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Everything posted by werr92

  1. Maybe your alias doesn't get filled, maybe you don't call a function to display quest objects, maybe you don't have quest objects... Hard to tell by looking only at almost blank Reference Alias window.
  2. Create a formlist and put all desired VoiceTypes there. Then you can pick this formlist in GetIsVoiceType condition function, meaning every VoiceType from this formlist are okay to use.
  3. You extracted it to the wrong directory. It should be meshes\lod. Well basically, you extract lod meshes to the folder they are dedicated to: if you open in CK any static which has LOD specified, take a look a the path as that's the rout the extracted meshes need to follow. Simply speaking, creation kit can't take lod nifs from the ba2 archive you need to manually extract them from it and keep the same way, so that it would be valid. And what's for the 'tgatextures' folder - that's the folder for tga textures obviously, just as name suggests.
  4. That might sound funny, but do you actually have fuz files for your dialogue? It's not reliable to make any judgment without those, because skyrim's engine... well, lets just say it can omit lines if they're unvoiced. This happened to the number of people.
  5. You can always add cells with tes5edit or create a heightmap of the desired size in geocontrol and then import it into esp (ck's buit-in HM editor allows you to create 64x64 cells worldspace). You will get an issue with a wall of tree lod if your world is bigger than 64x64 cells. But that is to be fixed in xedit as well.
  6. Uh? Why?Because when the game calls for a reference and that reference doesn't exist, game crashes. In other words, such approach makes impossible for users to play with other mods which alter the same references.
  7. Well... to start with, everything you need to adjust is Conditions to fire the quest in SM Event Node. if you want a specific quest (random encounter) to start at a specific location, then set GetEventData (New Location) to be the one you want. you should be looking at Change Location Event branch of SM Event Node, ofc.
  8. Never. Never delete the vanilla references from the master file.
  9. I don't want to look down on you or offense you in any way, but when you're saying you have digged the whole internet inside out and the next thing you do is ask this question about the scripting basics... Try to read the official wiki first, it tells you exactly how to treat papyrus and whatnot. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Main_Page It's great, got a lot of useful information. This site will become you number one friend, your partner, your peculiar lover. What I would recommend you do is open Scripting Reference and read all about scripts first.
  10. https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=DirectX_Scan_Codes
  11. I had this issue when I packed textures into BA2 with compression setting set to "XBOX One compression". When I flagged "No compression" - it was totally fine.
  12. Good to know, my depiction of the world hasn't been changed! )) I asked that in the first place because of what I did with the properties and it confused me a bit. Here. No warnings or errors.
  13. Sorry for bumping into your thread, but since we're talking limitations here... I'm aware of the limit of 128 elements for an array. But recently I've tried something unthinkable. I defined an array as property and was able to create more than 128 elements. It was, of course, for science. That lead me to a question, is there really a limitation of 128, or such array will be unable to operate with positions, which index is greater than 127 ??
  14. Just a side note. If you decide to go with 'Start Game Enabled', then, please, for the love of Jesus Christ, please shut it down when you get everything you want from it. Don't leave it in RAM, this is junk. Care for your mod users.
  15. It always works for me, when I simply convert ESP to ESM with Tes4Gecko. Though, haven't converted anything after that CK update.
  16. You mean no editing records directly? Like an NPC in the Actor window? You can always modify Actor Values through script. Create a new blank quest with a script on it: Scriptname Prefix_QuestSCRIPT extends Quest ActorValue property Health auto Float property fHealthValue auto ;=====List of actors=========== Actor property Actor01 auto Actor property Actor02 auto Actor property Actor03 auto . . . . . Actor property ActorNN auto Event OnQuestInIt() Actor01.SetValue(Health, fHealthValue) Actor02.SetValue(Health, fHealthValue) Actor03.SetValue(Health, fHealthValue) . . . . . ActorNN.SetValue(Health, fHealthValue) Stop() EndEvent
  17. My guess is you have 'Prevent player from exiting dialogue' ticked in a dialogue scene. Remove that flag.
  18. Hello, people. The title explains itself. It's known that we are not allowed to use 3d assets from different Bethesda games in our mods due to legal issues (many assets were made not by them but by outsourcers). What is a question for me, however: does the same goes to "porting" audio files? Say some sound FX and character phrases?? P.s. Does anybody know if the musical themes from "Heroes of Might and Magic 3" can be used in mods? (Probably all of that sounds silly, but, nonetheless, is relevant to me)
  19. Why would you flag both of them as "Ghost Actor"? You know, they are unable to recieve Hit events that way, right? Also, it's not a mistake, but still... Why? Do you really need to appeal to your master quest script here? You're not calling any functions from it. Just: Wiggy.GetActorReference().DrawWeapon() Utility.Wait(0.5) Wiggy.GetActorReference().PlayIdleWithTarget(KillPaired, f*#@y.GetActorReference()) is enough. Try to test it with any other paired animation first (pa_ prefix in CK). If they run okay, then it should be a problem with your custom animation file.
  20. You can't throw anything you want at the compiler and hope it'll do. You must follow the syntax. I assume you're aiming here for either SetValue() or ModValue().
  21. You create a scene with these npcs, or, at least, with that one who's gonna be talking. And a trigger that starts scene when the second character enters it. That's all.
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