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About Tsuusetsu

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    United States

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  1. Would like a Mod to add spell sneak attacks into the game. There is one, but apparently it is complicated. There was a mod like this for oldrim, but not for SE. Sneak attacks with spells damage to 1.5x. Or 3x with the backstab gloves. Apparently Perma perk for this is broken.
  2. Maybe just have the mod actually fortify your alchemy instead of buffing the outcome. Just like a fortify one handed enchantment, where it raises your one handed by so much.
  3. You'd be surprised how durable a bow can be, even just made out of decent wood. they are designed to stretch and bend, and can really thwap you like a whip. They certainly hurt. Even just 10-20% of your archery skill would make the bash worth while. Up to 10-20 extra damage at 100 archery level.
  4. Been playing skyrim for a couple years, and it always bothered me that nobody has created an axe shaped like the skyrim logo. I honestly figured it would be one of the first mods out there, as it seemed right on the nose. But here we are several years later without one. Every time i bring it up with a friend, they often have the reply. " Oh yea, that sounds awesome, how has nobody done this?" So i figured I would bring it up here on the request forums. Think of it just like a pole with the skyrim logo planted on top as a double sided axe blade :)
  5. Been playing an arcane assassin in skyrim, while my brother plays a necromancer. We were discussing spells and realized that we want two fairly similar spells. I'm trying to learn modding, but in the mean time, maybe someone can take a little time to create these two simple spells for us? I would like a novice destruction spell that shoots a bound dagger as a projectile, and sticks in people for a duration similar to arrows. Possibly make it do slight sneak attack damage, or bonus damage while undetected or some effect like this. To help a stealth mage out in the early levels. Base damage could be like 15, doubled sneak attack damage etc. If that is to complicated, simply be silent is enough, maybe ignoring resistance. My brother had a similar request. He wants a bone projectile that is linked with conjuration instead of destruction. Perhaps someone could simply edit one of the bone models and just one end into a point. If thats to much trouble, simply have the spell fire a skull. But it needs to be an offensive projectile similar to a firebolt, simply doing novice level damage (25). This is so he has an offensive conjuration spell, even if its small Thank you to anyone who can spare the time and effort on these two spells. If i were more familier with spell creating I would do it myself, and will still try just in case. :)
  6. Recently Started a play through as a skeleton race that throws javalins using the Spears by Soolie Mod. Its been great fun, but I would really love the flavor of throwing bone javelins at people. Would any modder Create a few different types of Bone javalins that are compatable with soolie's mod? All craftable with different types of bones, such as regular bones and legs, troll bone weapons, Saber cat, bear, mammoth, and dragon bones for example so it has progression like normal weapons. Would be a really fun and immersive addition!
  7. Bump just once? Gotta be one set of arcane assassin out there right?
  8. About to start a new play through with live another life, and decided to go with a stealthy mage hybrid character, an arcane assassin. One who uses destruction spells in tandem with stealth to devastate his opponents unseen. I always wanted to play one, but since I was on console, it always eluded me due to no spell + sneak damage support. However, on pc, this is now a possibility. I've been looking through armor mods, but have yet to find a good arcane assassin set that really satisfies what I'm looking for. There are plenty of stealth, thief, and assassin sets, and also many mage robes and armor. There are even several mage robe heavy armor set hybrids for battle mages which really solidify the hybridization of the battlemage and spellsword. Yet im finding it difficult to find a true hybrid armor set for a stealthy mage. It needs to be more than just black robes, and more than just a thieves guild set with a view potions or a book on the belt. Something to truly show that the character uses both magic and stealth. With so many other hybrid mods out there, i figured someone might know of a few of these hybrid armor sets. Can anyone recommend or point me to one or a few? :smile:
  9. Hi. I recently started playing skyrim again after about a year. I was browsing mods on the nexus and found a few really neat mods. One is the Playable Skeleton Race http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10622/? And the other Beast skeletons http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28957/? These two mods have me wanting to create two characters, a skeleton Khajiit, and a skeleton Argonian character. I watched a few videos on custom Race creation, but when I fallow the steps, whenever I finally load up the game, the Custom race is a pile of bones on the ground...with the camera at feet level. The skull seems to be inside the rib cage. Ive remade the race several times, but it keeps coming out the same. I tried starting from the Playable skeleton race and simply swapping the skeleton to the beast race skeleton. I tried starting with a khajiit race and swapping to the skeleton, but it still comes out as a pile of bones on the ground. Any clue on whats wrong?
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