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  1. Depression can be a real b*+#h. Well I've pretty much given up writing at this point. No point in trying if all I get is half-a$$ crap. Well I'm just gonna spend the next month or so spending my days looking for a job, working out and watching Durarara!!!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I got to writing about my feeling of depression once and yeah it can be a real eye opener to read later, about what we think about when we are depressed. Or Worse! Downhearted because we lost at the game of Love. I reread what I wrote and Man!

      But life goes on and I just dusted myself off, got out of the closet and went back to doing my boring every day chores. I think I'll do some crafting to help keep the rough boring loveless day from getting to me. *wave's and grin...

    3. Deleted54170User


      ...s while passing by on the way to the shed to get out the yard work tool's I need.*
    4. Deleted54170User


      I just saw a cartoon movie last night, "Bah Hum Duck". Near the ending it is suggestive that on Christmas everyone who celebrates has an open invitation policy. Is your front door unlocked on this Eve, even so if you don't have a chimney since you've been good so Santa Claus can get in? I have present's piled to the four wall's and will be crouching with my camera to catch that special moment when he arrives. I've surmise I have been bad trying to be good.
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