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Posts posted by Jokerine

  1. As far as I know, for that kind of feature you'd have to either edit dialogue or add new dialogue lines for each companion with result scripts telling them to stay at this shack when dismissed, which can be quite tricky if you're messing with default NPCs. It may be possible to use some conditions in the dialogue to try and work your way around it, but I don't really think it would be a good project for a beginner I'm afraid :( Good luck nonetheless! :)

  2. In response to post #54682783.

    Tazcada wrote:


    can confirm no mod downloads

    can confirm all broken bookmarks


    can anyone confirm broken Fallout 4 page?


    Ah, I thought I was the only one.


    The old site Fallout 4 page is broken for me.


    But it works fine on the new site version. :dry:


    I wish. Fallout 4 page is down on both pages for me, links don't work, and I'm getting the "you're viewing the old site, click here to get the new site" error on the new page from the new page. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed so far. Personally, I think newer is not always better, and I prefer to go with the "if it ain't broke" theory in all things web related. I checked out the new site on oldrim, and wasn't horribly impressed. Trending mods? What the hell, are we on twitter now? We trend and vape, and all that nonsense?

    I loved the end of your post! Thank you, I needed a smile this morning. Kudos #Vape :)
  3. In response to post #54671943. #54672703, #54677478 are all replies on the same post.

    Pegasix wrote: Can we please just have an option to stick with old layout? I personally just don't like the looks of this design.
    SharraShimada wrote: Maintaining 2 Designs is a waste of time, because its work, that wont repay in any way. So, the old design will perish some day. And yeah, its always hard to change to something different, and leaving style, used, and attached to, behind. And yes, the new design looks... boring? Just another flat, tile-design, as seen on nearly every other crap-site in the internet the last 2 years.
    But i must admit, the primary function of a mod-page is to deliver info. And they come in form of pictures most of the time.
    You may explain, what your armor-mod does, how it looks, and where are the belt is attached... but no one will really imagine int. Put a picture on it, and kabooom.
    And thats, what this design is made for.
    Personally, i would had made some stuff the other way. But i´m not in charge. If have to, and i can, live with that.
    pintocat wrote: I don't mind if they don't maintain the old one, I'll use a buggy one until the new one is fixed

    I personally understand that maintaining two different versions of the site may be too much work, and this will probably be an "adapt or die" situation. But, well, if the site is switched over for good and we're all forced to use the new redesign I'll most likely stop using the site altogether, or only visit very, very rarely. I have a choice in this matter, thankfully. I'll just take death :laugh:
  4. In response to post #54660448.

    Crimsomrider wrote: I personally will be clutching onto the old design until the moment it dies because I really am not a fan of this new one. And it's not about me clinging on to the old one because I hate changes or something, I welcome changes when I think they're an improvement, but this is honestly not an improvement in my eyes. It's simply the fact that the compact look of the old design was traded for this plain ugly "modern" design which involves big images and fonts, too much scrolling down, too much eye-movement along with information being scattered all over the place. What's up with all the depressing colors of dark gray, light gray and occasionally white ? Did someone run out of ink when designing this place ? Is the "modern" design too afraid of colors ? Am I in 50 Shades Of Gray ?

    And then there's other things, some of which I mentioned in the forum post.

    My honest opinion is that this is a downgrade rather than an upgrade, because of reasons I stated in the forum post. Such a shame that this is now turning into Bethesda.net 2.0 design... only more uglier and effort requiring.

    If anything should have been changed, then it was the forums section because it felt so disconnected from the main site in terms of designs and bringing it up to the Nexus design would have been amazing.

    I will remain on the old design until hopefully some changes are made to the new design that make it at least somewhat visually pleasing and convenient.

    I said it once and I'll say it again. Old design was compact, displayed important information when required, was easier to navigate and much more viewable.

    The new design is too big, too flashy with images and fonts. Absolutely no colors. Information is scattered all over the place. A lot of scrolling and looking around. The biggest sin of all however is that it forces the user to SEARCH for IMPORTANT information, instead of handing the important information to them. Just look at the mod pages for example and see the first 5 lines when you open a mod page.

    This new design would be a great design for a phone, not a PC.

    Just my opinion.

    It took me a while to figure out how to reply, but I gotta say I agree. Having a lot of trouble with this.
  5. wilianto92 banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Non-Steam copy of Skyrim Special Edition.


    im new to skyrim special edition and this few months is my very first experience with mods, i search tes5edit and downloaded it from nexusmods skyrim and when i tried to open it it always said for steam, and i dont using steam playing skyrim se on my laptop, i know this is annoying, trust me, but i love the swords, could you please just send me the esp like before with the swing speed of ebony blade ? again, thx bill and sorry the annoyence, lol.



