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About Mamiwinte

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  1. Hi Mami, still alive? Good to see you're still around.
  2. Mami! It's really good to see you're still here! I hope life's been really good to you. :D
  3. Happy New Year Mami. Hope you and your family are well.
  4. Believe it or not, lately I do not play at all. I'm alive. I do not know - that's good or bad?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AurianaValoria1
    3. TreborMarg


      I've been playing other games too (my Oblivion finally broke in a big way, lol, but I'm working on building a computer that can run Skyrim now) and I also went back to my greatest love of playing guitar everyday this last couple years. I think these things are like the seasons, they come and go, wax and wane, but our experiences will always be...
    4. TreborMarg


      ...with us. I suppose life is one big grand journey and we often return to places we've been before in our travels. It is good just being able to experience life's good and bad. The hardships we go through help us gain the strength to endure and the wisdom to more fully appreciate what life has to offer.
  5. Then warm hugs from me :)
  6. I do hope it was, is and will be. For many tomorrows. :) I , for one, am freezing.
  7. What a lovely day... :)
  8. Just peeking and saying hello. I guess you are as busy as most of us. Just don't be a stranger and let us know from time to time that you are still alive. Be well Mami.
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