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  1. Agreed, the Trending Mods on the start page (and View All) works like that. But the old design's Trending sorting option in the search seems to function more like the "Top Files/Lists" in the site's header band, based on the results shown in the search. The first image of my example clearly shows that the search result isn't limited to "mods uploaded within the last X days, sorted by endorsements". They are sorted by most Endorsements in the last X days where the day of upload doesn't matter at all.
  2. No, that's not what happens. First of all, in both cases I searched the file/mod title for "craft", not their description. Secondly, both search queries report all mods with a variant of "craft" in their name. The files reported are the same. The only difference being their order relative to each other due to the different sorting option chosen: Trending vs. Endorsements. Trending option shows all files ever released based on the number of endorsements in the past 14 days, just like the site's default "Top Files/Lists" (header menu band -> "Mods" drop-down section -> "Top Files"); whereas the new design's replacement sorts them by total number of endorsements (since day 1).
  3. Here's a little demonstration of what I'm talking about. Entirely different search results. Old: New:
  4. That's not what I'm talking about. As I said, this is about the search function. The old design had a separate "Trending" sorting option that didn't limit a search (i.e. search results) to a time-frame, unlike the "Trending Mods" section you're referring to, but could be used to sort all search results of all time by trending. The "new" trending you're referring to is just "sort by Endorsement count accumulated across x days" and only shows results (mods) released within that time-frame. Different thing.
  5. I'm missing the most important file search sorting function "by Trending". This is the one I use 90% of the time and the primary reason I use the search function to begin with. There is no good alternative. I don't really care how many endorsements or downloads a mod accumulated over the years/decades, I'm more interested to see what shiny new things a community came up with instead of promoting the same old same old.
  6. I see, thanks. Yeah, I kinda agree that making the design compatible with as many devices as possible probably played a role in some of the decisions being made.
  7. Is this a fact or your interpretation of it? If the former, where can I find a statement confirming that?
  8. Notifications clicked on from a game's hub page, e.g. the Dragon Age one, don't mark the notification as read. I have to click on it again, on the site it lead me to, e.g. a mod page, in order to mark it as read. The hub pages seem to miss that functionality but show the up-to-date state of notifications when modified (read, deleted, etc) on a mod page.
  9. I've been encountering that one for years at this point, so this isn't new and exclusive to the new design.
  10. The time frame for mods to show in the Hot Mods section for Dragon Age Veilguard seems to be set to 1 Month or more. Since then every day a bunch of new mods get released but they hardly have a chance to show in the Hot Mods because the oldest ones retain their status as being the most popular ones. Please reduce the time to 2 weeks or something.
  11. The process I use for my mod LEO does exactly that but right now I wouldn't call it "easy to use" for beginners because it is specifically tailored around my or the mod's needs back when I worked on it. It always involves understanding what the code does and how to alter data structures within the script properties and add new entries to them with FO4Edit.
  12. Could the period for cycling mods in the Hot Mods / Trending Mods category be reduced to 7 days. Right now it seems to be set to "All Time". I'd love to see some more recent Hot Mods instead of the same ones from the first day of release every day. Thanks in advance.
  13. For the purpose of adding additional legendary effects as an extension to old ECO there are no permissions needed if that extension is published as a separate file that simply depends on ECO. Even including parts of ECO in another mod is fine as long as the new mod release conforms to the permissions I set for ECO.
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