its lasers and fatmen in the hands of powerarmor-wearing inbreds - or Not-so-Supermutants. In this case they are literally becoming their own worst nightmare.
    2. they tend to piss off not only every major faction they come across but also every minor faction and every settlement - simply put, just everyone that isn't dazzled by their appearance and their big words or doesn't fit in their image of a "clean humanity" anyway.


  11. None of this compares to the Dwemer Power Armor which was a joint project between Robco and Snow Elves, Inc. before the great war.

    Jeez, are you referring to those rumors about a BGS connected universe, that float around the internet?


    I swear, if they really go through with this, I'm out. Those pre-teen fan fiction vibes are way too strong for me.

  12. Every mod can "break" a game. I use both "Scrap Everything" and "Place Everywhere" without any problems in any settlement in any given situation and I am surely not the only one .


    In short, they don't break the game - at least not in general. However, I see a lot of people breaking their game saves by installing mods, playing (and saving) for a couple of hours, then removing those mods, because they don't like them and then continuing with their game in that state. Repeat that a couple of times and you might get nasty results, because once you install a mod, there is and never will be (on the contrary to what some people write here) no such thing as a "clean save".

  13. This isn't a definitive answer, only the CM SirSalami or Dark0ne can give these,


    Of course you should read the license of those downloaded/bought models, too. When in doubt, check back with the creator. It actually never hurts to talk to people, before using their stuff.

  14. Sorry if AMD can't do this. I'm done with this now.


    Interesting. Your posting doesn't offer anything new, nor does it offer anything to help others and on top of that it also has a lot of false information in it. So basically you're just trolling?


  15. I have no Idea how to do a merge and bashed patch. ive tried several times but always seem to mess things up.

    FO4 doesn't support bashed or merged patches. The only exception might be leveled lists but even then you have to be careful and you still need to know exactly what you're doing. So the best advice I can give you about them is to stay away from them unless you really want to learn some really in-depth stuff, which is obviously time consuming.


    And of course they aren't the ultimate fix for everything that can go wrong in the game - especially not for CTDs. The same goes for the load order. Even texture mods that don't need to be in any load order at all can affect stability and produce CTDs. The original Skyrim High Res Texture pack from BGS themselves is probably one of the most prominent examples here.


    You run a lot of Mods and that is probably the most likely reason what makes your game unstable. What's the best way to use mods? Add one mod at a time, after you carefully read the mod description, play the game for a while, be on the lookout for any kind of weirdness (not only CTDs), then rinse and repeat.



  16. As others have pointed out already, Steampunk involves steam. Like in steam engines. Bioshock Infinite is steampunk-ish, Fallout is not. If you want to define it by terms, maybe just call it atompunk.


    About the "realism" thing: The way I see it is that people tend to think way too much about "realism" in such settings. The more you think about it the less things make sense, the less sense things make the less you probably are going to enjoy the game.


    Why start with the music, when there's so much wrong with everything else in the setting? Why are there still boarded-up houses 200 years after the war? Why is Concord or at least its outskirts not completely destroyed, when it was clearly in the blast wave radius? Why did all those people on the elevator to Vault 111 survive and even completely unharmed, because... you know - physics? I mean, blast waves of that dimension tend to expand in every direction they can, not only horizontally. Even Kilometers away.


    Accepting the setting as it is and then try to make sense about the things you experience within this setting is the easiest way to cope with it without loosing too much fun.


    There is a line though, that shouldn't be crossed. If you have an established setting with established rules, you actually shouldn't bend or break them too much. This is why the music thing totally works for me but a kid that spent over 200 years in a fridge in the middle of a most likely highly frequented area does not. It's neither funny nor some kind of a reference - it's just awkward.

  17. Advice for the future here...


    You actually don't need to reinstall games ever, if you buy a cheap USB drive and copy everything game-related onto it. Instead of copying you can also choose a tool like 7zip and use tar as your backup format. There is no compression involved, so it's still reasonably fast and it also doesn't do funny stuff with your files.


