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Everything posted by Perrinwolf

  1. I got a Kudos. *Flexes.*
  2. Only I seen that came close is a spellbook sorter Midas+oblivion spell swap. for midas magic and oblivion vanilla spell list by school or by oblivion or midas only. Also a outfit sorter that switches outfits and weapons from battle to city wear and sleepwear and so on. Equip armor and weapon swap.
  3. Set Body Mod. Sometimes I have a probelm with npcs not having bbb as well. I work around to this probelm hitting the npc with a body type changing spell. It starts working right away. Even if it's the same exact body type you already have as your main body. Say for example c-cup upper, m bottom HGEC. And you casted set body C-cup upper and m bottom. The BBB animation will start. At least it has for me. If it's still not working maybe you might have too many animation mods. Since deadly reflexs and nomaam have many conflicts. Mostly with drawn and used weapon animations.
  4. Hello and thank you for responding. If all you can do are the midas spells for now. That would be great. I don't mind daedric runes at all. I was just tossing out ideas for modders to use if they were going to work on it. As for getting midas's author permission I will for ask it myself. I'll be sending a message right away. Is their any other help you like for this project. My skills are poor to zero as a modder. But I'm willing to help you and hope to inspire others to join in.
  5. Well. I'm not sure which of the midas magic spells have the magic circles. But I would like the circles and knots for almost all vanilla spells. Animated would be a major plus.
  6. Greetings faceshifter I know midas magic has eyeball creature and tentacles and maybe spiders as well. I know other mods have spider. Most are tarantula like. As for other sources for the bosses. I wouldn't know. I wonder if theirs a flesh wall and floor mesh/textures out there. Would be like your in the belly of a beast. As for your first PS. I think this is for those players that want high leveled hard boss fight for hero/heroine character. 30+ level experience. Hopeing they not going to be big cheats wear things that give them +500 reflect damage and spells at the time. When they fight these bosses. But "to each their own." As for your PPPS. I would be willing to explain the fight in detail from the bosses I have picked. Makes me wonder if their is a walk on walls mod out there. Would be useful for spider boss encounter. If your interested still in putting together the mod. I'll try helping or even testing if you want. We can move to pms.
  7. When I saw the title topic. I thought you were talking about the summon creature from Final fantasy series.
  8. What I'm looking for is something similar to Diablorobes casting morph/circle/rune. What I'm looking for are casting circles. Arcane writing in patterns of circle, Celtic and Nordic knot pattern. With them appearing by the hands of caster or on the ground for conjuring creatures. Different pattern color and type for each school would be cool as well. For example. Illusion would have a green pattern celtic knot appear on the hand of caster and shading on target if any. I seen that shadings can appear on the character as well as the target. I'll link some circles, Celtic and Norse knots. Also some possible arcane writing patterns. Circles. The first circle close to what I like. With the glow the pattern with runes. The center part not so good. The second circle has a good pattern and wording. Just needs a good color and glowing effect. Circle one Circle two Celtic knots. The three knot patterns are good. Needs runes in between the lines and a color and glow effect. Celtic knot one Celtic knot two Celtic knot three Norse knots. Pretty much like the celtic knots. Need color a glow effect and runes within. Or arcane writing. Norse knot one Norse knot two Runes or writing patterns to use. Norse Runes Greek alphabet Quenya Text Hope someone interested in this as well.
  9. Like a long pistol and rifle with gatling gun look. Bronze/brass coloring. Close to this example below.http://www.paulfrasercollectibles.com/upload/public/docimages/Image/s/u/b/GatlingGun.jpg http://entry.neocron.com/news/GatlingFamily1.jpg
  10. Mod called Xeos. Don't think their is one on Tesnexus. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22787 Need to download in mirrors. Since it's older then chocolate elves in MBP. They most likely never been added as replacements. You can get more npcs. From something like better cities. But better cities just gives you vanilla races to add with all the race changes the xeo adds. Modular beautiful people needed I believe plus x117 would help too. Could try looking up xeo5 in google and xeorc4 and maybe ice elf xeo II or 2 most of the sites I found these on. are japanese.
