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About joebobfickle

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  1. Would it be possible for someone to make a mod that ads a room in the cellar of Lakeview that has Vampire Cattle (3-5 male and female mixed)? Similar to The dungeon in Volikar Castle
  2. Every time I fast travel I have to feed, I like the perks of being a vampire, but needing to feed every single time I fast travel is just too much of a chore. Would be amazing if someone could make a mod that would let you double, triple, or quadruple the time before you degenerate to the next stage of Vampirism
  3. WE know youll get it going. thanks for the update and the hard work! Skyrim wouldnt be the same without the Nexus
  4. Is it possible to hotkey a console command? for example can i bind a Force weather command to a number key, so i could just hit the number and have the weather change instantly? i know there are weather mods, but id like a little more control
  5. By going through and more carefully reading the readme's i have solved this problem
  6. A few days ago I learned how to use OBMM, I installed OBMM,OBSE and Python/wrye bash. So that I could get all the mods i want. Today i spent 3 hours downloading and using OBMM to install about 15 mods. now when i try to launch Oblivion it wont start. screen goes black like its going to launch and then it just quits back to windows. I need some help troubleshooting because theres some things I dont understand. Questions as follows 1. using OBMM I created Omods by "create > Add Folder > create omod" I did this with ALL of the mods and they all now show as BLUE. but not all of the mods show up on the left list where you can change load order and not all of them show up on the Oblivion launchers "data files". Even though OBMM shows the mod as being installed and active can the mod still not be in Oblivion yet? 2. How do I troubleshoot this? 3. when i "activate" a mod on OBMM does it also do it in the Oblivions "Data Files" list and vice versa? I'm still really new at this so i apologize if i did something foolish..im really enjoying oblivion mods....so all help is appreciated thanks.
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