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  1. I need to stop clinging to the past, its time for me to let go.
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    2. Brittn


      One must let go, but never forget. One must keep, but not horde. One must treasure, but not hide. One must realize and change. One must live, laugh and love ---this is something we all must do, and something that Im still trying to grasp, hopefully you have better luck with it than I do heheh :)
    3. Deleted54170User


      @Brittn What? Oh! Yeah. Digs around in toy box pulling them out until the floor is covered with them. Where did I put that reciept for Skyrim? o.O Oh! Yeah I taped it to the wall. Now which wall and under what layer of poster's and game sign's did I stick it? Skyrims release is only a couple of weeks away?! Oh, My! o.O I hope I find it in time?! o.O XD
    4. Deleted54170User


      Here hold this...After I found out the 4GB tool I used had been patched recently I installed and ran it, "Skyrim 4GB by MonochromeWench" And WOW AGAIN! Isn't saying enough. > http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1013
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