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  1. The search needs to be improved, even on the classic version it's really difficult to find what you want or even new things, but with the new version I expected it to work a lot better because the new site is a higher standard and sets that expectation. 1. It doesn't seem to give any thoughts to tags or description text. Perhaps a simple and comprehensive search is an option here, as advanced search doesn't work without a search term so unless I put "clothing" as the search then "description contains summer shorts" I won't find my mod at all because it doesn't come up under the original search. If I can search for a word in all the places then filter to not look for it in tags or description or what ever that would help more, or the reverse allow an option to tick "search tags/desc/etc". 2. If I search for something specific with a misspelling or alternative spelling it doesn't find it. Examples: armour (225) vs armor (2,817) which is ASTRONOMICAL in difference. 3. It's sensitive to punctuation and characters like ' and - and will not find mods where those are part of the name without you including it oftentimes (you have to provide at least one of them to find mine). Examples: Pre-war (7), prewar (9), pre war (18) are all treated differently, if you search each and tick clothing you will see what I mean. 4. For the love of god please force people to tag a language when they use a translation tag or post in the translation section AND allow us to block translations UNLESS our preferred translations are included in the list. This has been asked for so many times in the feedback section and would benefit so much.
  2. Is this going to force people who use the translation tag or button on mod creation to also pick at least one language?
  3. So step 4 is supposed to reference Fallout 4? If that's the case the app id is the same as the website anyway, even on these instructions if I go to ID 377161 I get 7497069378349273908 same as is already in the file, same as the instructions show?
  4. Am I supposed to be modifying the Stardew Valley file? appmanifest_413150.acf is Stardew Valley so I'm not sure what I'm doing.
  5. The steam instructions go to stardew valley and I am very confused at what I'm supposed to be replacing in my Fallout 4 file? Can anyone please help? "AppState" { "appid" "413150" "Universe" "1" "LauncherPath" "D:\\Steam\\steam.exe" "name" "Stardew Valley"
  6. Can a mod please check this mods ok? :smile: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/67679?tab=files
  7. I shut everything down to game, I've even not used Afterburner while testing in case that's the reason. My save right now is less than 4000kb. Why does the file size matter? :) Is there an alternative to the respawn fix I can use that handles the same thing?
  8. The only problem with this is it was happening on my previous install too, which was overpowered. It was a GTX 960 card. I can't say for sure if this happens in other games because my previous card was faulty and caused shutdowns all the time, this card is new and has never had any issues except in Skyrim. My old card would shut me down on startup 11 times in a row for shits and giggles so I thought all my issues were from that card. The new one is also not overheating. I can use Afterburner or Speccy to watch the temps and they stay below 40 (old card would hit 70+). I'm not overclocking, I don't know how to do that. I can play Skyrim Mod free without issues, but I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out if issues are mod related, game related, or something in between. It seems to never happen until I've sunken some hours in, so I've been playing an hour or two between batches of mods on a completely new save and install. I've got 3 crashes from one area in a new game but they only happen when the following mods are active: immersive dragons talkative dragons immersive citizens relationship dialogue overhaul immersive college npcs realistic conversations flora respawn fix flora overhaul vivid weathers possibly skytest from previous batch Those are the last two batches of mods I enabled, it's not happening if I go back before any of them and run around. It is if I enable them all and run around