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Everything posted by Anaconda999

  1. Maiq knows that in Skyrim, and Skyrim only, those who practice magic know how to make elemental claymores to surprise unsuspecting enemies trynna come around the corner. perhaps an ice mine that freezes bad guys so that Maiq can store his enemies and eat them later
  2. TheSkyrimBlog ur instantly my friend. wanna be friends?
  3. ima make a khajiit named Hoodasz ***** How 'bout we just name this troll Banned. Bben46, Moderator
  4. just wishful thinking hehe :) theyre my favorite band next to pink floyd. Well....Rush's music might fit the tune if it were in an orchestra or string quartet form :) works for me.
  5. this wait is torture... it shud be abolished cuz its worth than the death penalty or life in prison! PLEASE HURRY the s*** up beth
  6. more than one summoned npc at a time would be really really cool to me especially if u cud spawn like an army of skeletons or sumthing and have them ditract the enemy while you sneak behind them with invisibility potion and BAM *neckslice* all of them haha
  7. Also parts of Temples of Syrinx of the 2112 album would maybe fit somewhere in the theme too, like if used in a promo vid it could signal a climactic moment in a clip :) hope someone reads this i really really do!
  8. to whoever this message may concern...continue to read; my greates wish of ALL time is that music composed by the legendary trio called "Rush" is incorporated somehow into the game...omfg that would "make my life"(-Rebecca Black). Or perhaps using parts of Rush's album "A Farewell To Kings" in a future promotional video would be a great marketing idea in my opnion! HOLY f*** i would want to be Skyrim like infinity times more : O
  9. U dont think Slyrim will match up to Maxed out Oblivion? Why? What about Oblivion can contend with Skyrim graphics wise? if the shots and vids from the trailer truly represent the final product....how can Olivion compare? besides the water lol.
  10. well...ive never played Oblivion on pc, but i still think Skyrim will look better than fully loaded Oblivion because fully loaded Oblivion...is really......not THAT much different is it? just a few changes here and there that you may not even notice? from what ive read, Skyrim utilizes a new engine (lets see, what has been displayed in the trailer; better faces, better bodies, perhaps a little more diversity in the landscape like the trees for example, many of the animations much different, spells look like...spells..., sprinting blurs the screen, much more that i did not mention that imo will contribute to the immersion factor...you can sugarcoat Oblivion but it doesnt seem to compare to what ive seen of TESV so far; take a look at that trailer of Skyrim when it shows the various towns if you dont agree with me)
  11. i pretty much have my charcter in my mind right now... gonna have a badass name, prolly a mix between Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, and Kratos.....OR SOLID SNAKE :O i cud call him Solidus Bruck KratoLeeris...or not...not sure bout the name yet...But im pretty sure of the combat style id like to have; dual wield shortswords ON FIRE! with black cloak/robe/hood and also specialize in dual wield fire magic...AND invisibility :O. LET ME KNOW HOW U ROLL!! lol
  12. Yesterday i created a g4 account and voted TES and posted on my facebook and i also voted gta =) best game to just fuk around
  13. search youtube for the slowed down version of the trailer and u will see more :) i saw the finishin moves in slow mo and they were awesome!!! one of em was with a skeleton dude and the charcter smashes in/decapittates the skull of the skeleton guy...and btw only way u can really see tht is with slowd down version dats how i saw guy tht look like he had instrument
  14. also...in the cave where the woman is surrounded by skeleton soldiers, godam that is one badass fire spell she does! she knocks all of em back and theyre on fire:O
  15. in the scene where a character slits another charcaters throat, i saw besides those two a man and a woman in the same room and the man looked like he was holding some sort of instrument?
  16. You....the last of the dragon hunters....must die so that my people may rule the land...*u notice that his face becomes scaly and his eyes become great balls of fire as he shoves his dagger into your heart.....*blacking out and you hear fading laughter as he vanishes into the shadow*.....u feel as though you have now entered a sort of purgatory....you hear a great voice that tells you who you are and what purpose you very soul is obligated to fulfill...you are reborn into your body as you would like to look (charcater customization sequence) and wake up still chained to the wall--you siummon your newfound godly strength to violently rip the chains off of the wall and you blast through the room killing all that stand in your way as you escape the area.....you remember your past.....the woman was your fiance/girlfriend....you vividly remember your killer..you are determined to find him and kill him.....>:O
  17. Guys imagine this : Your character starts out the game chained to a wall and you feel weak...u feel like u were just born as you remember nothing from your past...to your side is a woman crying in pain...she claims to have known you since you were both young and were the closest of friends, and to her amazement u do not recognize her at all as the cries out to you...a mysterious man enters the room from the shadows and shoves a dagger into her chest, killing her instantly: he starts laughing wickedly as he walks toward you...he says "Yesss......ive finally..found you...you probably wonder why you are here i presume....why ive killed this beautiful woman and now have started talking to you....well, the least i could do is fill you in before i end your life....young Dovahkiin...the great and mighty hunter of the greatest beast to have ever roamed these lands....the dragon....you alone possess the power to protect the people of Skyrim from these evil spirits...and you are here because you must die now.
  18. Thorondir u joined in '08 and u hv 1 post LOL
  19. I sooooo want Skyrim to be much more challenging than Oblivion was---everytime i encountered a bandit or sum other enemy i had no doubt in my mind i wud fk him up real bad---but wheres the fun in that? i dont always like being the stronger one in a battle and from time to time i enjoy a real good challenge that takes skill---also, i wud lovveee if Skyrim was more of a survival game with weather, injuries, etc. affecting ur well-being.
  20. ....i feel addicted to info on Skyrim holy crap...i check this site evryday multiple times a day for any little tidbit....by the time it comes out there will be no point in me buying it i'll know EVERYTHING about it hehehehe
  21. once u finish game once, ogre race shud be unlocked; id make a Shrek charcter hehe with a club. OH and the radiant story for ogre race makes EVERYONE hate you except talking donkeys and u ur main quest is rescuin princess from a tower guarded by an evil dragon :o
  22. lets see, Bethesda has created orcs, reptile people, cat people, nords, imperials, wood elves, etc. BUT, they are missing a few races...what happened to asians, hispanics....xD (in all seriousness there should be an amphibian race hehe with the ability to *censored* slap people with ur tongue in one hit and in slow mo. LOL.
  23. well depends man...you know sumtimes ill play games to just totally escape from reality and be a hermit in my room and talk to no1 lol and other times i LOVE playing games just to hangout with friends and have fun...and from the sounds of it, TESV Skyrim sounds very immersive :) so in that case ur idea is totally awesome id love to do that too, and i think i reme,ber seein fishing as a new skill somewhere (it was with woodcutting, smithing, and sumthin else) i may be wrong if you wanna find out look at Zaldiirs Skyrim info thread
  24. Another great idea in my opinion would be a set of perks that builds upon physcial strength, agility, speed,etc. One such example could be the ability to run up to side of a wall or perhaps pouncing on an enemy with a dager from a far distance to perform a stealth kill
  25. With the idea of weapon smithing,metalworking already confirmed, my idea to extend upon that would having the ability to accurately sculpt a weapon from soft, red hot metal using hammers,etc. for example, this would allow one to make a sword look like its from Prince of Persia videogame. Again, just an idea with its upsides and downsides; one may say, "well whats the point of searching dungeons for cool weapons when you can make ur own" and id answer back to them, the feature can be made to require a very high amount of skill or a very high amount of money or sumthin. Also, the aerodynamics and weight of the wepon could affect its efficiency; a katana with the speed of a dagger, or a two handed serrated godsword that feels two epic to swing. hehe.
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