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About Rhasyel

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    Fallout 3, Dead Space, Gothic III, Assassin\\\'s Creed, Prototype, Left 4 Dead 2, Crysis 2 [more...]
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    Fallout 3

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  1. Sorry for the double post, but there is no need for help anymore: I've solved the problem by simply starting a new game. Thank you all for the assistance, anyway. Now I only have to figure out why my Creation Kit doesn't open (while before fixing this problem, it did)! I sincerely appreciate it, anyway.
  2. Thank you for answering too. Do you think that reinstalling Skyrim completely is the best choice?
  3. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think it was annoying. Anyway, I'll do it, and I thank you for your help. Hopefully, it'll even work!
  4. Aye, it is. I've both Steam and Skyrim. Does it actually matter, if I may ask?
  5. I have no idea how it happened. I have recently downloaded the Creation Kit for Skyrim, and I've overwritten the files I was asked to overwrite, in the Script and Script/Source folders. Now, the game opens far more slowly (too much slowly), and not only that, but I also can't play the game at all, since it crashes every time I try to load a savegame. Now I'm going pretty crazy, trying to figure out by myself what happened, and how to solve it, but I'm afraid that I can't really jump to a conclusion. If anybody could help me, it'd be really, really appreciated. Thanks to anyone who might want to help me.
  6. I've been here just for one, maybe two months, but I respect the Nexus and his community (staff AND common users) for the great job they've done for the Fallout 3 players. TO THE NEXUS! *Raises glass*
  7. Well, I think you should go on with the episodes, but I suggest you to do one little thing: call someone for the voice acting. Being just a voice sometimes may be confusing.
  8. 238. - Despite your best efforts in the Wasteland and FOR the Wastelanders, you are still WORTH. A. GODDAMN. s***. 239. - People can be SO stupid, that when someone is armed only with a leather dress and a baseball bat, he will (following a strange and unusual pulse called 'suicide') carelessly shout and insult another person; which is usually staring at him in a perfect conditioned Power Armor, and is obviously pointing a Minigun (or even worse) at him, in response. 240. - Gain money, weaponry, reputation; make good services for the Wasteland and the Wastelanders; kill thousands of people, Mutants, whatever you want; make the Wasteland a better place. STILL NOT GETTING LAID.
  9. 187. - Brotherhood of Steel. The only guild that keeps one tradition all the time, in all the centuries: getting slaughtered all the time. 188. - Enclave. The only guild that will constantly have better equipment, better men and everything, but will be defeated by one man. 189. - Outcasts. The only guild that... Well, they're cool, but they're a bunch of assholes. 190. - Behemoths. If you can defeat ALL of them, ain't you supposed to be considered as a sort of God?
  10. 171. - Dave's Republic is... not actually a republic. 172. - The "army" of Dave's Republic is the biggest one in the whole Wasteland. Oh, sorry. Wrong subject. 173. - Dave: "My army is the best, and my Republic too!" Lone Wanderer: "..." *Calls in a bunch of heavy troopers using Enclave Commander* *Troopers land and kill everyone inside the "Republic".* 174. - Don't feed Yao Guai.
  11. So, I imagine that almost everyone here knows the well-famous saga of Killzone, which is developed by Guerrilla. Now, I had an idea. What would happen if a modder/a group of modders would try to develop an entire set of equipment (armors, weapons and gears) coming from Killzone? And that's it, now there's George, with the weather forecast.
  12. 154. - Everything is inevitably contaminated by radiations, except for alcohol. 155. - Doesn't matter the Apocalypse, there's always time for going to bed with Nova. 156. - Uncle Leo is Strutting. 157. - Once, there was Megaton. Then, a big lightning. And a suite in Tenpenny Tower. 158. - Even if you blow Megaton, Moira Brown (that b**ch!) will still be alive. 159. - Dukov's Place is always surrounded by Enclave, usually an officer, two or three random troopers, and... a Deathclaw. But instead of being slaughtered, everyone will live happily, ignoring what is "hiding" behind the corner.
  13. 126. - When an army of Super Mutant Behemoths meets the Mysterious Stranger... well, you know what will happen to the Mutants. 127. - If something is ticking, and you don't see any trap... it's below you. 128. - "Mess with it, and we're gonna have a problem." 129. - When you come back to the Vault, and Wally Mack says that he is better than you, he probably doesn't ever DARE to imagine that you made your own way through the whole Wasteland, killing almost EVERYTHING in it, with your own skills. And, when he insults you with a baseball bat, he probably needs to know that you got HEAVY equipment. Aimed at his head. And when he says that his father is a hero... well, you MUST tell him that yours saved the whole Wasteland by trying to fix the Purifier. And, uh... kill him silently. 130. - Don't even DARE to save a place twice. 131. - 78% of the Fallout 3 players knows that your mom dies first just because she's black.
  14. 115. - Shishkebabs ARE made for cooking. And guess what. 116. - The Experimental MIRV is the source and the solution of ALL your problems. 117. - Addictions are more lethal than Radiations.
  15. I SWEAR, I kept cursing at that, and didn't want to look at it. I have a natural repulsion for hallucinations. It's really complicated, it's something in my mind. But... never mind. Anyway: the creepiest moment? Mmh, let me think. *Thinks.* *Thinks.* *Thinks.* Wait. I don't think. But I guess the most creepiest moment was THIS. No, really, I mean... Did you see that?
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