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About Ellendar12

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  1. Yeah I hate to parrot what's already been said, but I had to get an addblocker for the website because I couldn't open more than a couple tabs to compare similar mods without the adds nearly crashing my browser. Add on top of that the multiple videos automatically playing with full volume sound and horribly optimized high resolution videos it was a mess. Thank you for trying to get a handle on it and I know how much of a mess working with other companies can be, especially when you give them a window in to yours that you have minimum control or even knowledge over.
  2. In response to post #36113280. #36113495, #36113620, #36113775, #36113885, #36115700 are all replies on the same post. The thing is though the point of a beta is for those bugs to actually annoy you enough that you actually report them. I imagine with console enabled every time you hit a minor bug many people will just console fix it and keep on rolling rather than giving bethesda the information they need to actually fix things. Remember, a beta isn't put our for our benefit, betas exist for the benefit of the development team and it isn't a surprise that it is designed for their benefit rather than our enjoyment.
  3. I feel bad making a request such as this, but is it possible to make a fencer style class, complete with different attack animations. I've played around with modding a bit, but I feel I'm way out of my depth when it comes to changing animations etc... I just rather wish I could have a proper Zorro or musketeer style dualist. Animations would likely include many lunges, quick slashes, flourishes, and lots of evasion and sidestepping of enemy attacks. Alas however as I said, I'm afraid such a mod is beyond my abilities.
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