  11. If can't get your mask. Here a mod with a bunch already made. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17943
  12. Well reading this over. I might have an idea that might be a little better. You can have sort of babel's tower or gilgamesh's tower sort of place to hold this in. I assume you still want the dungeon crawl feel before reaching the end bosses. So you fight minions to reach the next arena door to the next boss. You can set up one arena like the one you fight in the imperial city. Maybe recolor for different bosses. Could be almost like the anime (The Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk and The Tower of Druaga: The Sword of Uruk.) Boss fights I like to see. First C'thun from world of warcraft's AQ40 should be youtube videos of it. Makes a great end boss. Death beam attack. Inside it's body acid pools. Tentacles, Eyebeam stalks and snaking maw to grab player into body. The fight might be a little complex for a single player with companions. But can be done. Midas magic has tentacles that could be used. C'thun is based off H.P. Lovecraft's old ones. Link to video for battle. part1 http://www.youtube.com/user/AlexxTMlKo#p/a/u/1/FbZ-UswNxTQ Second The praying mantis/crab like beast from Genonosis arena from starwars. keywords (star wars attack of the clones arena battle). Easy to find video on youtube. Third Shelob's boss Like from LOTR. Arena of darkness. Only lite by an object the player was able to get in dungeon crawl or boss battle before this boss. Once again easy youtube video to find.
  13. This the only mod I know off hand that you might not seen yet. Droid space station. Haven't try it myself. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37332
  14. Could try to google for images. and try to match links to the armors you liked.
  15. This makes me think of the panda race in world of warcraft game. Good luck on getting it done.
  16. I myself don't know. I was thinking that someone make a companion from the tiny fairy race. They would need to add something to the effect whenever loading screen event ended, to input minus key. Which is used as the flight key for the character race from the description I have read. Minus key is for flight. While equal sign is to landing. I believe the bracket keys are for flight speed. [speed] http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34953 is the link to the race. Their are Two versions. I picked what I think would be better choice of the two. Ideally I would like to cloth it like in dryad outfit from midas magic patch costumes outfits. Butterfly wings would be cool too.
  17. I like Saeko's outfits in Highschool of the dead manga and anime. Was hoping someone that makes clothes/armor could slap together something like this. Link http://www.miccostum...ama-d3de8pg.jpg or http://th05.devianta...331-d32qi8y.jpg Also. Most maid outfits don't break the outfit into pieces. But I like to have just an apron top. Like in this picture. http://fc00.devianta...tor-d354zvp.png And if your really feeling up to it. Go for the other girls as well. ;)
  18. Thank you. I think this what I'm looking for. I hope to figure if it working later. Wished was a English version on Tesnexus for it. :)
  19. I don't want to play this race as my main character. But I would like it as a companion. It would work like most companions. But I think it would need a short script. To make her fly off the ground. I assume flight resets every time your on a loading screens. Anyone willing to take up the project. Would be great if you did.
  20. I like the steampunk type of armor. I have a few examples from google that could help if anyone interested in doing them. I would like Tatiana outfit from the last exile. Moeyo Ken has few some what steampunk like armor. Hard to find google pictures for them. GunValkyrie has some very good steam punk like design armor. Good amount of google pictures and youtube videos. Maybe someone could convert the halo ghost. at http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=36581 Into a vanship two seats, ideally. But I guess the coding for the two seats, wouldn't be easy. And the Dwemer skyship. at http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=30355 into skyship of Silverna or the Anatoray warships. I figure the dwemer railroad. at http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=18203 Might make a good above ground transport as well. But I think it would only work on a remade landscape. Would be too much work for vanilla Oblivion. As for weapons. Some in the last exile are okay. Would like a handgun that was like a cross between revolver and a gatling gun. Even rifle version of it would be cool looking as well. If anyone else has some steampunk examples or ideas. Or even mods I've overlooked. Feel free to post it. Funny idea. The world so full of magic. And yet they didn't invent the wheel. No wheel barrels. No water wheel houses. No windmills. No horse carts or carriages. Not even rickshaws. Guess we see those in elder scrolls 6. :P
  21. I know of a few bears in the Cheydinhal petshop mod. Maybe one of those can be of use.
  22. I believe midas magic already has a spell just like that. Suggest you check it out.
  23. In Skingrad their are three houses close together. Rosethorn manor, Summitmist manor and Toutius Sextius' house. I try most of the rosethorn manor mods. Some are nice. But all have no added bedding for companions. *** Spoiler alert. *** Summitmist manor is basically unused house after the dark brotherhood quest Whodunit? Also the Toutius Sextius' house becomes unused after Paranoia quest if you let Glarthir kill everyone. Which I normally do. *** Spoiler ends. *** What I'm suggesting is linking the three houses using second or third story bridges / walkways to link the three together. Making the other 2 player owned and friendly for companion characters. Something that added buyable option. At the Colovian Traders. Shoot even price it 25,000 gold. Or higher since getting two extra houses in the deal. Not even going to suggest having Eyja ai for all three. But I do suggest making the walkways link to the other houses. Be Better cities friendly. I have no clue how easy or hard this might become to make. But I have zero skill or understanding on making a mod in Oblivion. Just looking to turn a high middle class house into a high noble estate.
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