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About DarkKRaziel

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  1. Maybe it happens with other NPCs, but not with the player. At "death" being essential, weapon is "visually dropped" but still in your inventory. When you wake up with the setUnconscious to 1 and 0, you still have the weapon, but visually bugged, so you have to unequip and equip to fix it (at least one way to fix it). The player works different from NPC in those scenarios xD
  2. Thanks for all the help to both! This is going somewhere :laugh: I did some more testing, messed with the logic and... found the issue. "playerRef.getKnockedState" DOESN'T WORK!!! Comparing being == 1 or being <> 1. It doesn't check when we fall to the ground, so nothing triggers. We need another way to check if the player is on the ground. This is my DEFINITIVE script (only one small issue) Basically:- Turn the player essential so it turns unconscious at death.- If you mantain the dot key for 3 seconds, you make the mod work (you can do it without being unconscious but there's no point)- When you trigger the mod, turn off essential so the moveTo can work.- Stops combats.- Turns on and off unconscious so it can wake up.- Unequip and equip weapon so it doesn't visually bugs (PENDING)- Cripple everything.- Teleport to doc's.- It will re-apply essential after this. Tested and working. Only fails to equip again the weapon. I cannot make it work. PlayerRef.equipItem with the "dcbWeapon" doesn't work, so after each death I have to manually re-equip the weapon. At least it unequips to avoid the bug. Any idea? I know... having to mantain a key for each death is not "elegant" or "efficient" but as long as we don't have any way to "read" when we are unconscious, it's a nice try xDD The rest works perfectly (Âșuo)
  3. Okay. I have this. I don't know why it doesn't work, but... IT'S HERE. Make the player essential. At death it falls unconscious. Then, I can cripple everything and teleport. Tested and proved that the last part (crippling and teleport) works perfectly. Also tested that I have to make setUnconscious to 1 and then to 0 to wake up. The problem is that now it falls unconscious and nothing else happens. Maybe GameMode doesn't work in that state? Why nothing happens? IT'S THERE, JUST ONE STEP AND IT'S THERE! @dubious thanks, worth checking when I get errors. I'll check if the code gives errors in execution or if it's a logic error... I don't know. Confusing.
  4. Okay, I think I managed to make it work. Downloaded the Mod Manager and did the archive invalidation after changing everything you told me with the perk. I entered the game and... MY CHARACTER HAD THE PERK. Was amazing... I think I did the perk correctly. Then I went to the big scorpions at the north. With 1 hit, my HP dropped at 10% and I stood still... that makes me think that it worked, cause at 12% the script had to do something. But... at 1 second, death animation. Maybe because of the poison? Or something else we are forgetting? How do you make sure that health doesn't go down to 0% and triggers death animation? Hey... at last resource. I multiply my health x10, and I make a < 0.9 health. So it literally is the same as now (when your health reaches 0) but effectively it's impossible to drain HP to zero after the x10, so no problem with death animation. The problem is that... HP bar would seem always full and it would be hard to tell your real % to use steampunks... Just a crazy solution in case we can't avoid the death animation. For now I must go to sleep, but it's a great step!! Tomorrow I'll do more testing if I have time. And the day after that I'll disappear 1 week and maybe I don't appear here, don't think I'll leave, just a vacation week xDD Thanks for everything!!
  5. Lot of thanks, really (Q_Q) I thought about "start game enabled" but I thought it only worked for new game, right after starting naked in doc's house before doign the Vit'o'matic stat thing, and I couldn't for a game already started xD I have to stop assuming things. Sometimes I really think I'm idiot with these things. Why can't I make it work? I can't do the "archive invalidation" part. I don't load with mod manager, I manually put the .esp in the Data folder. I changed the quest name and quest id. I closed and changed the .esp name. Still doesn't work... sorry (Q_Q)
  6. Lot of thanks for the effort! I'm trying to make it work. Well, the mod is for myself, but I planned to make it public so other people can enjoy it. Putting your name in it (?????) I don't want it to mess with the save stuff. I already have a mod that disables quicksave/load, and better not mess with the save system without player's consent. The important thing is that the game won't load after death, so you can play without saving the game as you want, without dying and losing progress. Then just manually save regularly and GG. Sometimes you die when it's not your fault (people comes to distract you, or a game's bug or not fair behaviour) so it's nice that it doesn't auto save. Well... created the quest with the 0.1 delay, put the quest script on it, compiled nice... entered the game. Search death. It found the QST (quest) with the name I gave it, and showed some random ID. I did setstage ID 0 (and setstage ID 1 just in case). The quest doesn't appear in pip body... and I died without it working. What can I be doing wrong? Maybe it's because the quest doesn't properly triggers? I don't want to get complicated ways to get the quest, just a command and GG.
  7. Okay. I went to "Data", loaded "FalloutNV.esm". I created this script. It compiles so I suppose it's okay. I read that onDeath is a valid event. 00104C0D is the "id" of doc's mitchell (it did not compilate with the cell id, but now it does with this). I went to NPC -> Playerfemale (also Player just in case), under Script I chose the previous script. The script was added to the Script tab. Went to Save. I saved the project as an "esp" file, the same files I download from other mods. Put it in Data folder. Added to launcher as usual. In-game, this happens: Any idea how to continue? Thanks for the attention!
