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Everything posted by TheBrownCow

  1. Waldo wouldn't hit on her. Shes not an elf of any type
  2. well thank you. That vamp lord was quite the challenge. I really need to give Waldo something silver.. maybe learn a fire spell
  3. Waldo was shocked at the power of the vampire. It seemed to heal its wounds as if it had boundless magic reserves. Rilgumskar cut off the hand of it but was bitten. It knocked him down and drew his strength with the red magic. For lack of a better idea, Waldo took Vuthoen and bellowed a magnificent warcry as he ran and knocked the lord aside. Although floating, the creature was pushed some feet away and appeared to be dazed. The magic sapping his companion was severed and billowed into the air. He then swung at the vampire lords neck, and chest, again and again, trying to hinder it somehow. Just as Waldo struck the beast in the sternum, it wailed in pain. Waldo thought he had broken something in it's chest, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a group of magi. The lead mage shouted to the others to attack at will. The leader his or herself (Waldo couldn't tell) was barraging the vampire in the back with spears of pure ice. As the vampire lord yelled more, Waldo took an ice spear that had missed, and shoved it into the vampires throat. It pierced the pale skin of the creature and it ceased to scream, but was still alive. As Waldo did so, the mages began to all fire, turning the vampire lord into a pincushion. Waldo, with a few last bouts of strength, and adrenaline lifted the beast up and slammed it down onto its back. All of the spears that were lodged back there went fully through, making quite a gory scene. The vampire lord lay motionless, although Waldo doubted the creature was really dead, probably just waiting for us to leave so it could hightail it back to whatever cave it came out of.
  4. Artaeum is a massive floating Island that went missing twice. Once a LOOOONG time ago and then reappeared shortly sometime after the oblivion crisis. Then it disappeared again. The Psijic Order lives on Artaeum. Artaeum feeds on souls to continue floating, and is said the island itself is alive. However I'll probably make it so somehow they don't have to eat souls, because that would be kind of catastrophic if a giant island just started sucking up thousands of souls constantly around the world.
  5. Waldo saw as Rilgumskar and the vampiric lord tangled in a mess of flames and shrieks. Waldo was covering his ears to keep the screeching from reaching them. As Rilgumskar was thrown off into the snow, The lord turned to Waldo and began to hover, flying with red tendrils of mist shimmering around its pale muscular legs. Waldo had heard Rilgumskar when he told him to use fire and Silver. Unfortunately Waldo knew no fire magic, but his great axe had been imbued with silver when it was enchanted. The beast held in its hand red magic, of which Waldo had never seen. It casted it at Waldo. He jumped into the snow just in time as it exploded in a red cloud, red as blood. Waldo slowly got to his feet as another ball of magic came at him. This time Waldo was prepared. He spun around it and charged. Waldo swung as the creature landed back onto the ground missing its head. The vampire grabbed a hold of the axe's long handle and wrestled for control of it. Waldo kicked the vampire in the crotch, luckily it had balls (no pun intended), and that successfully knocked it back for a time. Waldo attacked the Vampires arm, and as it was still recovering, Waldo managed to slice the creatures skin. Surprisingly, the arm wasn't severed. It was only scratch. Damnit! Vuthoen doesn't have enough silver in it to fully do damage Waldo yelled to Rilgumskar, "I may be able to distract it, but I cannot do any real damage! My ax isn't capable of it. You'll have to be the one to kill it."
  6. i've been reading all the posts so I know whats going on :) I believe I'm going to make a new char and set him as a Psijic Leader. Is that aloud? Also can I have control of Artaeum?
  7. "I do sense a change in the air. Be silent" Waldo whispered to his companion. Maybe necromancers? Maybe Vampires? The wait was over. A giant form flew down from a high branch, almost tackling Waldo. He ducked however and jumped back expertly grabbing Vuthoen and holding it at the ready. The creature, which appeared to be a giant bat-like human Whipped around hissing and spitting at them.
