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Everything posted by AeroModss

  1. Thanks mate. Yea,I know about CTDs,eventhought I haven't made any audio mod yet.
  2. Frankly, as a 970 user, it isn't. K ENB makes it cry, and even with a moderate preset like Phinix, it just so manages to maintain 40-45 fps outdoors. And where do you think that comes from? The lack of VRAM? I did hear some people say that ENB's "should" run better on Intel, but I haven't seen anything to support it. For the most part, I'm completely convinced that the 390 is the card I'm going to want. I just wish there were more options :tongue: Like the 390 has a much higher power consumption, I'd rather take that money that I'm spending on the power consumption of the 390, and go straight for the GTX 980, but that one is like... 30% more, for a 10% increase in performance. Just be careful mate,those AMD updates are tricky and really rare.I heard that some ENBs are compatible with AMD cards
  3. Yo ! So I am making an audio mod,complete re-audio-ing of Skyrim xD And I gathered so much sound fx and music,but I don't know how to configure it properly and how to add it via CK I heard that sound has to me mono 41000 Khz in order to work in Skyrim Does anybody know any programme so that I can shange .mp3 to .wav and btw to configure the sound,and how to add it to Skyrim ? :D Thanks !
  4. Mate,you don't need any GPU that has higher than 5 GB Vram.I bet that Skyrim will never use anything above 5 BG Vram.Vram ain't only thing that counts,you have to have a good processor (for rendering physics and AI,and also generates information for rendering graphics which are sent to actual GPU) . It would be good if you had SSD,but it isn't that important.So good CPU,GPU and 8 or above GB of RAM is reccomended by me :P ;)
  5. Yoooo guys ! Today I got in this secret modders section xD And I would really appreciate if I could hear some tips from other mod authors I'm doing an audio mod for Skyrim,and if somebody knew best way to make new soundtracks (I've got already some epic music,I'm just waiting for approval from the song authors) and best way to "implement" new sounds to Skyrim I would appreciate it so much.If somebody knows some programmes and web-sites for this stuff I would really appreciate :D
  6. Yep,I thought so.Nothing is ever too easy to be made,especially with my type of luck :p :D
  7. Yooo guys. So I'm making a mod for Skyrim,again,and I would want to completely remaster Skyrim soundtracks and sounds.First of all,I want to implement some songs by really popular artists like Hans Zimmer and others.So,do I need to ask the for their permission ?
  8. In response to post #28567949. #28568274, #28568494, #28571489, #28572304, #28575029, #28575269, #28593339, #28594674, #28596009, #28596734, #28602924, #28604599, #28614394, #28614759, #28620629, #28622439, #28622704, #28630589, #28630739, #28630799, #28630989 are all replies on the same post. @Chesko Yep mate,it won't happend because of some people who have to be always different in some ways.
  9. In response to post #28567949. #28568274, #28568494, #28571489, #28572304, #28575029, #28575269, #28593339, #28594674, #28596009, #28596734, #28602924, #28604599, #28614394, #28614759, #28620629, #28622439, #28622704, #28630589, #28630739, #28630799 are all replies on the same post. Oh you see this is the problem.WE MODDERS SPEND HUNDREDS OF HOURS MAKING A MOD.You dare to make a comment like this saying all these bad things about modders,and yet you haven't released your mod because it was too bad for you or because it was too hard to do.Grow up man.Do you think we modders make our mods without any problems ? We spend hundreds upon hundreds of hours making a single mod file.And now look at the mod section bellow what people say.Come back in 5-6 months when you make a mod with the same statement you said there.But the problem is,I think you won't.
  10. In response to post #28567949. #28568274, #28568494, #28571489, #28572304, #28575029, #28575269, #28593339, #28594674, #28596009, #28596734, #28602924, #28604599, #28614394, #28614759, #28620629, #28622439, #28622704, #28630589, #28630739, #28630989, #28631099 are all replies on the same post. @Jafin16 You just hit bulls eye man,srsly.Awesome point there.
