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Everything posted by Flamethrower

  1. Ban pagan for not being a sheep!
  2. Ban mynameistooshort for banning pagan for banning Hollowman125 for not liking pagan's avatar... ...thus stealing away his right of opinion! :devil:
  3. Ban somerandomsheepthathops for spelling myusernameistooshort instead of mynameistooshort!
  4. Sorry, I just need to reply; this is a very generalized statement. I mean, Bejeweled is most certainly for entertainment, but can you say the same for Mass Effect, which even has books circling around it? And where a whole universe is created and linked, to a few things that are a posibility in this age? It's like saying movies are for entertainment - comedies and other mash-ups are, but film being considered more and more of an art form, why not video games? I have to say it: (some) games are art... *puts cooking pot on head*
  5. I ban thee, somerandomsheepthathops, for havin' more posts than me!
  6. Ban pagan for giving me an idea for my avatar xD
  7. First off, I really do hope this is the right forum. This is a "does this mod exist" queston, so I figure I can't post it in the pinned thread. Now that we have the disclaimer away, I was wondering if anyone knows of a mod that removes the effects if faction armor? Like, wearing NCR armor will make them not hate you, for example. I'm looking for such a mod 'cause I find the NCR Veteran Combat Armor sublime... ...but I'm siding with the Legion with one character and don't want to get shot up, and possible get decapitated, with the other. Thanks! :biggrin:
  8. New Vegas is basically FO3 with a diffrent setting and story. Weapon mods and diffrent ammo types were what I missed, when I replayed FO3. Still, NV doesn't have that "wow" factor that FO3 had, at least for me. Like Sinophile mentioned, it's more of an expansion. It's too bad it isn't though - merging NV and FO3 somehow would be a pretty good game. I personally enojyed the game very much. There are quite a number of ways that Fallout 3 is superior to NV, but that doesn't make the game any less good.
  9. I was growing up when games like Donkey Kong, Grim Fandango, Jack Jackarabbit, etc. were being played (though, I have played some of the pre-millenium games), so I came to this 'golden age' quite late. I do still remember older games, such as The Godfather, and I do remember that feeling of completion and power, once I completed it and replayed it again and again. And then there's also Evil Genius... what a magnificiant game, truly. I see where you're going with COD series. Personally, I agree with Wasteland Assassin - Call of Duty 2 is a classic. I've noticed how sh***y the series have become. I played Black Ops and I was seriously dissapointed at the un-realism. I know, I know, games are fictions. But to put a SPAS 12 into the Vietnam war and make it shoot "incendiaries" is just plain f*cking ridiculous. I completely agree with the media. I remember when GTA IV came out, the media went made. With Duke Nukem and Bulletstorm on the horizon, I can't wait for the media's reports. Yes, I hate them, but I also find 'em so stupid, it's funny. But seriously - ESRB ratings aren't there for nothin'. I confess, I didn't abide by the ratings myself, but it hasn't affected me in any way. Probably. I'm no shrink. It's the parents' fault for not spendin' more time with their kids. *sigh*. As far as the characters go, not all are forgetable. I'll never forget Ashley Williams from ME, or Miranda or Mike Thorton from Alpha Protocol (or Westridge from the same game, but that's because he has such a lovely name - Yancey), etc. I think that's most of my views. I'm too tired to write anymore :P
  10. Granted, but now you confuse rouge and rogue. You have sudden fits and breakdowns, till the little men in the white suits come for ya. I wish for a home-cooked country-like dinner. Yum! :biggrin:
  11. Granted, but now hackers run amok in the internetz, thus sparking an inter-net civil war. Blah, blah, blah... Your computer gets hit with a brick. I wish I had an skeleton of A-D-A-M-A-N-T-I-U-M!! :devil:
  12. I played my fair share of Rome: Total War, Medieval 2: Total War Gold, Empire, Star Wars: Empire at War (+ expansion) and the like. I've played many more, in the style of Victoria II, and so on, but the TW series has got me more or less hooked. E:TW is currently my poison, playing as Austria and have gone the economical way of having over 100,000 goldinars in my coffers by 1730. RTS is one of my favourate genres, but it's sometimes hard to find good games these days... :/
  13. Wow. Everytime I try that my character, Veronica nad ED-E turn into ash piles :/ The best place I've looted was Vault 34. I giggled when I saw the containers of loot and Mk2 Combat armor...
