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Everything posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. Short answer - UAC Long answer - Windows vista and Windows 7 implement User Account Control, and amongst other things that stops you changing files which are in folders below c:\Program Files (Generic cut'n'paste post follows) If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7and are thinking of modding, do yourself (and us, because you'd no doubt be asking for help with it later) a BIG favour and use Bben46's guide here to move the game from the default install position to C:\Games\Oblivion. That stops the UAC from mucking up just about every mod you try to use, including (sometimes) official patches. Many mods will require you to be patched to version 1.2.0416, and a lot will require the Shivering Isles expansion - if you don't already have Shivering Isles, buy it and add it to the game, THEN patch it (otherwise you'll need to uninstall and reinstall from scratch to add Shivering Isles later). I strongly suggest adding the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP), the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch (UOSP), and (if you have Knights of the Nine and/or any of the official downloadable content files, the Unofficial Official Mods Patch (UOMP), plus the Unofficial Patch Supplementals and the UOP Dark Sister Voice Fix. They between them bugfix several thousand bugs and errors, and make the game much better to play. Other "essential" mods are Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), and then Fast Exit and Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System (weOCPS) - the pair of those greatly aid stability and stop many of the more common crash scenarios from wrecking your game.
  2. :) In that case, may I suggest one of the areas NOT yet covered by other current mods. Elsweyr, Hammerfell and Morrowid are certainly covered already, and Skyrim is due out soon so you probably don't want to tackle that until you can make it match reasonably well with the new game.
  3. that says it all. Some people have a gift with words
  4. Mods for the less good aligned player Servant of the Dawn Mythic Dawn There are more, I know, but these are the ones I remembered off the top of my head as existing.
  5. Do you have any other mods installed which you know are working? Windows Vista and Windows 7 both tend to make modding difficult unless you move the place Oblivivon is installed to.
  6. I guess the obvious thing to do is to disable all the .esps with "magic" in the name, rebuild the bashed patch, and load the suspect save. The fact it's a double cast of the same spell almost makes it look like you have two mods trying to do the same thing magic-wise, but I can't identify any on the list from a (admittedly brief) look.
  7. I'd very strongly suggest making it compatible with the worldspaces people have already developed into playable areas, such as Elsweyr the deserts of Anequinae, and hammerfell - most people who currently want an expanded worldspace will have already added mods of that complexity to gain what they want, and replacing someone elses's lore-friendly and mostly debugged area with your own unknown quantity may be a minus point for interesting people. At the very least, your areas should be in separate ESPs so that they can be left out if desired, and have borders matching the existing mods. I'd also suggest looking at the Tamriel Heightmaps mod. (Edit: Or equivalent - just looked at the forum page) Edit: Your link above seems to have an extra http:// on the front
  8. Assuming it can be done, you ought to have a downside to stop you just loading up with tokens and ending up levelling as if hyperactive. You tend to end up ridiculously overpowered in the vanilla game anyway. How about each token having a a gradual and increasing rate of fatigue drain. If you equip it before a short fight, you'll be fine. But if you leave it equipped, you'll begin to be more and more fatigued. That would add strategy into using the token rather than it just being a game-changing bonus item.
  9. Having seen there have been a few gl;itches with v293 on Windows 7, I went with Wrye Bash v291 for my recent reinstall. I still had the Python install from the last attempt, so left that alone as it worked ok - but that was done using the standard set of instructuions that came with Wrye Bash.
  10. The supplementals do overwrite a fair few of the other unofficial patches, yes. You say it's at the CREATING stage you get the popups? There should be no duplicates at that stage, only once you overwrite the patches when the omod is installed.
  11. Check in the link I gave, there's a section about shifting a Steam installation. If the Steam directory is under C:\Program Files it still has the same problems
  12. If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7and are thinking of modding, do yourself (and us, because you'd no doubt be asking for help with it later) a BIG favour and use Bben46's guide here to move the game from the default install position to C:\Games\Oblivion. That stops the UAC from mucking up just about every mod you try to use, including (sometimes) official patches. Many mods will require you to be patched to version 1.2.0416, and a lot will require the Shivering Isles expansion - if you don't already have Shivering Isles, buy it and add it to the game, THEN patch it (otherwise you'll need to uninstall and reinstall from scratch to add Shivering Isles later). I strongly suggest adding the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP), the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch (UOSP), and (if you have Knights of the Nine and/or any of the official downloadable content files, the Unofficial Official Mods Patch (UOMP), plus the Unofficial Patch Supplementals and the UOP Dark Sister Voice Fix. They between them bugfix several thousand bugs and errors, and make the game much better to play. Other "essential" mods are Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), and then Fast Exit and Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System (weOCPS) - the pair of those greatly aid stability and stop many of the more common crash scenarios from wrecking your game.