    When you want to play the game again, just copy everything back and you're good to go. There is no registry mumbo-jumbo involved and no files got distributed to anywhere else than "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common" and (in most cases) "C:\Users\<your username>\Documents\My Games".

  18. To answer the question in your headline - vanilla building is such a train wreck because Bethesda's main focus lies on Console Gamers. If it doesn't work with five buttons or so, it's simply not worth to put more effort into it. The rest - well, "mods will fix it". And they did. Use "Scrap Everything", "Place Everywhere" and the console with "disable" and "markfordelete" for things that are still not scapable (one of the mattresses in the Tenpines shack) and you are good to go.

  19. You can scrap everything with... uh... Scrap Everything. Stay away from Spring Cleaning, nobody should use it anymore because it's horribly outdated. And don't get the strange idea to use both of the mods at the same time.

    The flickering issues come either from mods that create a mess in the same cell in which you want to scrap things in or you are using an outdated version of a crappy scrapping mod that was created by s.o. who has no clear understanding of how the statics in this game work.


    Either way, saving your game before scrapping things as well as running around in the area and looking for visual bugs afterwards is always a good idea. Especially when you use mods that edit the same cells.

  20. The video doesn't show much. I started playing Fallout 4 on my 8 year old Asus M4 Motherboard, a Phenom XII 1090 Black Edition, 16 Gigs of cheap DDR3 RAM and a cheap AMD R9 285 and got stable 60 FPS on high settings out of it until I reached Boston. I still run it on the same hardware but I changed the GPU to a cheap 2nd hand R9 Nano I fished out of the bay. With a little tweaking it now goes almost never lower than 28 FPS.


    The same goes for the usual run-off-the-mill answers you'll get here.


    And this is why you don't trust random people on the internet. Everybody has something different to say.


    You see, those "will it run that game" questions are really hard to answer, since nobody knows what you expect in the first place. You want to have the smooth gameplay that those top tier YTlers show in their videos where they play at 60 FPS or more on their multi-gpu SLI setups in the most crowded areas of the game world? Or maybe you are like me and you can't care less about your FPS dropping to 20 occasionally? Who knows...?


    And then modern PCs are upgradeable. It's not like you have to stay on the internal RX Vega forever, you know? It's not that hard to upgrade a GPU, even my son could do it at the age of 10, even without the help of his dad, who has a degree in hardware engineering.


    One thing I'd change about your setup, though... switch to a SSD as soon as possible. It will reduce loading time drastically.

  21. Uh.. well... never heard of such a mod and the reason is quite obvious. It's a hell of a lot of work to accomplish such a task, since you are going to make decisions somewhere in the middle of your playthrough that influence the affinity between you and the factions as well as the affinity between the factions themselves.


    It's a BGS game in the end, thus it has a very limited amount of choices and possible endings to begin with. That and the fact that (not only) the papyrus engine is far from robust would mean that someone (or more precisely a lot of someones) would have to invest a lot of time to rewrite a lot of stuff. I don't think that anyone is willing to undergo so much pain.

    In the end it's the only realism we get in these games today; in a world full of different opinions you can't make decisions without pissing someone off unless the game developers intended this outcome to happen.

  22. Naive people.You think the company will just allow you to do whatever you want?

    You never worked for big companies before have you??

    Really? You take things way too serious here, mate. Is it the lack of emojis in my posts?

    I'm over 50 years old and I have more than enough experience with big companies in general and software development in particular that every little bit of naivety in me died a long time ago.

    I am so much the opposite of being naive that I don't want to work for any Game Dev Company out there.

  23. Okay guys, here's your chance to make a difference. https://jobs.zenimax.com/requisitions/view/1809

    Apart from having no experience "in the industry", I'm no US citizen and my ideas would probably be way too radical for Bethesda's child-friendly breadcrumb policy. You know, the kind of "going out into the world and exploring it on your own" kind of radical.



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