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Everything posted by mybad
just some numbers for who's interested in the project, i'm creating from scratch the entire isle of Balfiera, adding almost 20 square km of content with more than 50 new models including the Adamantine Tower itself! the whole isle will be populated with lore friendly enemies and quests, the habitat is characterized by an overgrown green temperate forest, a burned city, a huge harbor and many ruins temples and such things all around.. and will be fully explorable! http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/uploads/gallery/album_197/med_gallery_3108_197_324295.jpg
hi there, I'm trying to add new content to a new huge mod (sequel of "Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery)" http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52248/? ) but i'm finding huge problems adding the collision to all my new meshes (i've created a lowpoly mesh for every model).. when trying to generate the collision (no matters if with 3dsmax from scratch or using NifUtils) the collision wont work at all so ingame i get a ghostly mesh which from view seems working nice but approaching it will result in passing by walls and stairs :| anyone wants to give a hint or help directly?here is a sample of the structure: http://i61.tinypic.com/2nlmo0.jpg any help will make me really happy (almost a week i'm parked at that point ç_ç ) i can provide .blend .fbx .3ds .nif files if needed :wink:
problem solved but another one was found!! i've reinstalled all clean versions and got a working nif..when trying to generate the collision (no matters if with 3dsmax from scratch or using NifUtils) the collision wont work at all so ingame i get a ghostly mesh which from view seems working nice but approaching it will result in passing by walls and stairs :| anyone wants to give a hint or help directly?here is a sample of the structure: http://i61.tinypic.com/2nlmo0.jpg
hi everybody, i've completed many new models in blender and correctly exported them to nif format.. now i was trying to convert the files into the skyrim nif compatible files but when using the NifUtils converter and chunkmerger i always get 2 problems: if the template file is a skyrim nif (ver numbers 12 83) then the converter crushes because "no nitrishape data found in template file", that is quiet strange because obviously the nitrishape date exists in the file and i can clearly see it!! if the template file is a blender nif (ver numbers 11 34) then it converts the file but there will be no bslighshader branches and obviously importing the nif into skyrim will generate a invisible object (no exlamation point - no purple meshes)!!is there a way to sort out this problem? thanks to all!
no one knows why this s**t happens?
i'm using BSAopt to open the bsa and extract the nifs (thanks for the answer ;) )
any other knows how to fix this?i need a solution for the release of a massive mod.. ;)
thanks for the answer neo :wink: just tried your solution but it didnt solve the problem, as i can see from the ck the cuirass is properly imported (the skin preview is working properly) but when i make an npc wear it starts to stretch..may be a problem with the nodes that attach it to the npc bones?
hi everyone, i'm starting to understand how to let work things between blender nifskope and the CK..but i found a strange issue importing some armor models that i modified in blender to the ck! look at these 2 pics attached... the nifskope model looks fine but when i import it to CK and associate it with a model it looks like stretched and weird like in the red circle...anyone a bit skilled in these tools know how to fix this?thanks!
i'm sorry to recovering this thread from his tomb :D but i was attempting the same things as this guy up there.... actually i succesfully imported a mesh .nif file into blender and worked to delete some vertexes and reshaped a bit the vanilla one, after that i attempted to export my work into skyrim again but when i assign the mesh to the obj in the CK it always give me the exclamation mark mesh :sad: do you know why this occurs???? (obviously i'm using blender 2.49b too ;) )
so no one gonna help me? :(
hi there, i'm actually trying to fill my new dungeon mod with something more than simple encounters, i was trying to add effects like barrier disappear on activate but i'm having some problems... the barrier i'm using in this is the CK " MG07CollegeBarrierBridgeBlizzard " and i would like to let it be uncrossable and let it disappear after activate a special lever (a sword shelter like in the rebel's cairn for whom has been there :biggrin: ). the problem here is to let it be uncrossable and to link 3 different levers to deactivate many barriers at the same time! (after the 3 swords are placed in the right place will let all barriers disappear altogether) i'm not that skilled in this but i'm willing to learn :wink: so if you have any idea to suggest or need more info to do so just write here! usefull tutorials in that matter are anyways welcome (i tried searching here and there but nothing helpfull came out :( ) thanks for your time guys :wink:
anyone to solve this? :(
hi at all! after creating a new world space i created an island with a fortress and started work on detailing, when i was getting to test ingame i tried enter with COW command and with the linked door portal too, but i met a basic problem that i really dont know where it comes from! after loading screen i enter a some kind of limbo colored in light blue where i can't move or jump to 3th person, i'm able to enter all the menus so i'm sure that the game isnt freezed; no sound or object is visualized and i'm pretty annoyed of that cause i didnt met any problems in the CK session. any skilled modder knows why this happens or knows how to fix this??many thanks!
