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Everything posted by DankRafft

  1. Merging these mods into one could slightly increase your performance but it might be hardly noticable. I don't know about Bodyslide though. I never used it and all I know about it is the fact that it exists. :D But from my limited experience I'd say if you leave those files as loose ones it should work fine even with the merged mods. One thing to consider when merging is the overlapping Form ID and reference issue. If you're proficient with that go for it. I've done it for several of my (own) mods, too. It's a bit tedious at times but with a large number of seperate mods included it might have a positive impact on your game.
  2. Correct, those are custom folders and the game won't recognize them if they are in an BA2 archive. AFAIK the archiver won't pack them and throw an error message if you attempt to do so.
  3. I don't need the 4k textures. When I'm playing the game (instead of starring at textures) I won't notice the difference, only on weapons and armor (I kept those). And regarding the CPU cores: AFAIK Fallout 4 only uses four cores max. Setting iNumHWThreads to anything above that won't make a difference. Some users even stated that this settings doesn't do anything in F4. What do you mean by "toggling vsync"? Deactivating it? If so, mine is already deactivated.
  4. I've fixed it by replacing my 4k texture mods with 2k ones. Loading screen times halved and game running at constant 60 FPS with every setting on max, even with an ENB now. You'd think that a 11GB VRAM graphics card could easily handle 4k textures but it seems the engine has issues with it.
  5. Damn, that's annoying. Guess I'll have to live with it and refrain from using an ENB or use another (lower) BethINI preset. What a pitty.
  6. That's exactly my issue. I'm using a 1080ti, too. The game runs at constant 60 FPS on BethINI's ultra preset except when I'm standing in front of my settlements. Then the framerate drops down to 40 while the hardware is less than 50% stressed. I'm glad I'm not the only one but it still drives me nuts. Skyrim SE on the other hand runs at constant 60FPS with everything maxed 4k textures, ENB, etc.
  7. I read a lot of times that FO4 has issues rendering specific areas in the game. What I don't get is why my FPS drop down in settlements (Sim Settlements mod) while my hardware is way less than 50% stressed. Is that normal behavior of the engine?
  8. This is true but as vkz89q said their still going to need a blank .esp to enable the .ba2 in game. (you may be able to add the archive to the .ini but I've heard of people having issues trying to do it that way) so, open Ckit, and load the FO.esm save "My Texture Mod.esp" go to create archive In the window select "Add Files" locate all the files you want packed in your archive Click pack name the archive "My Texture Mod - Textures.ba2" (Note the space before and after the hyphen are important! If missing the game will not read the archive.) quit ckit Remove textures from your data folder Enable the mod in your normal fashion enjoy your packed texture mod. Hope that helps and Just an FYI this is basically how you would go about packing a texture or mesh replacer for the XB1 because the XB1 can't use loose files. Better use the archive2 tool for that. It's easier and less bug-driven. Here's a guide: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Archive2
  9. To anyone experiencing crashes with the newest SKSE version and this mod: The file causing the crashes is the "SimplyKnock.dll" in the folder [...]\SKSE\Plugins. Just remove this file. You won't be able to use the mod's functions in game but at least you can leave the mod activated without messing up your existing saves.
  10. This is an awesome comment created and published by Dank Rafft.
  11. It seems we're talking about two different things. I was specifically talking about integration of mods with FMM since GallowsGrip stated he has issues with mods and you seem to talk about the game in general.
  12. I'm still using v1.0.2b of FMM and each and every mod (old and recent) run perfectly through it. Before installing my Andromeda back-up, deleting the ModData folder didn't make the game work again... Installing the back-up did, so, there you go... And the backup had the exact same version of the game? If so, maybe your game files were corrupt but that doesn't have anything to do with FMM. Repairing the game through Origin should have the exact same result as reinstalling.
  13. If you want something for yourself you should do it yourself instead of criticizing others for not doing it for you. And if you don't know how just learn it, it's not about talent, just studiousness. [Content contrary to the ToS removed.]
  14. I tried deactivating all of my mods through FMM and launching it, and it loaded fine. I then tried to travel to Havarl and Voeld, and experienced the same issue. I have absolutely no idea why it's doing this. I'll try reinstalling Andromeda and see how that works, but for now I guess no mods for me :sad: If this issue appears by loading Andromeda through FMM (with deactivated mods) and otherwise it would run fine, when you start it through Origin you could try to use another version of FMM. Some mods only run with the newest version of FMM, some can be run with older versions, too. I haven't had any issues since I've upgraded to v1.0.3alpha3. By the way, reinstalling the game doesn't change anything which couldn't be solved by just deleting the ModData folder in the game's main folder since FMM doesn't change the vanilla game files..
  15. It's possible to adjust the sniper zoom. I did that. It's part of my mod package: https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/528? I've removed the UI overlay when aiming down sights and decreased the zoom level. With this mod snipers have a slightly higher zoom level compared to any other weapon type (without scope). The different FOV levels when aiming down sights: - non-snipers without scope are at 25 (or with one of my mods even with scope) - non-snipers with scope are at 16 - without my mod snipers are at 12 - with my mod snipers are at 20
  16. Is somebody able to modify the mesh of the Remnant Armor in ME:A to have a more "complete look", specifically covering more parts of the body and being a bit more bulky, since it is considered a tanky armor?
  17. That's most likely not possible or more specifically, I haven't found a way in the game's files to alter the behavior.
  18. Seems like you've set the wrong path to the DAI installation. It should look something like this: C:\Spiele\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\ Or your Inquisition folders are copy-protected.
  19. I had this issue only once when creating a mod and trying to install it with Mod Manager. It crashed right at the start because it wasn't able to read the DAIMOD file. Try removing the DAIMOD files and pull them back in one by one. When you find the evildoer try to redownload the file.
  20. Nvm, it is possible. This is the result: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/1375/?
  21. Is that possible like in this mod? Adding e.g. The Taken Shape set bonus to other craftable armors?
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