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About Moira0Nitya

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  1. The new design is absolutely bad in literally every possible way applicable, and it's not optional. This is a great way to kill off your site and lose anyone who has other places to go. Whomever ordered & designed this clearly has no training in graphic design, and no sense of aesthetics whatsoever. Legitimately, i have seen websites from the early 2000s designed better. Hells, Ive seen tumblr blogs designed better.
  2. Heyas! Soooo, no idea if this is possible or not, but let's be honest here: The game dev that thought up the "Leaving Locale" mechanic was beyond being a prick. They were some sortof super-prick dedicated to giving the players a giant 'F You!' in the most frustrating way possible. We need something to fix this crud, disable it entirely so we don't have to worry about fighting a monster for half an hour to the point it's so injured that it shouldn't be able to even walk, only to have it miraculously able to run/fly away & vanish as if it were picked up & moved by the monster-hunter-verse's deity itself. And to anyone who's first instinct is to reply something along the lines of; "don't hunt in expedition mode!" my response is: why? why should we be forced to have to use quests & other such things to farm a monster? The mechanic exists for the sole purpose of making the game more grindy. It's basically artificial difficulty(the bad kind(as if there is a good kind)), and it needs to die. So I'm asking anyone who might be able to help create something to achieve this. And lets be honest; anyone who manages to pull this off will be the most famous modder in Monster Hunter World modding history. Thank you infinitely in advance, and here's hoping to a game without excessive bullcrap grinding (for those who aren't into it. for those who are, by all means, that's your prerogative, just don't force it on us). TLDR: I'm looking for a mod that can disable the "_______ has left locale!" Mechanic. Dunno if it's possible, but it seriously NEEDS to exist. Thank you infinitely in advance!
  3. Heyas! Sooo, here's the thing. I'd wanted to try & recreate a customized character design of one of my favorite anime characters someone made on tumblr for a playthrough of skyrim, buuuut, I can't find any hairstyles that match!!! @_@ The main problem is that I can't find a haircolor anywhere that's anything like i need, and I have no skill with the creation kit whatsoever, so I found this forum, and figured i'd ask. Sooo, Does anyone know where I could find (Or how I could create, if needbe, idiot's guide please! xD) a hairstyle like the attached images? Thank you tons in advance!! :D P.S. Ideally, they'd be compatible with Ningheim Race, remembered last-minute I should probably mention this, sorry!
  4. As much as I hate to bump a nearly 4-year-old thread, this is literally the only case besides mine I've found on the internet of this happening. Can anyone find a fix, please? It's driving me insane!
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