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About MiyaRox

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    United States
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    New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    FF VII

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  1. Yeah, I've been looking at the updates and what people have been saying about them. For the most part, the patches mess up MORE than they fix, besides the very few initial patches, such as the two that were released in the first day of NV. So, that means you might be screwed if your game is updated already, because the newer patches brought on a whole ton of incompatibilities and system messups for people ;x Hopefully you have the disk, or original install or something haha, good luck ><
  2. I personally am not a fan of Bleach, is first thing I must say. Although that is the case, I am well aware of majority of the characters and story and fighting styles and with that in mind, there is ONE character I would absolutely love to see in this game, at least things in his resemblance, if we were to do Bleach like that. That would be Kenny! :3 Ken is super man and super awesome, maybe a custom hair mod, armors, sword, whatever really, I think it would be kinda nice to see :3 Of course, I don't really mind if this idea is just ignored entirely either, since really, I don't LOVE Bleach by any means. Btw, I say I know of Bleach cause friends and well, general internet wandering has led me into knowing everything I need to know about Bleach XD
  3. Well, if all else fails, download the no pip boy glove mod, which places a pitboy 3000 inside of your inventory... which is kinda a weird paradox idea haha. OR you can download that pipboy readius, which SHOULD give you the files to use your pipboy / see your pipboy again. At least in a weird modded way.
  4. I am so glad this is coming into effect! Thanks for making this site easier and more enjoyable to experience <3
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