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About Kijaod

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    United States
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    Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
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    Elder Scrolls Series

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  1. ya that is true, but i have seen a lot of info that the gi didnt release on here, so i have just been wondering. bc like, playing oblivion, i never use my horse jus because of 1, how slow hey are. and 2 how cheap they look hahaha.
  2. okeveryone, i have seen a lot of info for Skyrim, but no info on mounts. anybody know anything?
  3. Waiting...waiting...waiting..for Skyrim
  4. i have seen some really great ideas, here are a couple i have seen. *Dragon mounts,but not all that just fly and breathe fire. have some that fly, some that dont. some that breathe fire, some that are water based, and all different sizes and colors. possibly have the abilityto find a baby dragon/egg and raise itto becomeyour own to fly and aide you in battle. *weapon customization. being able to create your own weapon, from the hilt, to the blade, the enchantment (having a real effect onthe blade, not just make it glow) to the color of the blade as well. seraded and smooth edges, etc *Armor customization. very similar to theweapon customization stated above. *possible romance (if done correctly) where you can choose a girl/guy that YOU want. not one the game makes u have. *better mount effects. take red dead redemption for example, fantastic horse effects. it looked and rode like a real horse. *better looking races, if you look at the difference from the dark elves in oblivion vs like, everquest (of which i have a lvl 80 Dark elf) they dont look like, monsters like they do in oblivion. same with orcs,and all other races, including humans.(reading the giit said they fixed that, so thats good haha) there are a couple others i have read that i will postwhen i remember haha btw, my mom went thru breast cancer, i feel your pain,good luck with everything. i just wish she got a trip to the studio hahaha
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