    We have a strict anti-piracy policy and we take a proactive and preemptive stance on anyone who gives us reason to believe is using a pirated version of any game or software. We only support official game versions and users should not provide help to others requesting help with unofficial game versions (e.g. cracked games). If your on-site activities provide us with sufficient evidence that you are a software pirate then you will be instantly banned. If you ask for help with a cracked game then your posts or topics may be set to hidden or deleted, and persisting to ask for help with your cracked copy may result in your account being banned.


    All legitimate PC copies of Skyrim Special Edition require Steam. Please offer proof of purchase in your unban request if you wish to return. For more information, our Terms of Service can be found here.



    Reference post

  6. MLRSFDC banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Non-Steam copy of Skyrim.


    I am not using STEAM. I use MO and SKSE and everything else that you all suggest, but due to really crappy internet out here in the sticks, I do not use Internet intensive sites like STEAM, I'd hate to wake up and say, hey let me play Skyrim today, just to find out that Windstream is down yet again.


    Unless you can tell me a really great reason for why I should be using STEAM, as in STEAM would solve all of my issues. But all of the other posts that I have been reading were telling me ways to check settings and issues in STEAM, and that does not pertain to me. sooooooo. Yeah.



    We have a strict anti-piracy policy and we take a proactive and preemptive stance on anyone who gives us reason to believe is using a pirated version of any game or software. We only support official game versions and users should not provide help to others requesting help with unofficial game versions (e.g. cracked games). If your on-site activities provide us with sufficient evidence that you are a software pirate then you will be instantly banned. If you ask for help with a cracked game then your posts or topics may be set to hidden or deleted, and persisting to ask for help with your cracked copy may result in your account being banned.


    All legitimate copies of Skyim require Steam. Please offer proof of purchase in your unban request if you wish to return. For more information, our Terms of Service can be found here.



    Reference post


    Reference post

  7. You could try something like this instead. This is my go-to "cutscene" script.


    I use an Int (internal variable, in this case "MySequence01") so, when you use StartQuest, you should do

    Set MyQuest.MySequence01 to 1
    StartQuest MyQuest

    The advantage of using ints is that you can merge all of your teleports into one script, and simply check for what int you're using to do different things.


    But, for a basic one with only one int, this is the script. The quest should have priority 10, delay 0.100000, and not start enabled.

    scn CutsceneScriptThing
    int MySequence01
    Begin GameMode
    if (MySequence01 == 1)
      if Reset == 0
              DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
              IMOD FadeToBlack5sISFX
    	  Set Timer to 0
    	  Set Reset to 1
    	Set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed
    	if Timer > 5
    	  Set Reset to 0
              Player.MoveTo MyMarkerREF
              Set MySequence01 to 0
    	  StopQuest MyQuest

    You could change the IMOD to one like FadeInfromBlack to make the screen black immediately. You can change the value of Timer > 5 to more or less depending on how long you want the player to stand still.


    Sorry if the thing about using different ints this isn't very clear. If you need help with that I can give you some more examples.

  8. Tonko has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:




    Trolling a mod author using foul language.





    I thought it was an issue...

    Like... that's your s*** and you care for it...

    But apparently it is not...

    You could have replied something though...

    Cos I pointed at something that might be a big deal...

    Or obviously not...

    Thank you you self absorbed d***head!




    Yeah you see about that...

    Most of us don't know for sure or at all... BUT ... there is a guy that COULD answer your question probably...

    ANOTHER BUT!.... since he is a d***head that only answers to people that let him suck their dicks - he ain't gonna answer...








    Hey there dipshit!

    The .ini file was obviously changed in the last 48 hours because I download it at that time and those lines were NOT there!

    NOW, IF you wanna and gonna suck JIP's dick, go for it!

    I wrote a very polite and friendly question and BEHOLD the .ini file was changed after that...

    And no reply from the d***head in charge!

    So please just shut the f*** up!





    No trolling

    Trolling is deliberately attempting to goad people into a "flame war" by posting disparaging remarks or comments that you know will incite a negative or nasty response. See the definition at the bottom of these terms of service for a more detailed description of trolling




    Do not flame or flame-bait others

    Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people (examples include calling someone an "idiot" for having views different to your own or being particularly demeaning to someone who is younger than yourself).





    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, Tonko has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 3 days




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