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About Tapio75

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  1. Litle backround first, very litle ;) I am visually impaired player and while i am able to almost fully play many games, its always problematic when you need to aim in real time and do this without any aim assist. It has not been a problem in TES games, as using melee weapons have always been easy, just hack&Slahs, right, no need to much aim amd inm Fallout games, there has been V.A.T.S which is a lightsaber.. Err lifesaver. But now it is Starfield which in many ways, is my favorite game as i always loved space and futuristic games and even with the many flaws on its cosmos exploration part, its still much fun, but combat is problematic. Everyone is basically using ranged weapons and the players melee system is very lacking, i really wish melee would be straight port from Skyrim as that felt like being connectcted to actual character and it had nice moves dependin on how you moved.. The main problem in Starfield is total absence of aim assist while using keyboard+mouse combo and i really cant use controller and what i hentrollr and what i hear, even there it does not work for all and i did try to add tthe aim assist lines to starfieldcustom.ini just in casse if it would work for mouse but no, ssadly. So what i was thinking, is that maybe V.A.T.S would be portable to Starfield from Fallout, as that would greatly help my play and i could also do litle fighting instead of using very easy difficulrty, wait fort companion too maybe kill some enemies while i spray clip after clip of ammo to general direction of the enemy. Other even better would be tro have Elder Scrolls Online type aim assist which in there works nicely when using bow or staff, you just point very close to the enemy and it hits them even if you are aiming a bit off. Something that you could use with1st and 3rd person camera as well. I would attempt to try doing something like that myself, but i have not been able to use that modding tool since Oblivion as all the text and elements are just too small for my current vision so i was thinking that if there would be some kind person or persons out there that could attempt to make something like that for me and other like me. Thank you for reading this and thank you for any interest to this issue :)
  2. Still needing suggestions. Not sure what to try and install :) There is Elegy. Is that any good? Does it remove leveling of enemies and myself out of the question, as leveling makes no sense to me in any other means but making you get more skills and get better. I dont want to be godlike either :D
  3. So. the problem i am facing, is that i have quite a few mods. None actually touch toughness of enemies exept mortal enemies, which as i understand it, only affect their and my movement and hit arches. Currently i am living in Skyrim, where some wolves are one shotted, when the wolf is different color, it can take quite a bit of beating.. Fur is fur whether it is ice wolf or wolf. If i play on adept, the bandits i came across are all one shottable which i dont like as while other time i can come across infinite stamina shield wielding bandit, that just keeps blocking everything and i have to hack him for 10 minutes to put him down while a mighty dragon on the other hand, dies easily in couyple of blows. When i change to legendary, most enemies feel good. bandits give up a decent fight exept the occasional half an hour shield wielding blockbuster bandit or that backpeddling infinite magicka mage who just keeps channeling frostbite on me, slowing me down and eating my stamina, cant catch him not to mention if there are more than one of those. Then again when i change to adept, all the bandits dies instantly exept the blockbuster or backpeddler but then i come across a spriggan, which my stamina or health cant withstand for the 10 minute bashin with sword it takes to kill that spriggan. Yes, after couple of deaths i turned on TGM and tested how long i had to keep slashing to kill it. It took about 3-4 minutes which really ois what i mean with 10 minutes. Enemies dont seem to be in balance andi just dont want to one shot anything while others need tgm to kill without death. I dont really want great challenges exept on few bosses, but i want nice fight which is not one shot and also not 4 minutes long and that it reflects well on the enemys status as tough, skilled and so forth. Dragons should be the top guys here i think. I wish to play immersively. I dont really want to go and load over and over again to actually get something killed, not at least if its normal world enemy and not a boss or a dragon. Anyways. I have some mods that add NPC to the world like populated Skyrim-Hell edition and wonder how those balancing mods do with added mobs? Anyway. What i am looking for, is not really the basic "Makes fights more difficult and interesting" but more like "Balanced and taking off the greatest difficulty differencies between enemies". So what i am looking for, is something that is aimed to make it more balanced rather than more deadly and i do not want to one shot stuff but i donmt want to sped minutes which in gametime, is couple of hours to fight one enemy. Any suggestions? Thanks :)
  4. So. A short explanaion why i would like this sort of mod. There are many speed mods with many nice options but i just feel all of them are just perfect on walk speed but too slow on run.. Or too fast walking with sprinter run and superhero sprint.. Or that sneak run is too fast or too slow or that weapon drawn penalty is too drastic on walk speed but run is too fast for cautios adventurer who is not sneaky and so forth.. So this leads me to aask, if this sort of mod is possible? A movement speed mod with MCM menu where you can tweak -base walk -run -Sprint -penalty when weapon is drawn or magick -option to tweak sneak run/walk separately -Various other speeds perphaps -Option to have NPC speed be same or changed separately You get the idea? Might be that this is not possible but if it were, i wpould love this kind of mod.