  8. oh i don't mind Dawnguard in the RP. I have it and enjoy the DLC myself. But I don't know about making another character. Seems like a lot to keep up with. and Flipout(my bad I said fallout) hasn't replied yet :(
  9. I've been pretty busy. I'll try to post a few a day. SO MANY DAWNGUARD REFERENCES
  10. Traveling through the countryside had been uneventful. Markarth was still a long distance off and he wasn't planning on getting there in a hurry. Sometimes he liked to take in his surrounding. The lack of conflict disappointment to Waldo for he much wanted a good battle to warm his bones. His arm was still bandaged, but he didn't think anything of it. To be sure it healed fast he drank a potion guaranteed to seal up wounds quick. Just as the two of them came into a small wooded area, a twig snapped. It sounded like nothing, but Waldo was on the look out for any movement. A small burred creature caught his eye.
  11. The two of them started to head out, going through the city again. They came out the front gates and onto a the great that connected the land to front Windhelm. The bridge was quite a wonder, it was very thick and wide, but now, it seemed to be quite dirty. The seagulls were swarming up above making there shadows dance across the bridge. As they came to a mini building upon the bridge the guards nodded to them in greeting. Waldo nodded as well.
  12. Now, I have started the dawnguard DLC but I am stuck in the storyline. I cannot talk to the blind moth priest about the second Elder Scroll reading.. I have no idea why this is happening. I believe it's a bug. HELP me please I wanna complete this so bad!
  13. i tried to find the cave but it isn't where it should be... nvm i was looking in the wrong place. I think I found it
  14. Ok, so I have a lvl 11 (now 12) on xbox and I downloaded Dawnguard. The guards that I talk to everywhere don't tell me about vampires, ever. So I can't start the quest. :( Why is this happening, and do I need to make a new a account to play Dawnguard?
  15. "Alright" Waldo said. "Lets take the door to the city, and then over the bridge, rather than swimming." Waldo didn't enjoy getting wet.
  16. Waldo too a short trot to the waters edge on the opposite side of the dock. He noticed that a couple fishing boats were now beginning to dock. Waldo began to look. A few boats didn't even have argonians on them. He spotted an argonian boat not long after. A board were two blue and grey argonians. Not at all like Ju'Tun Zeel. The next boat, however, a green and yellow cheeked argonian stepped off of. He was bringing a full net of fish on to the dock when Waldo walked over to him. "Ju'Tun Zeel. After all these years, I hope you still remember me, old lizard" Waldo always liked to joke with people he'd known for a long time. "Waldo!" Ju'Tun began, his voice crackled and stopped him short. He coughed for a moment and began again. "Waldo, I can't believe you've come back. After, how many years? At least four" "Yes, I have returned.You look... Different" Waldo replied. "I've molted since we last met, and unfortunately, my egg mate, Kuar was killed a few months back. A Falmer raid on Morthal took his life. But lets keep in the present. Please tell me you've finished the book you borrowed. Or are you still on chapter one?" Ju'Tun gave a sharp toothed grin as he motioned for Waldo to follow him as he went to fetch another net. "Eh? No, surprisingly, I finished. Quite a while back now that I think about it. Not quite the same as the first book." "They never are" Ju'Tun said almost automatically. After he had finished taking the last net back, Waldo took the book out of his pack. "I believe you are the rightful owner. I've enjoyed this talk. I just wish Pallir was still here to see your green scales!" Waldo handed him the book. "Pallir? Your brother is not well? Perhaps death has taken him?" Ju'Tun asked, in a very argonian way. "Yes, I supposed you could say that old friend. Pallir was corrupted quite a bit before his life ended. Necromancers were the cause" Waldos anger was present in his voice as he said this. "The necromancer population in here in Skyrim has skyrocketed.. No pun intended. But I suppose it's all due to the new count of Markarth. With him on the throne, every undead summoner from there to Riften feels like they can do whatever they want" "That is why I am going to Markarth. To stop this reign, and bring some good back into the equation" Waldo felt as though he was being pressed for time, and although he wanted to stay and chat all afternoon, he knew they both had things to do. "Really? I hope that for our sake, especially Pallir's, that you succeed" "Here, is where I must ask to take my leave, old friend. This has been a nice talk, but I must meet someone in a few minutes, and time is passing by. I hope, that we will eventually get to sit down and talk, fully, one day. Farewell Ju'Tun Zeel" Waldo nodded his head. "Goodbye Waldo, good journey to you" Waldo turned, and left. Weaving his way around people, he got back to the spot where Rilgumskar and he were set to meet. As he was getting there, he spotted Rilgumskar standing by a long ship. When he got to him Waldo said, "Alright Rilgumskar, How about you and me do walking? Are you up for it?"
