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About greenknightfury

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I need help, need to be able to set home location for a horse the way so many follower mods let you with followers. Here's the catch, we (myself and my wife) are using Immersive Horses and need something that can work with that. I spent hours pouring through CK trying to find a way to set up a marker and making it the home of the target without any luck. If someone can give me a hand doing that or do that...I'd be very thankful.
Ennemy Ammo Types, please and thank you.
greenknightfury replied to novac3721's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Mod added NPCs might be able to do it, but vanilla NPCs given different ammo always act as if they have no ammo, kinda; they will sometimes draw the weapon, but then put it away and come for you with melee or unarmed. It was most annoying when you did any quest with a scripted shooting sequence in it, if they don't have standard ammo they freeze in firing position and nothing happens. I first noticed it with companions using ammo, and handing them several hundred rounds to find them not firing until given standard ammo.- 4 replies
- ennemy ammo
- ammo
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Ennemy Ammo Types, please and thank you.
greenknightfury replied to novac3721's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
There are plenty of mods that disperse different ammo types to the NPCs, but for some reason they can't use any ammo type but standard even of the vanilla ammo types. Not sure if this is something that a mod can fix, since it seems to be a problem with how the NPCs detect whether they have ammo or not. Looting the corpse of an enemy that charged you bare handed to learn he is carrying a minigun and 600 rounds of 5mm HP is offputting to say the least. The problem of NPCs being unable to use anything but standard ammo made me need to stop using any mod that has CASE as a requirement, as I got sick of having to console add the standard ammo for their weapon to allow scripted firing events to occur.- 4 replies
- ennemy ammo
- ammo
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I would like someone, anyone to make something like http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42155/? for Lonesome Road. I hate LR with a passion but like the things it adds, so something like this would allow people like me to get the cool gear and ED-E upgrades (and pretty cool backstory for him, the only good writing in the DLC) without dealing with that horrible slapped together mess of a DLC. I request a skipper like this because I know that the effort to take all the good elements of LR and drop them into a new space with a good story would be too much work, though that would be me favorite option; a good story made to replace the garbage we got with LR but with the same world space.
- skip
- lonesome road
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Post Apocalyptic Wars - Practical?
greenknightfury replied to LordPariah's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Asking if war is sane or likely due to hazardous conditions and/or hostile wildlife in a post-apoc setting is like asking if it was sane or likely in any time period before the industrial period. All your arguements match the beginning of humanity as a species as well, if not better, than they do a post apoc setting, yet here we are all over the planet. -
What would be of a huge help for modding would be easier cell building, basically a Sims style building of walls then selecting a texture and the various windows/signs/whatever. It would turn the 20+ hours of working on a decent sized single cell area that is more than just a empty room into a couple hour project, allowing for much more time/effort put into the rest of a mod. A better method of viewing while building the cell would even be useful for solving the "floating object" problem that plagues modders and the developers themselves (as seen in multiple places in NV).
I could not disagree more with this idea. Making your karma matter more in the game is much better than making it even more cosmetic. Oblivion made people react differently to you based on your fame/infamy (it's karma system) and it made it awesome for roleplaying, and added greatly to replay value. You got better prices from those that liked you because of your reputation, as well as quests and conversation (sometimes the only way to advance certain quests was to get someone to like you enough to talk). Even FO3 had karma dependent followers. If you want more "Realistic decision making", then your decisions need consequences: If you are an evil bastage, good people won't deal with you or give you jobs (quests); by the same token a bunch of bad guys won't want Mr (Mrs) Goody Two Shoes hanging out with them. Everybody will (if somewhat reluctantly) deal with someone riding the thin grey line of neutrality however. I like the idea though of certain things only being available if you go to extremes, it lets FO keep its "morally ambiguous" nature while giving those that really swing for the fences towards a certain moral stance something special. If they keep the multiple factions like in NV it adds another layer as well; how do the different factions relate to varying Karma levels? Does one faction accept a white knight easier than a scoundrel or villain? Does another faction become joinable only if you are a heartless killer? That is the direction karma should go, not become totally just a score with no real value.
Which Mod adds Snow Globe Perks?
greenknightfury replied to Andarus2's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
See I run a separate mod for for that, so can't help you there, especially since perks and snowglobes is part of the name...so it would be easy to find. -
I'm beginning to find it harder to hate the Thalmor...