  5. So hello. I was just wondering.. Or perphaps been wondering this the whole time i played SE. Very brief history of moving to SE. I thought to take advantage of improved stuff and installed it. Did not really even try it as vanilla, only looked it started right and proceeded to modding. Got tens of mods installed and they included some walkin animations too. Now when my character walks, it feels natural whenever the surface she walks is plain and straight but in stairs for example. The feet just continue the same locomotion, not really interested they are actually stepping on stairs. This feels very wrong and i very clearly remember that in basic Skyrim, i was always glad to see character so well connected to the ground. Always stepping on stairs or following the surface like the gravity really matters and so forth. looked good and also worked with Victoria high heels mod back there with other animation replacers. Now i am using sexy moves for the basic animation and XPMSE skeleton and UUNP body. i am not sure if theree is some additional physics mods needed to make the walking animation follow the ground on stairs and uneven surfaces, but i would really like to know if i can somehow get this to work(And if it even works with SE). I did not have any physics mods installed on noral Skyrim. I hope i described my problem well enough. I have hard time thinking how to state it. Its like in ESO, the fake physics make characters walk stairs like normal people if ticked and in Skyrim it also worked that way but not in my current SE installation. I would like it to work in SE too. Bothers me too much when character feels floating or sliding on the stairs and so forth. Maybe i need a reinstall for everything, but i dont want to do that as my saves wont propably work after that. Thanks for reading :)
  6. Taking ownership of a lone horse is indeed a nice feature. I just stumbled upon a dragon attack where the dragon possibly ate the poor man riding a horse or something. Anyways there was a horse left behind and Lydia was without horse at that point so i saved the horse, took ownership and gave her to Lydia and now we are happiuly riding where ever adventure calls :) On oddity though. My horse that i bought from Whiterun, had a "Steal" label on it after i took ownership of the other horse, but it went away when i mounted and journey onwards.
  7. Yeah. I changed to immersive horses, and while there was no adjustments as is, there was a trot button that did the trick for now plus in top of all, there was also mounted casting which does not work very well, but it works well enough with bound swords so its great. I hope it works the same with bound bow :)
  8. Nevermind. Immersive horses did the trick :)
  9. Playing a mage here. I dont seem to be able to use any magick while riding but i can use melee and bow. is this normal? I am using convenient horses so i am not sure if that gives the mounted combat ability or is it built in feature.. But the whole point of being a mage using just bound weapns goes away, when you cant cast spells on horseback. Help? Any mod that could fix this or is this a problem just i have? Seem to be plenty mounted magick mods for Skyrim, but not found any for SSE.
  10. I remember that faintly, thanks for suggestion. I have to try it when the Draugr give me a chance :D Convenient horses though lacking in some parts, is immersive and it has a bit of a funny twits on the quest too so that makes it nice to at least try :)
  11. Heya there. So i remember having a mod in basic Skyrim, that worked much like convenient horses, but it had more options in the configuration menu like speed adjustments to walk, trot and gallop. I currently have convenient horses, but it only seems to give option to increase speeds. What i would really love to have, is one that gives ability to adjust them via configuration menu like i did in Skyrim (Basic). Currently i have browsed through many horse speed mods, but they all just incrrease speed. While i am happy to have slightly faster walk so i can be faster when i travel (I use immersive speeds), the trot in base game is allready too fast compared to gallop, which is only slightly faster that trot. What i would love, is to have something like walk on setting 140 or so.. and gallop at 450 while having trot in somewhere between like 300 or so. So, i was wondering if such mod with adjustable mount speeds allready exists or maybe if someone can make one or port the one from Skyrim, if anyone else remembers what its name was. Thanks for reading :smile:
  12. And now i seem to have this problem. It occurred after i installed UUNP body+face replacer and tried couple of times it happens ALWAYS after installing that mod, no matter if its installed on clean install or modded install. Could rally use some help on fixing this, as i persists even after removing the mod :sad: EDIT: Looks like this was caused by "Racemenu" nod and the problem only occueewd for me, when using UUNP body. Uninstalling racemenu removed the problem
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