simply copy all the basic meshes (that gives the shape of the building) and then start build a basic layout of the building in the exterior, remember to keep windows in the same places and then delete the copies of the interior's meshes; once you did this just keep details up and finish your work linking the 2 doors! little differences will not impact on the gamer but if you do a squared tower and the interior will be a circular stair this will be kind of weird :D
thanks guys, however helping on this will make this work out faster! :thumbsup:
so is anyone interested in this mod?
related to this mod: anybody knows how to (or knows where is a guide) make complex scenes like the landscapes changes that occur before and after alduin attacks helgen? any help will be very appreciated!
for storyteller i mean someone able to write the dialogues for quests and letters/documents/books related to the mod (much appreciated if he's able to implement these dialogues in papyrus!); thanks for the "spoiler alert" now is fixed! :D
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :welcome: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the project started almost 2 weeks ago and the progress is quite good, actually me and BarbasTheDog are still working on it but we found out that some more help could be very useful (storytellers - scripters - modellers - AI designers & concillors for sure!!) team: - BarbasTheDog scripter - mybad int/ext designer and basic AI paths Description: After the end of the Civil War, as a thane of Whiterun and as the Dovahkiin, your jarl looks at you as a possible ally to repel the extremely strong enemies, that araise at the horizon in these dark days, away from the boundaries of whiterun; Jarl's concillors estimated that an ancient castle along the White River, named Nightfall's Stand, has a key strategic position in the complex current political situation and must be restablished to its original forms. The castle was built by Uriel Septim VII and fell during the Great War after the invasion of the Aldmeri Dominion, Nords with considerable men's losses and in times of famine had to abandon its ruins and left it to banditism's decadence. Your task is to reconquer the ruins (helped by a small contingent of your personal guard) and establish a garrison to guard the river bridge and as soon as possible rebuild the defenses to allow whiterun colons and civil war refugees to settle down and rebuild the economy of the region. If you'll success in this terribly hard task, the Jarl will give you the Nobleman Status and the controll of the castle and the lands near it; you will always be required to provide assistance in the event of war and you still be a part of the Whiterun reign as a Mark (kind of what Gondor did for Rohan ;) ). the models of the feud in my mind are Rohan (from LOTR lore) and Winterfell (from Game of Thrones lore) main goals of the mod: - lorefriendly - become a noble and control your lands from your stronghold in the mountains - recruit your army to defend the feud, and upgrade the armors to your needs (here may be useful a modeller to create a tabard of the feud to get the switch armors easier) - collect taxes from your people - collect money to rebuild to its origins the Nightfall's Stand Castle (3 stages of progress: ruins - rebuilding - full functional) - defend your feud from bandits, vampires and dragons - diplomatic relations between the other jarls, the dominion and the empire commerce/war/neutrality (we still have to figure out how to do such nice thing) - have the control of the legal system of the region and decide who need to be put in shackles - implement a war formation for your army when moving in roads, when brought into combat stance dismiss the formation for a chaotic massacre ;) what is already done : - the interiors/exteriors design for the rebuilding stage - collect taxes script some screens to let you understand how it will look like: the nice thing of this mod will be that you will have the power to turn your feud into a brutal dictatorship or in a Justice one!its all up to you!! you may choose the Switzerland too if you want :P just joking :D