greenknightfury replied to Kestrellius's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Considering that, at least, the tower in Cyridil is supposed to be indestructable it would be difficult to destroy the Towers... -
Things I'd like to see kept: The amazingly characterized companions of NV The main questline that has some feeling of reasonable character motivation throughout of FO3, I liked the factions and the choice they give in NV, but many times it feels as if I have to shoehorn my characters motivations to continue past certain points...mostly killing Benny and delivering the chip. The huge and detailed world of FO3, the much smaller and more linear NV felt like a huge letdown, especially considering the huge difference in RL sizes of the areas of what the worldmap contains between the two. Fill it with interesting little spaces I'm never compelled to explore but can and I'm happy. Despite the hate for it...VATS. Many people hate VATS, but to me it is part of the Fallout experience and one of it's real trademarks as a series since it went first person. Things I'd like changed/added: A settlement that you can build/rebuild using NPCs from around the Wastes. I have thought this would be the ultimate thing for these games from the beginning yet the only mods I even see for it are for ES games (Rebuilding Helgen for Skyrim is a great example). This is something they had in the Breath of Fire games for Super Nintendo...how far have game designers fallen that they can't add it to an RPG now? Especially with games where you build settlements/neighborhoods being so popular that it becomes a baffling business decision to not add them, not just baffling from a storytelling point of view with the theme of trying to rebuild society that runs through the heart of Fallout? Lasting changes based on your actions that go beyond "the person is dead/not dead" there are a couple of examples that exist in NV of this, and even less in FO3; but there needs to be real lasting changes brought by the things you do, not only does that add a whole new layer to immersion, it also encourages replay value immensely as you play around to see all the effects you can have on things. Make them real changes as well...killing Caesar and the people at the Fort should scatter most of the Legion forces, so no more Legion occupied towns in NV and no more assasin squads sent by Caesar either (wiping out the Fiends in Vault 3, or the Powder Gangers in NCRCF, qualifies here as well). For some reason things just get left dangling or unchanging...it's like they programmed it thinking like an MMO "doesn't matter what you do it resets right afterwards" instead of an RPG. Fixed NPC and companion AI, no more sidestepping straight into my line of fire or slowly circling to fire straight into the back of my head while I'm in stationary thank you. Fixed enemy AI, no more dodging like a kryptonian (watching your crit induced kill cam as they sidestep a bullet while it is less than arm's length from hitting them is very frustrating, they should be making sonic booms when they move if they are that fast) or perfect aim with both arms and head crippled, please. Fixed pathing! No more NPCs/companions getting stuck against rocks or continuously walking into walls, why cliff edges are the only time pathing works properly is a mystery. Also...fix pathing/follow scripting so my companions will follow me over a cliff edge if it's survivable. Give us companions that can change and grow over time, the same way the player character does. Some modded companions (and vanilla ones with certain mods) will loot bodies of weapons/ammo/armor that they need and equip it, make vanilla companions do it too without mods. Let us realistically interact with the environment! No more invisible walls and unclimbable slopes of 75 degrees or less...I can walk up most grades that they make unclimbable in these games, and it is the biggest immersion killer and annoyance that an adventurer of either the fantasy or post-apoc flavor is incapable of climbing anything or even stepping higher than their lower shin. No more "collarbone eyeballs"! This is most noticeable in games where your character can have various heights (i.e. Skyrim), but "first person view" is really looking straight out of where your collarbone meets your breastbone. it makes for some clear views of your hands when they are at waist level (i.e. drawn weapon) but it is annoying when you actually know how tall your character (model) is and are staring out at the world a head shorter than your character. Actually giving us a realistic FOV would fix this, you could be looking out your eyes and still see your hands while they are in weapons ready position, it would also eliminate the first person view clipping issues you can run into with a number of armors (mostly modded ones admittedly).
Thanks god obsidian dosn't make an other fallout :)
greenknightfury replied to 3AMt's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
And there you have it. Anyone who believes there's any freedom in Fallout 3 is a person who doesn't possess a mature mind and thus has no grasp of the complexities, nuances, and intricacies of the reality surrounding them. For true freedom to exist, there must also always be repercussions, consequences, and impacts. If there aren't, then any action you take has a net worth of zero. Why? Because you didn't change anything. Change is the most important aspect of freedom, and unless you can actually bring about change, you're not actually free. It is true (as I replied to the first reply to the post you dissect so thoroughly just to repeat the same point over and over), that there is no change or response to most of the things you do in FO3, other than the news stories coming from 3 Dog. Brian Wilkes' fate is the exception there, as saving him and getting his aunt to take him in in Rivet City has both of them making comments to you when they see you, the fact they made no other NPCs react to it is sad; but as I pointed out I dislike how things are left so flat, despite the number of choices you have. However, other than the exact same kind of news stories from Mr. New Vegas, or occasional NPC comments, there is no real consequences to almost anything you do in FO:NV either. Does wiping out Motor-Runner or Caesar stop their groups from acting exactly as if nothing happened? Does anything you do in almost any quest make any real difference other than certain people being dead or not, or changes to Karma or faction friendliness? Nope! There are four choices in FO:NV that have lingering effects beyond "that guy is dead/not dead"(not counting Arcade's companion quest) while actually playing; Choosing a Sheriff for Primm (they actually are in Primm and you get comments about who you picked, as well as it can effect what is available to buy/how much it costs in Primm), rounding up the "workers" for the Atomic Wrangler, getting entertainers for the Tops, and upgrading or destroying the Securitrons. The consequences of every other choice exist only as news segments and slideshow screens. If you think freedom requires consequences, then no open world game (or even mostly "on rails" game, like the Mass Effect games) has any freedom in it, beyond the consequences of "shoot enough of this group and they will attack you on sight" anyway. The only way to achieve it would be a game scripted to actually change things according to your actions, which honestly shouldn't be so hard in most cases, just a simple stopping of Fiend spawning or Caesar Legion spawning and comments of them scattering and fighting among themselves should suffice...of course then they would have had to find something other than a fight at the Dam to make a climax to the story. Admittedly the faction reputation system in NV is a step in the right direction towards your actions mattering in a game, but it still falls far short of real meaningful consequences. Megaton's destruction has physical lasting impact on the world in FO3 in that there is no more Megaton and you won't see anyone from Megaton again; the closest NV event, clearing the NCRCF of all the Powder Gangers, doesn't stop Powder Gangers from spawning all over the places they normally spawn. I suppose you could argue that the BOS bunker bombing is closer...yet it has about as much impact as blowing up Megaton, just removing a place to walk around in, the NPCs that were there and losing the connected companion. The exact same consequences in both games. -
LE ...being a Courier is helluva job...