  13. Maybe something to do with User Account Control blocking the access to the file? If you are on Windows 7 or Vista, and installed under C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) then that will generally cause you all kinds of problems
  14. Whatever you add to the version you are cloning, it will copy to the clone. Thgat includes DLCs, mods, textures, OBSE plugins and (if you set up separate BAIN Installers directories) all the Bain files too
  15. The BBC sound effects record library had a whole range of human screams and were royalty free - I think my father had a copy of the horror LP - I can check and extract a scream or two from it if you want. Also try Public Domain Scream Sounds, Screams, Shrieks and Yells
  16. Erm ... correct me if I'm wrong, but if the routine you first posted is the one which fails, you are defining a short called VeinHP, with a totally unknown initial value. Surely if that value is being passed to the routine, you either need to use the global variable name, and not redefine it, or define the local variable as equal to the global variable at the start of the routine.
  17. One problem with music packs is that you have to have copyright clearance for any music added to a distributed mod. There are copyright-free music sources in the net, but you have to read the details VERY carefully to ensure that redistribution does not contravene the terms of use. If, for example, I wanted to make a fiddle-playing bard, and added Heather Alexander's "March of Cambreadth" - it is easily obtainable off the web (and well worth a listen) BUT not approved for use in a game mod. For EVERY piece of music you added, you would have to obtain specific copyright permission. HOWEVER ... you COULD upload a "blank" mod with silent mp3s and a suggested list of tracks to replace those mp3s with - if someone chose to follow your suggestions and apply the same tracks then it would be with their own copy of the music, not a redistributed one - heck, the original artist might even gain a sale or two :)
  18. That sounds like you have accidentally applied a texture mod without the correct body mod installed, or vice versa. Have you recently installed any race or cosmetic mods or large mod packs which may include custom bodies?
  19. Also check the different sound slider positions in-game - the one for sound effects may be turned right down.
  20. The module is part of his Oblivifall project, thread located here - scroll down to "Last Call". No idea how far he's got with it though.
  21. Vague - VERY vague. Pin down the scope of work - number of new locations, number of buildings, number of npc's, number of quests - maybe give an example. Modders specialise - you will need several different types of work to be done, and if you don't have a clear plan at this stage then most serious modders will glance once and move on.
  22. Try a search using "race" as the key word - there are several hundred race mods, many of which add new animal-type races.
  23. That sounds like something close to what I'm after, yes, I need to do some light level checking, to see where I'd want the effect to be noticeable. The "six times better than human" figure seems sensible - if a human runs into problems at (say) 60%, a Khajiit should have no problem down to about 10%, but by the time it's totally dark BOTH should need a torch. That should give the base figures needed for the idea to work.
  24. Things which will stop a patch working: No-Cd cracks - they change the file, so it isn't the file the patch looks for. Torrented versions of the game - often have patched exe files, same result as above. Selecting the wrong patch file - Disc install - if Oblivion only grab the OBLIVION patch for either US or UK, if Shivering Isles grab JUST the Shivering Isles patch. Trying to patch a D2D or Impulse or Steam version with a downloaded patch - Steam will auto-update, I assume the others will too.
  25. Sadly it's not exclusive to the gaming world. Films are, of course, well known for the problem, and certain series of books tend to look as though the author wrote a trilogy, split it in half, and inserted another nine books in the middle in which next-to-nothing happened ... or just run out of ideas two books into a ten-book run. There are, of course, the Morrowind fans who will claim that Oblivion was a disappointment because it lacked the feel of the earlier game. I've played both, and can see why they would say it, but to me they're just "different" - although it is sometimes glaringly obvious that they took a few shortcuts in Oblivion (Khajiit and Argonian bodies for instance).
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