Been playing an arcane assassin in skyrim, while my brother plays a necromancer. We were discussing spells and realized that we want two fairly similar spells. I'm trying to learn modding, but in the mean time, maybe someone can take a little time to create these two simple spells for us? I would like a novice destruction spell that shoots a bound dagger as a projectile, and sticks in people for a duration similar to arrows. Possibly make it do slight sneak attack damage, or bonus damage while undetected or some effect like this. To help a stealth mage out in the early levels. Base damage could be like 15, doubled sneak attack damage etc. If that is to complicated, simply be silent is enough, maybe ignoring resistance. My brother had a similar request. He wants a bone projectile that is linked with conjuration instead of destruction. Perhaps someone could simply edit one of the bone models and just one end into a point. If thats to much trouble, simply have the spell fire a skull. But it needs to be an offensive projectile similar to a firebolt, simply doing novice level damage (25). This is so he has an offensive conjuration spell, even if its small Thank you to anyone who can spare the time and effort on these two spells. If i were more familier with spell creating I would do it myself, and will still try just in case. :)