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Everything posted by bloodtrailkiller

  1. Well, unlike most people, my shadows are TOO light. I mean, not inside places. Inside places it's a gorgeous orgy of shadows and lights. BUT, outside it is a very unimpressive flat image. There ARE shadows, but they're hardly there. I am using Seasons of Skyrim's Winter Version. Which is probably messing it up. But I do want to have my Skyrim in winter; snow is very nice. I also had this issue with Climates of Tamriel; though to a more severe degree since the shadows wouldn't show up at all. This issue is only present with the outside. It's also present with or without an ENB I also use ULO and Enhanced FX and Shadows Any idea on how to make the shadows darker?
  2. Username:Bloodtrailkiller Character Name: Pylys Paer [spoiler]Gender: M Race: Bosmer-Nord Age: 27 Appearance: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/065/4/6/pylys_paer_by_bloodtrailkiller-d5x4m8g.png Pylys stands at a tall height of 6'3", standing taller than some Nords. His body is toned and well suited to his wandering life style, though his adventures has weathered and scarred his pale skin. His eyes are an animalistic yellow, his eyes slit like a snake, a stark contrast to his snow-white silken hair. Weapons: a large and elaborate two handed sword, the pommel made of silver and steel with a black leather grip. The blade itself is made of silver and steel, well kept and maintained, making said blade sharp and strong. The sword is sheathed in a simple sheath that is looped behind his cloak. He carries a quiver-full of barbed arrows and a double-arm bow acts as his preferred weapon. He does carry a broad range of small daggers and shiv's, most in concealed locations... Personality: Despite being occasionally cocky and boisterous, he's more than capable of being silent and understanding. He often wields his greatsword with a skilled elegance, optimizing on momentum with plenty of flourishes and distracting twirls. He bears his bow as the longbow it is, the draw length demanding plenty of strength to account for the amount of draw weight needed. History: N/A Faction: Unaligned Other: He has a small bounty, though most overlook him as he's gotten a good amount of muscle and scars over his body the last they were able to replicate his image. He's an active Monster Hunter, well skilled in dispatching non-humans as well as humanoids.
  3. [;P my first time RPing on a game site too, this should be a fun experience] Username:Bloodtrailkiller Character Name: Pylys Paer Gender: M Race: Wood Elf Age: 27 Appearance: Though being a Wood Elf, he wasn't raised in their territory: instead brought to the icy peaks of Skyrim, this turned his skin color from a usual tan to a relatively pale tone: with hints of a faint red on his cheeks and nose. His hair mimics the snow in the mountains with its brilliant white, his bangs are wrapped to the side of his face in a braid that is brought up and around his left ear. Despite his young age, he already adorns several scars, most notably one going down from his left eye down to his mouth and another running parallel, but opposite: running from his lip up to his eye. He sports a streamlined face, his nose-bridge scarcely a bump in his brow: his brows are wild with the outer-edges peaking upwards, they're the same color as his hair. His eyes are a feral yellow that seem to glow, though it is hardly noticeable. His body reflects a slacked and carefree man, though his face betrays him through a permanent sneer due to his scars. His body has obviously been pushed due to his harsh home, it too, bearing scars that tell of many stories. With that in mind, he has a very strong, toned, but light build. He fashions himself with a leather cuirass that utilizes a plated feature[a pectoral leather piece with two leather pieces covering his abdomen so as to allow mobility with a simple silken shirt with flared cuffs beneath it, and a chain-mail shirt is beneath that. His trousers are simple leather leggings which have brass buttons cross crossing his side, furred boots protect his calf and foot from both weather and weapon due to a solid steel plate that covers the front of the calf while leather jackets the entirety. He stands at an intimidating 6'1/2" and a solid black wolf-fur cloak on his back only makes him look ever more deathly, a hood made of the same fur can be pulled up to cover his head. Personality: Collected, Calm, Quiet, He fight's with a mocking freedom, his style obviously showing self-teaching that has been toned to a deathly dance. History: I'm one of those people who like to have people find out about histories ;3 Faction: Unaligned Other:He sports various bags that hang on a belt around his waist, this is often deposited when selling or in a fight. He fight's with a handcrafted steel bastard sword: its blade is coated in silver and he usually wields it in two hands, though he does use it in one hand when he gains momentum. He has a bow that uses a double-arm action, it's made of wood with elegant carving and uses arrows made of simple iron. He has a pet North-wolf/white wolf he named "Fenris"
  4. I'm not sure how this'd be possible, but I jsut thought of throwing it out there because it bugged me a lot. It's mostly a problem with actual armors; with metals that should be stiff. Though when a character turns their head to look at you, the armor seems to bend and stretch like silly putty. I can understand this is probably impossible with Skyrim's engine, but if anyone can find a way; I'd absolutely love the hell out of you.
  5. I'd support the idea. Though I haven't reached that stage due to massive luck issues with files ;P
  6. All I really want is the shields to act like a shield would. I mean, it annoys the hell outta me when I die with my shield raised due to an arrow. I'd like to see improved shields: where they'd actually deflect arrows and diminish hits into near nothing. I'd do it myself but, I'm really terrible with CK. Modding in General; really... But yeah, if someone could make this: it'd be much appreciated
  7. Maybe we could compile all the versions and re-release it?
  8. T_T I wish it wouldn't be so complicated. If only I wasn't so inept in mind would I attempt this task...
  9. I'm in love with archery and the overall style of being an Archer; but I was saddened when I found no 'draw two arrows at once' perk. I always loved seeing that happen in movies[looking at Lotr] and I would love to be able to do that in Skyrim :3. Anyone up for the task or is it too much work for some'n like me?
  10. Well; this is more a request. I've been wanting a simple leather circlet; more a band. Along with that, I was saddened to see not much chainmail :c. I know the work is much; but it would please me greatly if someone took this up. ^_^ I eagerly await some one willing to do so :3
  11. Or maybe you can harvest salt water from the ocean in certain areas :3 I also find myself lacking in salt, but for shock arrows ;P[Tytanis mod ftw]
  12. They do comment on you, though I often barely catch it and guards often say it. For example, when I was wearing Dragonscale armor, the guard[simply passed by] said '*whistles* Is that made of Dragonbone?! What wouldn't I do for a set of that...'' Or when I have my flame enchanted weapons, they seem more than a little wary[to the point it's nigh annoying ;3] I believe there's one or two of my quests, but I can't remember.
  13. Well, since I'm working on my first mod... ever, I'm doing it easy, with a retex. Although I can re-color the entire armor with ease, the reflection of green is still there :/ any leads on how to fix it? I'm trying for a dark grey/pale red color scheme, but the green shiny is still there :c So, it's a simple question, ^^ thanks in advance to anyone who answers
  14. <_> hey,new to the forums,obviously but well,I've got a question running on a 32-bit HP Vista Laptop,and I'm on F3,signed into LIVE then I updated it,then my computer shuts off,is that the reboot or what?I really want to know cause I >LOVE< this game and I don't want to resort to googling s*** loads of stuff
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