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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. I'm not going to create a wall of text. I want to resize some textures from a mod for personal usage. That mod has 2k textures and my screen isn't extremely big, so I want to resize to 1k. Files are dds and I'll resize them using paint.net. There are 3 files for each item. For example bow.dds, bow_m.dds and bow_n.dds. bow_n is normal map but what is _m? I guess it is mipmap. I'm not familiar textures so I don't know if I should resize everything or just normal maps and texture. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for reply! I think you misunderstood me. I want to start main quest until Paarhurnax wants me to find the Elder Scroll. I want to finish Dawnguard and Dragonborn before getting the Elder Scroll, but I need Elder Scroll for Dawnguard quest. Seems like I'll have to ingore the fact I have an Elder Scroll in my inventory...
  3. Hello! This is my first and probably last post on forums. This time I don't want to fill my quest menu with every quest so I want to do them in an order. I decided to advance in main quests until I need to get the Elder Scroll. After I get this quest, cultists wil appear and I'll start Dragonborn quest (I'm using Timing is Everything mod so I can set when vampire attacks will start etc.).Problem is I want to complete Dawnguard before Dragonborn and I need the Elder Scroll from main quest and I don't want to pick up Elder Scroll before Dragonborn. Edit: Acidentally posted too early but edited.
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