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About CheesyGrin1992

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  1. It's looking good :) when you need in game testers you know where to find me :P
  2. Haha, well just keep posting here when you have news. I suppose when Lord Maddog gets back to you will be the first step. Really appreciate you giving it a bash. I'm sure other chocobo fans will too :P
  3. Well there's no real need to rush unless you want to hurry round to doing it :) the wasteland dwelling, deathclaw killing chocobo is in your hands!
  4. Ha ha! Brilliant. In that case, I'll leave it with you and you can just post when you have some news. Hurray for a wasteland dwelling chocobo!! :)
  5. Okay then. Glad it's not just me that wants a chocobo in the wastelands :)
  6. Time isn't a problem. Not too bothered about when it happens. I'm just thankful somebody is willing to do it. Thank you very much :)
  7. I know. Half of the fun will be in watching a big yellow chocobo just pecking at a deathclaw or something :) Somebody please try to make these chocobo dreams come true!!
  8. I realised it would be difficult while looking into doing it myself. But it still doesn't hurt to ask if anyone can actually do it. And yes, FFX is one of the better games, although I've always had a soft spot for FFIX :)
  9. Hi there, so the one thing I really want in my wasteland experience is a chocobo companion. Except I wouldn't have any idea where to begin with making my own. All I really want is a big yellow chocobo with a fair bit of storage space that can peck things to death.Maybe put some packs on it for aesthetics. I have looked into trying to do it myself but I just can't figure it out. If anybody can find the time to help me it would be greatly appreciated.
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