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Everything posted by Spiderbane

  1. As a bisexual man, I am curious as to the recent actions of the moderators of this forum. I myself see no issue if someone doesn't want MY flag in their game and feel like taking the option to remove it from their gameplay experience is a bit hypocritical. Then banning anyone that speaks out against it, even if done respectfully, as even worse. I totally agree with banning the disrespectful and trolling posts of people just throwing temper tantrums, but some of the feedback I have seen has been respectful and thought provoking, only to be removed and that person being banned. I checked the rules for this forum and the main page rules and do not see how this inquiry can be labeled as a breech of the terms of service. So I just request that, as long as it remains civil, a discussion portal be allowed somewhere. Because without discussion and civil discourse, you are only creating more hatred towards a group of people, that only want to be accepted, by treating their opinions as worthless rather than educating them on why their opinions may be harmful. I understand in the end it is your decision on this matter, but as someone who is affected by this, I hope you understand my issue with the way, I personally think, it is being handled.
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