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Everything posted by emieri00

  1. Thanks for the tips, Colonial Raptor! ^^
  2. @jodah100 Without changing anything else may be hard, but "advanced werewolves and vampires" is a good mod [werewolf and vampire parts separated] and I think it adds that ability to vampires
  3. Well, I was using a good number of mods, but I'm not sure they would affect the game that much. I removed all of them, and the game didn't load. I did a clean install of Skyrim, and the game still won't load. Actually, it's worse than "not loading" - when the loading screen appears, half a second later the game crashes to desktop. I was seeing some CTDs during gameplay before, and found out it was related to the edited ini files I downloaded. The game seems ok now, but my saves do not load at all. Mods with esps I was using were the one for extra hair colors [removed it for good, didn't seem to be that good for some reason], armored sabretooth tiger mount [removed too], la femme lycana, project frenzy, advanced werewolves [my character wasn't a werewolf yet], and "Shadow stripping fix" [which I got right when the save crashed for good] The strange part is that even when loading an earlier save before the last mods were installed, the game does the SAME crash. The only custom item I can remember I had was the flute for the mount, and it was removed after I turned off the mod, so my save is supposed to load on a clean install of the game, right? :confused: What can I do about it?
  4. Well, I belive it is better to post here than to make a new topic. My save seems to be corrupted for good, and so I did a clear install of skyrim again. Now I need to get the body mods again... So, I have two questions: What are the male body options? I'm not sure what are the available versions. [and yes, I prefer to install things separately than to use a big compilation] I remember that the best face textures available for the khajiits are the Coverkhajiit mods... But what about body textures? From what I remember, there wasn't a nude texture for both of them. I hope it's ok to ask for this here, since I'm not posting any images... I was using a modification of CBBE with the added phisics, which I think is a base to all modded female bodies, so any texture might work well, right? Anyway, I'm mostly looking for the khajiits textures. Any help is apreciated.
  5. ------------------ Strange, the topic wasn't posted. Well, I fixed the transparency issue somehow, but now the fps dropped significantly! I have FXAA installed, but it seems to be messing the game colors so much [and since it messes with the configurations too] I'd like to uninstall it and configure my skyrim to run well once again. I have skyboost too, but it seems that it only works with the game, not when the GPU is doing the work... strange.
  6. Oh, thanks! I did get the FXAA some time ago, and it surprised me how quickly they updated. My problem is that I got confused with it, and either couldn't get it to work, or didn't configure it right. I'll give it another try, maybe mix in the shaders [saw them some time ago too, but didn't download thanks to pretty snail-slow internet] amd hope it works with "SkyBoost". edit: ... Wait, presets? How do I use these? õ_<
  7. I wanted some way to make Skyrim more colorful, vivid colors, y'know?... I've heard about shaders, but didn't find any difference when I installed one, only that my fps did drop significantly. Can anyone suggest something that wouldn't slow down the game as much, or just point to one that I can configure a little? I really want the nearly maxed out graphics to stay there [and I hardly use AA or aniso~tropic filtering? I'm not even sure what the second one does :< ]
  8. Hmm, driver update seemed to enhance the fps a bit, together with skyboost. But the transparency issues are still here, and they seem to happen at random locations. I noticed the khajiit problem happens a lot in whiterun, but on some specific spots, depending on the angle. Then again, the whole city is filled with these transparency problems. It's basically the same. Where there should be transparency, usually on the buildings and roads and scennery overall, it just disappears and looks glitchy. Where there shouldn't [khajiit head, character/npc body] it appears at some locations - And I have no idea what causes it. It's not light, not shadows, not wheater effects...
  9. Actually, I didn't hear anything about the transparency problems anywhere else. I'm sure there's nothing missing in the files, so there might be something with my GPU. I'll check for drivers, since I know I never updated them after I installed the board. [it was so big compared to anything I had up until now that I felt like it wouldn't need much touchup :/] I'll check skyboost too, thanks! edit: Ugh, 100+mb update... I thought the catalyst thing I downloaded back then was some kind of update >: At least I'm sure it's a more recent driver.
  10. Hello, people! I saw a topic where someone was asking about fps, and had a graphical board similar to mine - the response he had was that he needed more CPU, and not as much GPU... Well, I hope I have more luck. First of all, my specs, right? i7 950 @ 3.07GHz 8gb RAM Radeon HD 6850 XFX Black edition [it shows as just "Radeon HD 6800" on my device manager, tho~~] First issue is the FPS drop. Skyrim is on 1.3, I think. During the first hours of gameplay, I didn't touch the graphical configuration, and it felt really good with high settings [those were defaults] I thought the effects on that river would be specially heavy... Now, I arrived at the city where the thieves guild is, and FPS dropped significantly there. I'm at about 20, and while this is still playable to me [i'm a very patient player!] I know I can get it better somehow. Mods I'm using are basically body mods with required textures, and ps3 button icons for the hud. Second issue started even before I installed any update, and no update or reinstall fixed that. The Khajiit [and it seems it's just them, which annoyed me a lot since that race was my first choice] have transparent heads depending of the angle they're facing. I can post pictures to describe this better. I also started seeing some textures that were supposed to be transparent not being transparent at all [the dirt on the sides of some roads inside cities, some stuff on the outer walls/roof of houses...] and it's getting only worse - now even people are starting to get transparent bodies. First saw it with the Gray Beards, when I completed the Fus Ro Dah/Unrelenting Force shout. I'm not sure what to do about that... I even tried to install new textures to at least try and fix the Khajiits, but it didn't work.
  11. Hello, I started playing a bit of Skyrim, and while the game is completely gorgerous, (LOVE the new faces!) I had a few problems. One of them is sound, with some inverted surround sounds... But I think that's about my surround system. So, back to the real issues! When I switch to 3rd person view and move the camera around, I can see that my character's head is half transparent. Depending on the angle, the transparency disappears and the texture looks normal. I think that the keyboard controls are taking too long to respond (about 0.5 sec). Doesn't matter if I set the graphics to low, it's not like the game itself is lagging, and I'm sure my computer can handle the game. (i7 950 @ 3.07GHz, XFX Radeon HD 6850 Black Edition, 8gb ram, Win7 x64) Now, this last one is just out of curiosity. I know the game can be played with an Xbox controller, but I don't have one. As a matter of fact, I got a ps3 this month, and just today I figured out how to pair its controller to the computer via Motioninjoy. Is there a way to use Motioninjoy to either emulate Xbox controller or use the PS3 on Skyrim? (or any other pc game that's compatible with xbox controller, for that matter)
  12. All I can remember are the ones in the fantasy pack mod, and they aren't really rideable chocobos... they are a sort of "pants" with speed enchant, so you can run much faster while you "seem" to be riding a chocobo... >:
  13. Maaaaybe, I got a hint here: Look for the Curse of Hircine mod: there seems to be a file related to it for a "maned werewolf" model. I don't think it's a high polly model, but it does looks like the werewolf has some hair around the neck. As for goats.. Well, not really goats, but there are some interesting mounts in an overhaul monster mod called WAC. Find it and enjoy yourself, it'll make your game very diverse, to say the least :3
  14. THis one: Room207 CrossDressing Body Replacer Anything that fits would be nice, but some clothings like the ones converted by the modder Alien Slof would be wonderful~ <3
  15. THis mod is interesting, but it should reeeeally be expanded to other undeads and ghosts... I don't like 'em too. >:
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