greenknightfury replied to SparrowBlack's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Reminds me of something I have commented on in the Fallout: New Vegas forums (and on some Let's Play videos of the game) before, a Courier in those conditions (whether Skyrim or NV) would be the baddest of the bad, hardest of the hard, pure stuff of legends. Why, you ask? Because these guys go through the most dangerous of territory, braving every conceivable danger (just wait until you have a Courier hand you a letter in the middle of a fight with a grounded dragon! I have had that happen multiple times in multiple playthroughs) alone and as lightly armed and armored as possible so as to make sure they can run longer and burdened almost entirely with their deliveries. Really the best way to explain how tough these guys should be is the wandering bard you can run into (forget his name atm) that I have seen tear a pair of trolls and a pack of six wolves apart, all in the same battle, with the same ease I'd kill a similar sized group of skeletons at level 30 duel-wielding Dawnbreaker and Red Eagle's Bane, while using that undead killing healing circle spell (blast my bad memory for names right now). Truly only dragons and dragon-priests should be something that can even begin to be a bother to any Courier when you look at it from the story they weave by making them track you down anywhere (in the world cell admittedly, but just outside the Vampire Lord castle isn't much less hair-raising than inside, danger wise), during anything, and sending them in straight lines back and forth through any level of nasty territory. If they didn't want them to be obvious unstoppable battle machines, they should have had them all be masters of the Invisibility and Muffle spells; going totally unseen until they hand you the message. -
view effect/spells on Charater?
greenknightfury replied to Xadhom's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
To check active effects on your character: in FO:NV, simple open you pipboy and (if using no mods that alter the pipboy menus) go to the page that shows your injured limbs, hit the down button, now you know what effects are active on you character and what they are from; In Skyrim, open your magic menu and go to the "active effects" listing. You don't need any mods to do it at all. Both even list what gives those effects to you. If they don't show up in the effects list then they don't exist or were added by a mod that wasn't properly written. Or they are the result of perks and/or traits. -
Old World Blues Expanded
greenknightfury replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Ideas for some unique robobrain personalities eh? Well I've got a couple that popped into my head soon as I read that. Twitch: Twitch was an odd one; a weak, nerdy hacker type, and a fiend. He got razed but not messed with too badly by the other fiends, since he kept their energy weapons firing and the cool stuff in the Vault running. He also got to get out and do some safe exploring and scaving with a group of other Fiends as bodyguards to go hunting for tech they could use. When he heard about Big MT. and that "it's full of Old World tech..." he stopped listening and went running to set up a run for tech there before the "...and almost nobody get's out alive." part could even be said. The team didn't make it of course, they got caught and only Twitch and the head of the team with him, Scorch, survived the fight. Twitch doesn't mind that he woke up a Robobrain, it's tougher than his old body and he thinks it's pretty cool, luckily his drugs of choice (Mentats and Jet) seem to be easy to find/make and he tinkered with his and Scorch's bodies so they have chem dispensers feeding them their favorite chems. He loves working with tech and tinkering with all the weird stuff that they find here, and really doesn't care if he ever leaves. Scorch: Head of the team sent out with Twitch to go "shopping" by Motor Runner, Scorch is a pyro that loves to take the least excuse to let rip with any weapon that uses fire, even if he isn't hitting anything with it. He was really mad at first to be a robot, but a few quick tinkerings by Twitch replaced his bodies laser weapon with a flame thrower (he swapped out some parts from a Gutsy) (no need to have actual added parts there just have him shoot fire instead of the laser from the claw, though a big flamer tank added to his back would be a great touch) and adding a chem dispenser (Jet and Psycho) made him happy enough. Especially when he figured out he was a lot harder to hurt and fireproof. Loves to see fire in any form and is happy to sit watching a bonfire as he is torching enemies, but very willing to "Roast some marshmallows", which is what he calls anyone he considers weak or a goody two shoes. -
Honest Hearts expanded
greenknightfury replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Definitely! I love the idea that some of the refugees might have survived due to an immunity/symbiosis with the spores, and of course their decendants would have the immunity and be infected as well. This would most likely create a superstitious awe of them in at least some of the other tribes, "Their dead birth vengeance and death! They are protected by the spirits!" and immediate burning of their corpses by those that don't have that taboo about fighting them, or dumping their corpses in other enemy tribes territory.