  14. I'm afraid I have to reply to this myself, but just to say that I agree and stretching this discussion will lead to sooo much off-topic-ness, that I had to use three o's in "so". There is a lot more people deserving of the Nobel prize, like Tomo Kriznar, who along with... *goes off on an off-topic discussion* *sigh*. It's amazing how the US government is... stiff. I mean, the whole political system is just so weird. Though, there is a global problem, politicians mainly work with two guidelines: 1) "Along their party lines" as you said. If you are in the left, you MUST act (vote) as your party demands. 2) For themself. I don't mean dictators, but people who simply leech their own country, helping her get on her knees... this is the case in my country. Also, two things: democracy. The definition of democracy is smudged, thanks to America, for the most part. In ancient times only free men could vote, actually vote and he who got the majority won. Another form of democracy is when a peasent (farmer) became a duke (prince), in the principality of Carantania. The other is how there are too many politicians and too little statesman (if I got the terms right). One acts only for their party, the other for the good of their country. I won't go on, lest I go WAY too much into the off-topic zone. So, just to get a bit back on the saddle: Despite everything, Donald Trump is defined as succesful. For some reason, I think business (wo)men run countries better.
  15. Maybe someone else wants him to run (I won't bring to light the conspiracy theories about the Freemasons) or maybe you're right and he just wanted to see how people would react. Hmm... I guess you're right; 2009 was a lazy year for politicians. But he got a nobel prize for doing nuthin'! Now that just urks me... I suppose there are no referendums in a Federalist government?
  16. Ban Omletter for making me hungry. And I'll also ban broken for being faster.
  17. Prisons are apparently a hot topic. In my country, for example, the media complains how prisoners live in un-livable conditions and how they're treated badly. 'Course each time I hear this, I go: "IT'S A MOTHER-F***ING PRISON!!!". Then the neigbours get mad. Anyway, maybe we should go back a hundered or two hundred years ago? Use criminals as labourers, make 'em work. There was a prison somewhere in Tasmania, where prisoners were stripped of social contact. There was no talking, everyone wore these white masks, the rooms were small and barren. The guards wore slippers so there wouldn't be any noise. And maybe used them more like 'slaves', not really labourers? Just make 'em work hard almost every day. That would work in a country where construction firms stall their work, so they can steal more and more money.
  18. That's a bold statement to make. I doubt a lot of things are larger than Trump's hair. Anyway, onto the topic: I don't really think that Trump would have an impact. I mean, this is almost rumour-like, havent heard anything on the nightly news 'bout this, and I don't know much about Trump ('cept that he's or was married to a model from my country :D (ergo, he's good at geography :P )), so I think he'd do just about what Obama and Bush were doing. Obama himself hasn't done much. There have been a few things recently, but he took his precious time. And why's everyone reffering to o'l Silvi? I mean, I know his a pedophile, mafioso, crooked-crook, fascist, etc. But I doubt you can compare the two countries.
  19. Ban pagan for having a crow for an avatar :P
  20. Ban pagan for banning me for banning him for banning LFC for banning him for banning LFC for banning him for banning LFC for banning him for banning LFC for banning him for banning LFC for banning me.
  21. ban pagan for banning me for banning him for banning me for banning him for banning LFC for banning him for banning LFC for banning him for banning me.... ....at least I think I do :s
  22. Ban pagan for banning me for banning him for banning LFC for banning him for banning LFC for banning me.
  23. I'm just saying, Thor can't be a ninja. He should be a Viking-Pirate. And I still have no idea what the hell's goin' on :D
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