back to my error spot (between wichmist grove, mistwatch, and darkwater crossing). My whole computer literally shuts down every single time some time shortly after killing a dragon. I thought nope must have gotten lucky this time and bam 3rd crash happens. But who knows it could be something else and the dragon was just my focus because it's big and in my face? Since I can't post my logs, here's a rar file with the last 3 crashes if you wouldn't mind looking I'd so appreciate it.....you'll notice it's a dragon problem but I don't know how to tell what mod it is coming from or if perhaps it's not even causing the issue because it's in the logs that didn't crash as well which means that it could be a nonissue and the real problem isn't showing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14-M4tuD3pOJr-RbdT4VZng8hj1rpZSgy/view?usp=sharing Also the mods I suspected of causing this crash were Vivid Weathers, Realistic Lighting Overhaul, Immersive Patrols, or Immersive Citizens. I haven't even tried enabling RDO because I've realised it's buggier than the real game and also because I've suspected it so strongly. Load order 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 254 FE 1 Translated Draugr.esl 6 6 FloraRespawnFix.esp 7 7 SkyUI_SE.esp 8 8 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 254 FE 2 ICNs_ImmersiveCollegeNPCs.esp 9 9 Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp 10 a Vivid WeathersSE.esp 11 b Realistic-Voice.esp 254 FE 3 DragonCombatDialogue.esp 12 c Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp 13 d Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Vivid Weathers Patch.esp 14 e Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp 15 f sneak mod.esp 16 10 Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp 17 11 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 18 12 Cutting Room Floor.esp 19 13 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp 20 14 Mors Feminine Females - All.esp 21 15 SurvivalConfig.esp 254 FE 4 SurvivalConfig - SkyTEST Patch.esp 254 FE 5 SurvivalConfig - USSEP Patch.esp 22 16 FollowerWander2.esp 23 17 Followers_StealthKills.esp 24 18 AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp 25 19 CBBE.esp 26 1a FNIS.esp 27 1b FNISspells.esp 28 1c RaceMenu.esp 29 1d XPMSE.esp 30 1e RaceMenuHH.esp 31 1f RaceMenuPlugin.esp 32 20 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 254 FE 6 AOS_ISC_Integration.esp 33 21 AllMorphsAllRaces.esp 34 22 KhajiitProwess.esp 254 FE 7 kart_CSSET.esp 254 FE 8 SurvivalConfig - CRF Patch.esp SurvivalConfig - AS-LAL Patch.esp 35 23 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 36 24 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 37 25 RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp 38 26 RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp 39 27 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp RDO - USSEP Patch.esp
  9. This happened with my previous card too, it should be okay for this card? The card is at less than 40, much better than my old card, so I don't think it's overheating. I didn't regenerate ini's because I reformatted, installed the card, and then installed steam. Everything was 100% wiped and Skyrim was a new install too. Temps are fantastic, they don't go above 40 where as my old card would be at 80 in no time. Skyrim can't detect my hardware though which is making me sad and doesn't make sense. I just had a crash, this is my papyrus log if it helps anyone... (won't let me post, it freaks out lol) https://pastebin.com/czL19AFq Note that it crashed around 8:15-20 so I don't think that last one is my problem. The crash before just has VM freezing/thawing every couple of minutes, nothing right before the crash except achievements.
  10. And then re-deploy mods through Vortex?
  11. So I am playing a game but want to start a new one. I uninstall some things, install some others....can I just click new game or is there more that I need to do to ensure the things I uninstalled are truly gone?
