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Everything posted by aerocool

  1. Greetings! Some time ago I saw an armor mod of the Tera Online (can´t remember which mod was or where I found it, and I have not already)whith Tera heads converted to circlets. In first person we can see the heads of Tera Online, no the skyrim head mesh. Anyone know how to make that a custom nif head appears as an armor helmet?. There are a lot of beautiful head meshes of famous people (Angelina Jolie of Foaman and Omega99jp, and a lot more...) but they are unplayable, only for Companions. It would be fantastic if this option could be possible, to use that heads as armor parts. It doesn´t matter if the lips don´t move. Thank you!
  2. Hi! First thing that I was thinking is deactivate all mods and reactivate one by one until find the one that is doing CTD... But if you don´t have any mod I don´t know wat to say... Do you try to deactivte Unnoficial Patch? (only to see if this is the cause)
  3. Hi! I have a 5850 1GB (gpu 725@800) which is similar to a 560 (560ti is a bit faster) and don´t have problems with fps (exterior 25-45, interior 50-60+) with a lot of textures HD (not the SkyrimHD complete, only for interiors and some citys and other HD textures for exteriors) and 1080p. My other specs are q6600 ([email protected]) 8GB DDR2 1000, SSD Samsung 830 256, and the Skyrim tweaked a lot (ugrids=7 and a lot of modifications to the .ini). You should not have serious problems with fps... But ENB is fps killer, I don´t use it because my fps down to the half (15fps is unplayable). Try to disable it and install an illumination mod like "Realistic Lighting" (great improvement without fps loss).
  4. Problem seems solved. :biggrin: I load a save with a clear day, tried some rain console commands, and there was the rain. After that I load again that save and wait for the game to give me a raining day, and there was the rain. Maybe the problem is solved, not sure 100%, I will play some days more to see this. Steve40, thanks for the console commands idea, not sure if this was the solution, but rain drops apears after that. Gamefever, thanks for the ideas of the folders and textures, I tried that, but there wasn´t changes. Maybe it was a combination of the two solutions, thank you very much! :biggrin: PD: I have these bug 2 months :P I should post this time ago XD
  5. Hi! I have a problem whith rain (drop sounds, lightning and thunders OK) but rain don´t shows. But I have pine leafs floating on air, instead of water drops :facepalm: . I don´t thing the bug is from a Mod because all mods and DLC deactivated and problem persist, I thing that I have this problem from Patch (but not sure 100%). I tried some Rain mods, but the same result, can´t see the drops of water. :wallbash: Someone can help please? Thanks! The images. I have marked some of the floating pine leafs: http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/1269/screenshot96v.jpg http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/2484/screenshot95l.jpg
  6. 5850 is old, it is not in production, that price is very expensive today. Today it should cost 100€ If you want a good card for 2-3 years (may be more, depends on whether you like to play with all the detail), look for the gtx660. It is faster than my 5850 (30-50% in function of the game), and has 2GB Ram. The 660 is only a little slow than the old top gtx580 http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/512?vs=660 I was planning to buy a gtx670 4GB for the Oblivion and Skyrim with Full HD Textures and ENB, but are very expensive (420€), I think better not, the game is fluid for me (no ENB) with my old card. I will wait. But you will notice a lot of graphic improvement with the 660 and will be able to modify the game with some MODs, and Nvidia has other functions out of games, some programs can make use of CUDA processors (ATI hasn´t it) Whith 650 you will play fluid too to Vanilla Skyrim but for future games may be slow card (1 year playing wel?) Before buy one card or other, see reviews. A good page of Mods is http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/ PD: maybe a core i5 2.8GHz is something limited for a medium-high card. You can try a little overclocking to 3.2GHz (I have my old Q6600 2.4GHz to 3.4GHz) But you will notice a lot of graphic improvement with a new card. ^^
  7. Hi! 5450 vs 650 = 650 is far faster (3-5 times better?) 650 vs 5850 (my card) = 5850 better (50% faster) 650 may be good for High. I have a 5850 and can play vanilla Skyrim to 1080p and Ultra to 50fps more or less. And with 1080p + ugrids=7 + Textures HD (not the SkyrimHD Mod) + Lots of custom parametres in .ini I can play fluid to 30-50 fps in exterior, and +60fps in interior. Much better a gtx660 but is more expensive. 650 = 110€ (MSI) 660 = 210€ (Gigabyte)
  8. Hi! I have the same problem (lightning and thunders ok) but rain dont shows, but I have pine needles (leaf) floating on air. I don´t thing the bug is from a Mod, I thing that I have this problem from Patch (but not sure 100%), all mods and DLC deactivated and problem persist. Someone can help us?
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