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Everything posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. A couple of thoughts... Firstly - there's a mod that shuts the darn merchants up someplace - that may save SOME of your sanity :whistling: If you are going to rework the trading to add realism, you may need to consider building in an annoyance factor - if someone came to me and insisted on selling 150 arrows, all identical, at 1 gold each, as 150 separate transactions, guess how my disposition would be at the end of trading. :wallbash: Groups of like objects should probably count as one transaction, i.e. three identical chain mail greaves should sell as one transaction, for one entry on the mercantile alteration. However, if they are at different levels of repair, each would need assessing separately so that'd be three transactions. Personally I find the whole trading system VERY cumbersome - much preferred the Morrowind "stack 'em up and sell 'em all" approach, but something which still dynamically adjusted your income / expenditure as your mercantile rating changed would be excellent.
  2. I'd never noticed this one, but then I applied the unofficial patch first time I played and it fixed the bug, S/he has an interesting back tale it seems - an interest in necrophilia? That's going to end up VERY adult. I guess people who play kinky, evil aligned types could have "fun" with that mod, but equally sure it'd be something not to put on the Nexus. Or does having a vampire lover count as necrophilia? That might be more interesting and less ...er...bannable.
  3. @whalecakes - because I wouldn't know where to start. Every mod tutorial I've seen hits jargon about three words in and loses me.
  4. There's one possible hiccup with the separate deck approach - the Jeffries Tubes. I guess you could make the access hatches as doors and run them as a separate model - like the sewer system in the imperial city.
  5. I have, like many people, umpteen hundred OMODs lurking on my system. Everyone keeps extolling the virtues of a BAIN installer, but the same group of everyones seem remarkably quiet on the practicalities of taking something that is currently an OMOD, and converting it into a BAIN install. Has anyone written a decent easy-to-follow walk-through? (that probably rules out many people who use Linux - when I once asked where to find man pages I was told to read the man page on man pages :wallbash: ). If no-one has YET written one, but is willing to try, I'm happy to act as a guinea pig for the process - because if *I* can follow the guide, I think almost ANYONE can.
  6. Update: It seems that Argonians, at least, are covered pretty well - Drake the Dragon's been busy. a combination of his Argonian Beautification mod and his Scripted Argonian Feet mod, plus a bit of jiggery-pokery with a HGEC AA-cup body and textures, and you get a very much improved Argonian while still keeping the humans and elves looking mamallian Kudos to Drake the Dragon - now, who is going to pick up JazzJR's Khajiit Beast Foots mod and turn itinto something as useable as Drake's offering?
  7. I've been looking at the various NPCs in Oblivion, and it occurs to me that many of them have the potential to lead into mods regarding their back stories. I've already posted a proposal for a mod covering Elragail and Thamriel (see the Mod Requests thread), but i was wondering which other NPCs people felt had a gap in their backstory - how did they get to where they are and what implications this could have. A series of mods to fill in these stories would hopefully then result, with all of us reaping the benefits of a more complex and immersive storyline. So - please outline the characters you want more information about, and any suggestions to what their story MIGHT be - hopefully we can discuss them and come up with some good ideas.
  8. In a nutshell, you need to use BOSS to sort your loading order, probably OBMM to perform archive invalidation, and possibly Wrye Bash to persuade things to play nice together. All three programs are available through the Nexus, and I suggest starting with BOSS. Read the Readme, install it correctly, run it, and your files will be sorted into a probably optimised load order. If you still have the problem then, download and install OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager), and run archive invalidation. Again, the readme file is your friend. You don't list other potentially useful stuff like which version of Oblivion, whether you have applied any / all of the update patches, whether you have any other mods installed, etc. The information you gave is like ringing a garage and saying "I put in Shell petrol and my car won't start" without telling the it';s a diesel engine car - more information leads to a better possible diagnosis. The Steam and Direct-to-Drive versions of Oblivion have their own quirks where mods are concerned, for instance, and may take an expert to advise you how to fix stuff or even whether it's possible.
  9. Came with the GOTY edition, so i just installed it from the get-go. No worries about hunting down the separate patch, and it's never caused any problems.
  10. Quick question - am I just showing how hopeless i am at searching, or has no-one converted the stock leather armors for Hcup HGEC with BBB - I can find everything else stock but not those. Also, can't find H-cup HGEC BBB versions of the OOO stuff.
  11. There is a scripted omod version of FCOM installer around - search for uFCOM. It analyses not only which of OOO/MMM/Frans you have installed, but which optional bits and applies the needed compatibility patches. So far <touch wood> it's worked perfectly on my setup.