  12. So my computer's been crashing from Skyrim SE hard, and at first it didn't seem to have any real pattern. It happened while walking, using forge, on a horse, basically any time I spent a lot of time out in the world it was unstable but I spent most of my first 30 levels in Riften and crashed plenty of times right there in the market. I had a faulty graphics card so I thought it was that. I've replaced it with a better one and my crashes have gotten worse. Here's my parts. I'm on Windows 10 pro. I now have a 100% replicatable crash when trying to enter magic or inventory. I don't know how to fix it or if I can. Before this was replicatable I crashed 4 times in a row on the path between the hot springs and where the Riften Skooma Dealers are. I tried resaver and it did not help. 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl 254 FE 2 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl 254 FE 3 ccqdrsse002-firewood.esl 254 FE 4 ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl 254 FE 5 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 254 FE 6 Unofficial Arcane Archer Pack Patch.esl 254 FE 7 Unofficial Nordic Jewelry Patch.esl 254 FE 8 Unofficial Arcane Accessories Patch.esl 254 FE 9 Unofficial Skyrim Survival Patch.esl 6 6 RSkyrimChildren.esm 254 FE a Translated Draugr.esl 254 FE b RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm 254 FE c RASS - Visual Effects.esl 7 7 ApachiiHairFemales.esm 8 8 ApachiiHair.esm 9 9 ApachiiHairMales.esm 10 a SkyUI_SE.esp 11 b FloraRespawnFix.esp 12 c SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 254 FE d ICNs_ImmersiveCollegeNPCs.esp 13 d Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp 14 e Vivid WeathersSE.esp 15 f ViewableFactionRanks.esp 16 10 Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp 17 11 MagicalCollegeofWinterhold.esp 18 12 Sanctuary Reborn.esp 19 13 Cutting Room Floor.esp 20 14 TCBM.esp 21 15 BlackthornManor.esp 22 16 HearthfireMultiKid.esp 23 17 WeightLessTrueAll.esp 24 18 Improved Adoptions MERGED.esp 25 19 RLO - Exteriors.esp 26 1a goodbrother.esp 27 1b WhiterunBigChildBedroomAndBasement.esp 28 1c LC_BuildYourNobleHouse.esp 29 1d SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp 30 1e Mors Feminine Females - All.esp 31 1f SurvivalConfig.esp 32 20 HarvestOverhaul_Redone.esp 254 FE e Animal Fat.esp 254 FE f Dirt and Blood - Dynamic Visuals.esp 254 FE 10 AFS Dirt and Blood.esp 254 FE 11 KSHairForCRF.esp 33 21 Magicka Invested.esp 34 22 KhajiitWillFollow.esp 35 23 WindhelmHjerimBasementAndBigChildBedroom.esp 36 24 TheScarlett.esp 37 25 SilianManor.esp 38 26 zMirai.esp 39 27 Mirai Grows Up.esp 40 28 Run For Your Lives.esp 41 29 Silverstead.esp 42 2a MammothManor.esp 43 2b Immersive Patrols II.esp 44 2c True Master Trainers (Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch).esp 45 2d Cats-in-SkyrimSSE.esp 46 2e RimStats.esp 47 2f SofiaFollower.esp 48 30 SaveTheBrotherhood.esp 49 31 RiftenHoneysideBigChildBedroomAndEnchantingLab.esp 50 32 MarkarthVlindrelHallBasementAndBigChildBedroom.esp 51 33 SkyfallEstateBuildable.esp 52 34 MCS.esp 53 35 hfhometeleports.esp 54 36 Blackthorn - Hearthfire Fix.esp 254 FE 12 AOS_ISC_Integration.esp 55 37 RLO - Effects.esp 254 FE 13 kart_CSSET.esp 254 FE 14 DragonCombatDialogue.esp 56 38 CT_AskToShowRoom.esp 57 39 Serana.esp 254 FE 15 Qw_ISC_CRF Patch.esp 254 FE 16 Qw_SofiaFollower_USSEP Patch.esp 58 3a SeranaDialogAddon.esp 59 3b The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp 60 3c MASSE.esp 61 3d Map Markers Complete.esp 62 3e KhajiitChildren.esp 63 3f EK_UnusualApplications.esp 64 40 Aymarandfriends.esp 65 41 MBW Dragon Souls to Perk Points.esp 66 42 RogueSorceressRetextured.esp 254 FE 17 SurvivalConfig - CRF Patch.esp 67 43 DX Daughter of the Sea.esp 68 44 DSHg - DragonPriest Masks.esp 69 45 DSHg - Helmets.esp 70 46 DSHg - UpdateDB.esp 71 47 DSHg - UpdateDG.esp 72 48 sneak mod.esp 73 49 Blackthorn RSC Patch.esp 74 4a AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp 75 4b Realistic-Voice.esp 76 4c EnchantX50.esp 77 4d Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp 78 4e Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp 79 4f UnreadBooksGlow.esp 80 50 SimpleBedroll.esp 81 51 PeopleAreStrangers.esp 82 52 RSChildren.esp 254 FE 18 RSC_USSEP_AventusFix.esp 83 53 Reanimate Level Cap Increase.esp 84 54 EnhancedAtronachs.esp 85 55 Tanning And Smelting Experience.esp 86 56 Sheps_Tattoo_Collection.esp 87 57 Shiva's Vanilla Hair Replacer.esp 88 58 KS Hairdo's.esp 89 59 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp 