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About Daunlouded

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    Carmageddon, Horizon: Zero Dawn

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  1. It depends on what mods you use. If you need SKSE, it's probably better to not update just yet, unless you can verify that all mods which need SKSE have been updated. I have only 266 mods but I cba to check if all SKSE users are updated. Probably not. It's also a good idea to keep a backup of your old mods instead of deleting them, because some mod authors like to delete old files every time they release a new version, so that users can't go back if the updated version doesn't work.
  2. You only have to "downgrade" mods that use SKSE. My advice is that set Steam to not update Skyrim automatically and then use only SKSE launcher to start the game. Then you can play the game without having to go offline.
  3. The slow/fast download page should be removed because it does cause too much pain, especially when same mod needs multiple downloads. It asks the question every single time. Imagine you are just reinstalling Skyrim for whatever reason and you need to download all mods for also whatever reason. Let's say you have 200 mods like I do. Every mods needs now one extra click and approx. that 5 second additional time. That alone is already 200 clicks and 1000 seconds or 16,6 minutes. Now, some mods needed more than one download. You need to click "back" link on the page, and then again "slow download" which gave two extra clicks. I have 18 optional files, so that added 36 clicks and lets say, another 10 seconds more time for each additional file (back to previous page+click again slow download). Now we have 236 clicks and 1360 seconds or 22,6 minutes. 22,6 minutes and 236 clicks. That is like giving the finger, especially for those who have had the premium membership. Also, I'm a supporter. Why do I still see that ad? In two places? Not to mention that I've had the premium membership in the past so I know it exists. I don't need a reminder. I don't want a reminder. F the reminder.
  4. In response to post #75813158. #75856613, #75987903 are all replies on the same post. I honestly already thought that I got, at some point redirected to a scam version of Nexus when I saw those slow/fast download buttons.
  5. Imgur is probably the best site for uploading images at the moment. I'm afraid there is no an easy way to figure out what mod is causing it. You just have to disable them one by one until the game works and when it doesn't. What does this mean? Is it like nothing happens when you try to launch skse64_loader? If not, there is definitely some incompatible mod. Some mods don't just work and some of them prevent the game from launching. Mod list would be helpful.
  6. Are crashes when entering buildings specific or just random? Meaning if if crashes every single time you enter for example, The Bunkhouse but not Honorfall Orphanage? You seem to have a lot of Verdant plugins. AFAIK only Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp is needed. If you want to lighten up your esps, beltfastenedquivers.esp is irrelevant for SSE if using XPMSE. You can change quiver''s position in XPMSE's MCM by selecting Frostfall option for quivers. RSChildren caused problems for me but they were just graphical glitches and not CTD's so it could be nothing for you. I'm not an expert with papyrus logs either but you do seem to have uninstalled SexLab incorrectly due there are so many references to it. You should have used uninstall option in it's MCM instead of removing it right away. It's causing other mods to give errors as well so it's not making it better. Not saying it would be SexLab causing it since I'm using it along with other related mods with no problems (and not ashamed about it). Also when you run around outside, do you ever happen to be close to a dragon burial site when the CTD comes? I had a time when my game would CTD every single time I go near one. It went away in time when I just played main story, but I always had to be really close to one. Almost on top of it. https://srmap.uesp.net/?centeron=the+Skyrim+map&search=Dragon+Mound helps with finding them. My CTD's when entering buildings (actually just the Bunkhouse) was caused by a mod conflict when two mods changed the same character's appearance. It was bad because said NPC was part of a quest. I confirmed it by moving the said character on top of me with console, and got instant CTD without entering the building. Also it could be that none above helps or is related because your save just took too much crap when trying out mods. Try loading an older save. Like, much older. Ideally before any script heavy mods. Something like https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9005 with Verdant is a must or your game looks like a jungle.
  7. I'd never even heard of this until now so I've been living in blissful ignorance.
  8. In response to post #38591030. #38604190, #38619630 are all replies on the same post. One word: Opera.
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