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Everything posted by Chrisfo3

  1. Thank you Pyro, this was a HUGE help!
  2. Guess what I am trying to say is how do I get File Explorer as my default Open With...?
  3. Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong manually downloading mods? Very simply I download Alternate start mod, I hit download manually button, its defaulting to media player file in my downloads folder, I want it to be the regular folder you get when manually downloading. Can anyone guide me why this is happening? I then use 7 zip to try and open file and it says it can't open media file lol, this is just not right. Thank you
  4. Ok thanks for the heads up, guess its Elder Scroll legends for few days
  5. Guys I played Fallout 4 last night for 4 hours with my 202 mods installed, and I come home today and it says I am running a newer version of fallout compared to the f4se. So is there something going on with Steam or something, because I DL'd the new f4se and its still not working....like I just wanna scream atm because it took me 2 days to get all my mods the way I want them and organized etc and not I can't play. Help? lol
  6. Hey guys, as the title implies is the story going to make such an effect on me that if I play the TW2 before 1 that I will not understand the story? Is TW2 that better of a game than 1 gameplay wise, combat, and graphically speaking? Just got a new computer recently so playing any game on the market right now on Ultra settings is nice including the upcoming TW3. I just want to know what you guys think. I will definitely play 2 before 3 but I am just hesitant on starting 1 before 2 lol. I like story based games as long as the combat is fun and gear and equipment looks good on your character which include games like the Elder Scrolls, most Bioware games etc. Yes I plan on using mods but not at first, not until I at least beat the game once. So what is your alls opinion? Thanks!
  7. Hi guys, I need some help on finding a mod that brings the bow more in line with the quiver on my back. I play a female WE archer atm and its very annoying to see my bow slightly hHSang off the quiver as in a tiny space of nothingness. Now I use closer quivers and longer arrows version as well as CHSBHC and CBBE mods and the quiver hugs where it needs to be according to that mod, but the bow itself needs to come in more than it is. Can anyone recommend any fixes? I use Custom Skeleton Replacers - BBP scale for CHSBHC and it DOES bring in the bow closer but not enough to satisfy my taste. Thanks
  8. Ok well I did some extensive gameplay testing this afternoon and I am left pretty upset that its looking like I am going to have to reinstall the game again. I unchecked esps in the NMM 5 at a time till I found the culprit file, thought I had it so I reloaded with them check and everything else unchecked and sometimes it worked other times it didn't. So in the end I basically just had the skyrim, update, DG and DB esms checked marked, went back in stood at Riverwood like usual and fast traveled to Dragonreach and I was able to move BUT every few steps I ran into an invisible wall and my character would stutter. I talked to the Jarl till he got to the part where you follow him to Farengar and he and Farengar would just stare at each other with no conversation between them. Farangar would tell me the Jarl would be in the throne room lol. So anyways, I with my limited knowledge of using mods, I am thinking there is some kind of script problem going on. So if you have any other suggestions or recommendations let me know. Its sad because I read every mod page install instructions and load orders, use the latest version of skyrim, BOSS, use TES5Edit to see additional errors and clean master files. I just don't know what happened this time, I'm just glad it did this now and not 100 hours in. Thanks 2Ripple, Thanks for your instructions on posting the Boss log, I'll do that on further problems
  9. Ok not to sound like a newbie or anything but how do I post a load order from NMM? I am taking its not that easy to do but it doesn't appear to be a simple copy/paste. Thanks
  10. I have over 155 mods installed and when I fast travel, most specifically to Dragonsreach I get stuck in place and can't move, reload, save or anything. I have to ctrl-alt-delete to get out of it. Does anyone know of any mod that might cause this issue? It would be a daunting task on Easter to sit and read through hundreds of pages of text to maybe find the problem. Thought I would ask you guys if you know of a mod that might do this to me? Thanks
  11. Yea that was one of the ones I was leaning towards in trying this time around but I read that it might be OP with the SkyRe mod. I will probably still try it though because I like to download mods with active authors. Thanks for your input Koradic.
  12. As the title implies, I am coming back to skyrim and this time around I am going to play a hybrid magic/sneak type character and basically what I need to know is since DB is out and the latest skyrim version what is the best Magic overhaul mod that people use and have success at? Also that means less buggy and not alot of incompatibilites with other mods? I see that Apoc spells seems to be popular but I plan to use SkyrimRedone as a game overhaul and it seems like from what I read that there needs to be a patch to make the 2 work sound together but if not please elaborate for me. Midas Magic everyone complaining that its dead and just needs to be updated period, but once updated seems to be the top premier magic mod? Yes I know SkyrimReDone adds spells but I am a spell hoarder and like many options before me, so could the community advise me on what course of action to take? Thank You
  13. Thanks Bben46, that was a very imformative link. I understand this alot better now
  14. Ok thanks BlackRampage, my rig is pretty old and in need of a new makeover and I currently have 4 gigs of ram. As long as I can get it to access more than 2 gigs should help my crashing....I hope
  15. I downloaded Ram Boost from Mod Reloaded, sounds like these are basically doing the same thing. I wanted to be sure though
  16. Guys I just downloaded the Ram Boost mod for fallout 3 because my game keeps crashing when I have the texture pack (Performance) mod. It also freezes up when I come into contact with Gargantuans from the MMM. Other than that it plays well. So I decided to try this mod to make my machine run more 2GB to see if it helps. Question is and I am sorry if this seems noobish of me, but I downloaded the Ram Boost mod and followed the pictorial instructions exactly and I need to know, I am running FOSE, does this Ram Boost mod take effect when starting the game up in FOSE? I am pretty sure it does, just wanted to be sure, and if for some reason if it doesn't, can anyone instruct me on how to get it to work with FOSE loader exe.? Thank you for any help provided
  17. Guys, I just got my game downloaded and all the mods I want to play with. Everything works fine and made a merged patch with no errors. Problem is I went to use a stealth boy in game and when I used it, my character never went invisible or partially invisible as it should when used. It Identifys that I use it and if I try to use another its says I already have one active but my character does not go invisible. Mods I am currently running that I THINK might be the issue is FWE. MMM, Dimonized Tpe 3 Female body. No idea, I dont wanna go through and unistall all my mods to see which one is conflicting if I don't have to. Can anyone offer any recommendations or has an idea on whats causing this? Thanks
  18. Hey guys, I have a slight problem that is bothering me. I just recently installed FO3 and in the process of looking up top mods and reading and watching tuturial vids and such and I installed DarnUI first off. Problem is I have it installed and it works fine in game I am able to go to the menu and select what i want on or off, but the section where it lets you have the option to display your resists on the right column, well its not showing up, as in if its toggled on, its not showing up. I have tried to get this working by uninstalling, installing different Darn files but for the life of me I can't. I do have the main DarnUI Fomod package, as well as the FWE patch AS well the Hotfix. All this is V11. Can anyone help me or guide me to why this would be happening in the menus? Thanks
  19. Hey I am trying to sift through hundreds of posts trying to find out how to make Interesting NPCS mod and AFT work together. My problem is I have Gorr atm as a follower and trying to recruit Jenssa from Drunken Huntsmen in Whiterun. When I pay the 500 gold to recruit Jenessa, Gorr walks away dismissed. Now I have 3 dnpc loaded before AFT and all that but I still can't get more than 1, Help?
  20. Did you ever find Mr. Burke in "A Brother's Revenge"
  21. Ok thanks, I will do a search on Fomm tutorial and see what I come up with, in the meantime, if anyone can suggest anything, would be greatly appreciated!
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