  8. Thanks! Well, I recently discovered that the way to go is "damageav" to cripple my limbs, what triggers the sounds, animations, even achievements. Forceav made it impossible to restore them back even with commands again xDD Well... how do I make an "xmarker" in doc's clinic so I can moveto? Hum... Treat me like I don't get the things, this system is so confusing xD i tried scripts and perks but... didn't make it... I'll try that but I think I'll need some help xD Where to put the code so it executes constantly to check stuff... and how do you make the "onDeath" so it doesn't load the game...
  9. Hello! I want to make a mod that triggers a teleport to doc's mitchell house on death INSTEAD OF loading the last saved game. Researching by myself I went to this begin ScriptEffectUpdate if player.getHealthPercentage == 0 player.forceav health 1 player.forceav PerceptionCondition 0 player.forceav EnduranceCondition 0 player.forceav LeftAttackCondition 0 player.forceav RightAttackCondition 0 player.forceav LeftMobilityCondition 0 player.forceav RightMobilityCondition 0 player.moveto GSDocMitchellHouse endif end I don't know if the forceav's will work in G.E.C.K, and moveto doesn't allow me to save (compile problems), also "coc" doesn't work here... And... is "scriptEffectUpdate" good? How do I make this to trigger after HP reaches zero WITHOUT triggering the load game? Triggering after finishing the death animation would be so nice TIP: I want to get all my parts crippled and teleport to doc's house after death
  10. Hello! Well. Everyone knows how sometimes the F5/F9 system can make the system uninteresting. Recently I tried the "another kick in the head" mod. Playing knowing you won't load the game, every choice is definitive and you have to deal with consequences (except for bugs and stuff you wouldn't know) makes mojave really interesting. For example, for the first time Ringo died saving Goodsprings and... I dealt with it. Realod infinite times until everyone is alive? BORING! (Also is not that important NPC so...). It's nice to play this way. WIth fear. A mine in the ground that cripples your leg? You learn to pay more attention and not just F9. But I don't like that mod. Losing all your stuff... is more annoying than challenging. I had to cheat and load. So my proposal... maybe someone knows if this exists or can create it... it can be easy and would be so nice... I don't know how to make mods. I'm a programmer so maybe I can learn it if someone helps me or something xDD I never tried deeply. - When your HP reaches zero, you are instantly teleported to doc's house in Goodsprings with 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - ALL parts of the body crippled (maybe according to a difficulty setting). If can't, I would like to get ALL parts crippled by default. Just that. With this, dying is really fatal, but not a dead end. You can still play, but crippled you would have epic debuffs in every single area... for the ones that use the sprint mod, you can't run with cripple legs and it's worse. You would have to save caps so the doctor can heal you, and it would give Medicine skill more value to make doctor bags. But you can continue playing with everything crippled, that's the point: DEAL WITH CONSEQUENCES. And you can't exploit "saving the caps in a box so you don't lose them after dying" cause you have to spend them at doctor anyway... so it's perfect. Losing my items in other mods it's a dead end for me. Anyone can make this or help me make this? It would be amazing... Also, to mix, I downloaded a mod that increases doctor's prices. BUT!! I think it costs the same to heal 1 crippled part or 6 crippled parts. The mod could also change this, and maybe add a menu to change the doctor's prices??? Thanks!!! EDIT: For now I have this. I don't know if this would work in the script (ingame console works). I don't know how to say "after player death, instead of reloading, do this". player.forceav health 1; player.forceav PerceptionCondition 0; player.forceav EnduranceCondition 0; player.forceav LeftAttackCondition 0; player.forceav RightAttackCondition 0; player.forceav LeftMobilityCondition 0; player.forceav RightMobilityCondition 0; coc GSDocMitchellHouse;
  11. BUUUUMP! We got something? I just posted a topic with this same topic and found this topic... Some minigame? Even if it's the same lockpicking minigame and you get "one" lockpick, like said before... of a minigame with dialogue boxes. Something!
  12. Being a totally random skill is boring. Just click, get, repeat. Got caugh? F9. You refuse to load? No worry, keep dealing with the consequences of... consequences of a totally-random act. That sounds fair. You're doomed to get 1 of 10 tries to get screwed. Yeah. I totally love lockpicking. Precision, calm, move the lockpick arround, find the sweet spot... I doubt I'll spend a perk in the tree cause it's useless, and I prefer the lockpicks being hard for the whole game... I also wouldnt spend perks in pickpocket but I would like to increase the skill level and it to be fun... I want to roleplay an assassin thieve. Someone has an idea about it, knows if it exists, or can do something? I found anything, and It's weird... Even if it's not a complicated minigame, maybe some dialogue boxes with some options and you have to choose the correct options FAST in sequence (like "right", "left", "center", you have to choose where to "move the fingers" and every message gives you some info... and more skill means you'll get more chance of correct choices), or something more elaborated... Even making THE SAME LOCKPICKING minigame appearing when pickpocketing would be nice. Nosense, but... it would be a funny minigame. The lockpick level would be generally easier, cause if the lockpick breaks, you get caugh. Depending of the weight and/or value of the item. Easier things. Lockpicks in doors are supposed to break a lot and just keep trying. In pickpocket, one break = you're caugh, so they would be generally easier. What are your thoughts? EDIT: well, found https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/469316-pickpocketing-overhaul-a-mini-game-like-lockpicking/?hl=%20pickpocket%20%20minigame... but I can't delete this topic
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