  11. In response to post #28567949. #28568274, #28568494, #28571489, #28572304, #28575029, #28575269, #28593339, #28594674, #28596009, #28596734, #28602924, #28604599, #28614394, #28614759, #28620629, #28622439, #28622704, #28630589 are all replies on the same post. Man Xilandro speaks truth.Become one of them,then you will see what is actually happening.For example,you work hundreds of hours on a mod,you see some problem almoust every day,then you spend another 2-3 hours just solving it.We didn't come here just for money,we came because we wanted to share our work and experience with other fellow authors and mod users,but only thing that donations do is to help our financial state,to help our families to pay bills by sharing some of our donations,and by motivating us to work better and harder. :D
  12. To add LODs to your trees see this post, On Dark Creations http://www.darkcreations.org/hoddminir/tree-lods-guide Or you can create tree billboards to show the distant LOD for trees. Using this tool http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60733/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D60733%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2365989&pUp=1 I have used this myself and it works very well. Thank you very much mate :D But for example,how can I fix those trees/tree LOD that appear in Skyrim when using some tree mods with tree LOD added which I haven't even put in Skyrim myself.
  13. No problem mate :D It won't be messy if you read description well and with some mod cleaning programs like TES5Edit,LOOT,Mod Manager.If you don't know something,search for tutorials on YouTube :D
  14. I would reccomend you first of all SkyUI 5.Then Unofficial patches for Skyrim and all DLCs.Then I would download Skyrim2k or other retexturing mods,then A quality World map and Solstheim map,then Static Mesh Improvment.Then I would download sound mods,like Sounds of Skyrim.Then ( xD ),I would download mods like CBBE or UNP,then Schlongs of Skyrim or Smooth male textures,Realistic water two or other water mods,some tree and flora mods like Vurt Flora Overhaul or Tamriel Reloaded Tree,some particle mods,lighning mods like Realistic Lighning Overhaul,then Supreme Storms and mods like that,Realistic needs and diseases.Armour and weapon retexturing mods,like Book of Silence,Immersive Armors and Immersive Weapons and at last some good ENB,I would reccomend K ENB,PureVision,RealVision,Sharpshooters ENB and others.Later you can download some other mods that change some smaller and more detail things :D And remember,always read description when downloading mods :D
  15. YOYOYO guys So,I'm making mod for Skyrim,I'm gonna overhaul Skyrim with trees and maybe some other flora stuff. And basically I don't know how to add LOD to them,so I can see them in distance.Everything looks empty when you look in distance,but when you come closer trees just bomb you from every side xD So basically if anybody knows how to add tree LOD to new trees I made so I can see them in distance. And one more thing.When I use different tree mods,like Tamriel Reloaded Trees and Vurts Flora Overhaul,in Creation Kit I get weird tree LOD which I can't move and which I didn't place there,but in the game it appears like ussual tree or low res tree LOD.Infact,it only happend with Tamriel Reloaded Tree,not with Vurts Flora Overhaul,yet.So if anybody has any solutions,I would really appreciate it. THANK YOU !
  16. Since I'm only at high-school math level,and that is some mad ass mathemathics there,I would guess around.........instantly ?? xD :D
  17. Wait wait wait.Are you saying TES6 is maybe coming out in 2016 ? Man,I'll frickin die till then.I thought about a year ago that TES6 might come out in 2016,but hell nope,they are releasing it in 2018...
  18. No problem mate.Just be sure to check out mod's description.You can always find some good stuff in there ;)
  19. Looks messed up mate.Try running LOOT or one of the programms mates above said and check what the problems are.And again think about the mods you have.And everytime you download a mod,READ CAREFULLY THE MOD DESCRIPTION because there is a reason why mod author writes some fixes. :D
  20. I don't know should I be happy or not,if this is reality or not.Check this out guys : http://imgur.com/ROxZ8ji
  21. If you have a little bit of knowledge about ENBs,you can configure the ENB to your wishes and your PC limitations.Just go to the enblocal.ini and the main enb file (which I cant remember its name now since im on holiday and I cant check its name xD ).You basically have all the options for ENB settings there,and all you nees is to configure them to your wishes.But then,if you jist configured Somber ENB,and if you want to upload it,I think you need to ask ENB author if you could upload like performance version of ENB so you dont have issues with copyright and tgose stuff.
  22. Mate,if you are on budget PC,buy then cheapest GTX 970, and some i5 processor,and 8gb of ram min.
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