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About Olafo

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    Fallout New Vegas

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Hi, everybody. I'm making a mod, but, I don't know how I have created this bug: http://i49.tinypic.com/289v1gm.jpg As yo can see, the sunglasses are at the left side of the face. It happens the same with hats. Do you have any idea of how can I fix this bug? EDIT: The mod is just an .esp file. No meshes. Thanks :) EDIT2: Solved.
  2. Hi, I've seen your vault boy images. They are great; good job, man :)
  3. Ey Olafo!! Ya lo he terminado. Ha sido la risión. A ver si me arreglan lo el endorsement y voto porque hay curro bien hecho aquí.

    Por cierto, ¿te interesa traducir los textos al inglés? DLCs cómicos como este yo creo que son bienvenidos por toda la comunidad. Si quieres te podría echar una mano.

  4. Hi, i'm having some problems with a radio that i've created. The problem is that when i'm on a dialog with NPCs the radio songs don't attenuate, they still at the same volume. How can i change this?
  5. Hola Olafo :)

    Sí, soy Ashara. Me alegro de verte por aquí

    Besos :)

  6. Olafo, zurullófilo!
  7. Are you Ashara?
  8. ¡¡baca, homosexual!!
  9. I've created a mesh using Blender, then i associate textures to it and, finally, i add a MiscItem in G.E.C.K. in order to introduce the mesh in the game. But i'm having problems with it because it doesn't work like it must. The mesh floats in the air and the game crashes when the player touch it, among other problems. What am I doing wrong? Screenshot I have exported it from Blender selecting Clutter. Thanks for the answers and sorry for my english.
  10. The correct function is: [ActorID].IsSwimming I finally found it.
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