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About Remeian

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  1. Be glad people, I have to wait till saturday :psyduck:
  2. Awesome! Mine's Remeian
  3. Well glad to know I am not the only one. Tho' I been playing Morrowind for the last couple of days and it's been keeping me amused.....at least enough to ignore how slow paced time has become now that we are a few days away from Skyrim. :wallbash:
  4. Well I am glad there are more ps3 users out there, don't feel that lonely anymore ;D. And yeah, I know this is more a pc forum, but I am playing on my ps3 cuz I am to poor to upgrade my pc. Still, we all are here to hype and suffer the wait for Skyrim together. JUST A FEW DAYS AWAY! Man, the year went flying (at least for me) but this week has been hell.
  5. So I've noticed very few people are going to get Skyrim on ps3....and well I feel lonely :hurr: just wanted to know who of you out there plan to play Skyrim on ps3. Also if you do, are you sitting in the corner of your room whispering to your dovakhiin ragdoll "please....bethesada...please...don't let the ps3 version to rot...no evil bugs....no chopped content"? Cuz' if you don't then you are perfectly sane. PS3 VERSION DISCUSSION.
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