  12. I have a basic outline for a mod which will explain the audio glitch in Bethesda's game, where Elragail gets Thamriel's gender wrong. It's a comic idea that has turned into a tragedy of sorts, and maybe the player can "fix" it through a small quest. Background Thamriel (male) and Elragail used to be married or lovers - not sure which yet. Elragail wanted Thamriel to be more understanding of her wants as a woman, rather than being away gambling / drinking / at the arena / whatever (think stereotypical male). She makes an offering at a shrine to one of the Daedra - probably Clavicus Vile, where she makes a badly phrased request, "May Thamriel come to know what it is women desire from a man.". Upon returning home, she finds that Thamriel is now female. To add to the problem, Thamriel now desires men, not Elragail. Forced to pay for a spell to control Thamriel's desires, Elragail makes an arrangement with a mage in Skingrad, who renews the spell monthly (hence Thamriel's regular trips). Meanwhile the spell keeps Thamriel dazed and confused, and open to psychic influences. Quest Overhear Elragail talking about it to Augusta in the Tiber Septim. Require high personality to get details from Elragail / Thamriel. Find a way to break Thamriel's curse - or make it bearable to both Elragail and Thamriel. Probably another better-worded bargain with Clavicus Vile is needed if a full reversal is called for, or maybe a quest for one of the Aedra, if a "true love" solution is needed. Modding: Additional dialogue for Elragail, Thamriel, Augusta, Clavicus Vile, a Skingrad-based mage (can easily use an existing one). Probably modifications to existing movement routines. Small "go and fetch" quest - either a tempting object for Clavicus Vile or a "do good" quest for one of the Aedra. Possible gender change for Thamriel at end for Clavicus Vile's quest, or possible alteration of Elragail and Thamriel's mutual desire for each other if the Aedra quest. Comments and suggestions please, and if someone wants to do the mod, feel free.
  13. Is there a way to detect, from a script, the current status of such things as Clipping, Fly-cam and the like?
  14. It sounds rather like you are converging on the work THIS team is doing - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5338
  15. The original mod(s) which I've seen replacing the Emperor and Martin with actor lookalikes had one drawback - each was added as an extra race in the character generator menu, and apparently caused dialogue problems if the "non-playable" option was selected. However, the following occurred to me... (1) TNR replaces the original face settings for over 1200 characters with new ones, so it must be possible to modify the internal facegen settings to make a pair of lookalikes, and... (2) There's a mod which enables a custom texture for each NPC. Combining these, isn't it possible to make a pair of actor look-alikes without resorting to extra races, etc? Or am i barking up the wrong tree here having missed something fundamental? If not, can somebody who knows what they are doing, please DO it (and it might not hurt to have a Lynda Carter lookalike wandering around too :biggrin: )
  16. I think it's POSSIBLE, if my understanding of what you require is correct. You'd maybe need a new class of weapon (Maybe based on THIS set: Crossbows of Cyrodiil), but if THAT is possible then I'm sure an animation sequence could be done. You're talking about the "getting ready" animation from a stored weapon to a ready-to-use one - the equivalent of removing a bow from your shoulder and holding it in front. The fire and re-cock sequence is then a replacement for the draw-and-shoot bow animation, as you'd want it to START cocked and loaded, and reset to that state. Finally you'd need an "uncock and store" animation to replace the put-away motion. All conditional on the ability to add a new weapon class though. The crossbows seem to have been worked out, but you'd need a separate version and animations for the collapsible one.
  17. It's probably something that demands the resources of Pixar, but... Is it even possible to replace the Khajit and Argonian races with ones that actually have bodies that LOOK like lizard-evolved or cat-evolved ones? Female lizards with boobs just looks wrong somehow, and cats with only two mammaries are certainly odd - most cats have eight IIRC. Plus their leg stricture looks very odd using a basically human animation. Obviously this would be a massive job, with conversion of meshes and the like to fit, but having recently loaded Morrowind and seen the Khajit/Argonians there, the Oblivion ones look like someone just took a shortcut - at least Morrowind TRIED to make them look like they should be. (Editied for typos)
  18. Try mTES4 - it seems to cover exactly what you are looking for
  19. I'm trying to find a mod, with no success so far, which adds "real fatigue" features to NPCs. Having a real fatigue mod for my player character has helped the immersion feel, but the never-tiring, always sprinting hordes are beginning to make the whole game seem odd. Is it possible to add similar "real fatigue" effects to at least the human/elf/closely related races, so that they also "run out of puff" after a while?
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