254 FE 19 SurvivalConfig - USSEP Patch.esp 90 5a AllMorphsAllRaces.esp 91 5b Dragonborn Empowered.esp 92 5c KhajiitProwess.esp 93 5d Ranger Outfit.esp 94 5e Crimson Blood Armor.esp 95 5f SDA- DX CBlood Patch.esp 96 60 RaceMenuHH.esp 97 61 RaceMenu.esp 98 62 XPMSE.esp 99 63 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 100 64 FNIS.esp 101 65 CBBE.esp 102 66 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 254 FE 1a SurvivalConfig - SkyTEST Patch.esp 103 67 MCoW_Cutting Room Floor.esp 104 68 Unique Armor Crafting.esp 105 69 Katarina SSE.esp 106 6a DX Necromancer Robes.esp 107 6b FNISspells.esp 108 6c DX Witcher Armor.esp 109 6d Shiva's Beautiful Presets.esp 110 6e Batch Crafting Recipes SE.esp 111 6f Faster Perks - Smithing.esp 112 70 SkyrimRecycling_noExp.esp 113 71 Unlimited Training.esp 114 72 BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp 254 FE 1b Qw_BarenziahQuestMarkers_USSEP Patch.esp 115 73 crimsonquestmarkers.esp 116 74 Player Size Adjuster.esp 117 75 TimingIsEverything.esp 118 76 Phenderix Twin Souls Expanded Levels.esp 119 77 Upgrade Leveled Items.esp 120 78 MultipleEnchantments.esp 121 79 Shiira a Female Khajiit Follower.esp 122 7a CRF+MI.esp 123 7b RSC CRF Patch.esp 124 7c Followers_StealthKills.esp 125 7d IcePenguinWorldMap.esp 126 7e SJR Bound Bows of Destruction.esp 127 7f CraftUnenchantedTGandDBSets.esp 128 80 sm_Arcane_Disenchant.esp 129 81 Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Vivid Weathers Patch.esp 130 82 AFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.esp 131 83 ImprovedMagicSE.esp 132 84 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 133 85 FollowerWander2.esp 134 86 NoRadialBlur.esp 135 87 BloodOnTheIceQuestFixUSSEP.esp 136 88 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 254 FE 1c SurvivalConfig - AS-LAL Patch.esp 254 FE 1d PCE - Live Another Life Patch.esp 137 89 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 138 8a RLO - Interiors.esp 139 8b RLO - CRF Patch.esp 140 8c RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp 141 8d RLO - VIS Patch.esp 142 8e Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp 143 8f Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 254 FE 1e PCE - RDO Patch.esp 254 FE 1f Qw_SofiaFollower_RDO Patch.esp 144 90 CFTO.esp 145 91 Serana Dialogue Edit.esp 146 92 RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp 147 93 Immersive Horses.esp 148 94 CFTO - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp 149 95 RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp RDO - USSEP Patch.esp 150 96 Hunters Not Bandits.esp 151 97 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Immersive Horses Patch.esp 254 FE 20 PCE - USSEP+CRF Patch.esp 254 FE 21 PCE - RLO Patch.esp 254 FE 22 PCE - Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch.esp 254 FE 23 PCE - No Custom Music patch.esp 152 98 RLO - IC Patch.esp 254 FE 24 PCE - Thieves Guild for Good Guys Patch.esp 153 99 RealisticWaterTwo.esp 254 FE 25 PCE - RW2 Patch.esp 154 9a Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp 254 FE 26 McmOresFirewoods.esp 254 FE 27 OreFirewood_USSEPPatch-2-0.esp 254 FE 28 McmOresFirewoods_Blackthorn_Patch-2.0.0.esp I uninstalled the following mods during this playthrough because I thought they were the source of my crashes (or I just didn't like them anymore): touring carriages, sounds of skyrim, hearthfire kids grow up, castle valdamire and reverb and ambience overhaul, as well as one of those landscapes of skyrim ones. This save is relatively new, from a fresh Skyrim install and all new mod downloads, but previous saves with these mods have also caused issues so something is really wrong here. Can anyone please help me diagnose this issue? I can't have my whole PC shut down like this it's damaging my data and OS and frankly cheesing me right off. EDIT: I started a new save also, no crashes, but that's exactly how this one started so I've got very little hope it will stay ok.
  13. I don't know what I am researching. I asked for help troubleshooting a mod (because it used to work like that) and I don't know what you're telling me to do lol. Google keywords? Learn to later menus? It sounds to me like you're trying to tell me to build it myself?
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