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Everything posted by JosiahG

  1. I reinstalled morrowind on a newly purchased laptop today. I manually went in and reinstalled the very limited amount of mods I was playing with on the old laptop. It's still telling me I'm missing some important files when I go to load my character save but I really don't know what that could be. I was hardly using any mods to begin with and none of them, that I'm aware of, had anything to do with spells or spell FX. I am using Morrowind Code Patch but I didn't see anything in there that would affect the game like this. I took screen shots with my phone of all the mods I needed to reinstall before hand just so I wouldn't miss any. Now when I use a "Bound (weapon)" spell it immediately locks the game. I have to brute force the application closed with task manager and such. To be more specific.. through trial and error I've realized that it isn't the spell that does it, it's when I EQUIP a bound weapon. I still had my bound bow in my inventory when I booted up my recent save and simply trying to equip it locked the game. Same goes with summoning a custom spell variant or a variant bought from a spell seller. Also tried starting a new character and using a the basic dagger summon spell, also froze. I'm just using MCP, Galsiah's Character Development, better bodies and heads, graphic herbalism, HD Vanilla texture part 1, wey's argonians, MK's khajiits, some of the MEL vanity packs, and that's about it.. I know this isn't much to go off of. I'm not really an experienced modder or anything. Has anyone here had anything similar happen?
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