  17. "Well I don't know, maybe we could meet up, seeing as you have to go your farm for a bit and I need to find Ju'Tun Zeel. I don't think I need to go with you there or you with me, so if that's alright with you than we can travel together, presuming you can catch up" Waldo grinned. Then, almost forgetting, he added "My names Waldo. Pleased to meet you Rilgumskar. If you don't mind I shall take my leave to search for the argonian. See you around" with that, Waldo walked off in search of the elusive green skinned, yellow faced argonian.
  18. Waldo was slightly surprised, but then again, this man looked like good and honest, so it made sense that he was going to Markarth. When he mentioned his Farmhouse it took Waldo back, briefly to his mother and father. "I'm going the very same way, in fact, for a similar reason as well. The Jarl is to much of an influence of evil in the land. His presence upsets the balance. I must try to help regain control of Markarth and then, then the forces of good and evil will have to fight on one less battlefield" This man Waldo realized knew magic, in fact, he probably knew a lot of magic, the use of his flame cloak spell was just as much of an example. His nose was mottled with deforming scars and was bent, likely it had been broken at one time.
  19. "Ah, Thank you my good sir. I shall seek him out" Waldo was pleased this man knew Ju'Tun, and, motioning to his pack said, "You look as if your travelling. Where about are you going?"
  20. Waldo noticed a man, who had swam across the river to get to the docks, was now drying his pack off with a spell and walking up to him. How strange to swim across the water like that.. This man asked Waldo if he was looking for someone. "Actually yes, I am. Do you by any chance know an argonian fellow named Ju'Tun Zeel?"
  21. Waldo, in his younger years, traveling with his brother Pallir met an old Argonian fisherman by the name of Ju'Tun Zeel. At the time of their first meeting Waldo had promised one day that he would return a book that he borrowed. The book was called Palla, book two. Since Waldo had read this a while back, many times, he was finally giving it back. Ju'tun Zeel was most likely at the docks, so that's where Waldo headed. On his way there, he passed by two nords and a Dunmer arguing about the Grey Quarter or something or other. Waldo usually ignored most crazy shout matches, especially if Dunmer women were involved. Waldo heard they can get very aggressive with there actions. The dock gate doors were just ahead of him. Opening them and going through , he looked about. About ten Argonians dotted the water in small boats, way out in the river. A couple others were loading and unloading ships with nords barking orders at them like they were slaves, which to the nords of Windhelm, they might as well be. How was he going to spot a single Argonian in all this mess? He remembered that Ju'Tun Zeel had white scales on his cheeks, and green under his eyes, the rest of his body and face was black. However, Ju'Tun told Waldo in one of their conversations, "Argonians don't always stay the same color, some species, like me, shed their scales every so often. If you come back here in a few years, you could bet I most likely won't look the same as I do now, heh, but then again what would make a nord such as you to come back here anyway..." Waldo had to at least look. Maybe his skin didn't shed.
  22. Waldo woke slowly. He had half a mind to stay in bed, but then, he always thought that. Forcing himself out, into the cool air inside his room, he put clothes on and strapped his boots tight. Then, he left the inn, and went into a shop he'd scoped out earlier. There he bartered for a few items he might need, such as a healing elixir, you could never have enough of those, and some woolen socks, because with the cold of Skyrim, you just can't keep your feet warm without proper socks. Now returning to Candlehearth, Waldo put the remaining belongings into his backpack, Just one more stop...
  23. Waldo had finally found civilization. For a short time at the least. He had arrived in Windhelm. The place where old Ulfric Stormcloak had once staged a rebellion against the Imperial Legion. Unfortunately, as Waldo had heard, it didn't go as planned, and the rebellion failed. As Waldo strode through, he passed a dark alleyway that he recognized as the grey quarter. A place where Dunmer, or dark elves lived. A lot of nords here in Windhelm were very racist against all sorts of mer and beastfolk. Waldo, however wasn't at all. After taking a quick look around the city, scoping out shops and the forge of course, Waldo headed into Candlehearth Hall, a nice inn in the center of the city. Inside was warm and filled with a multitude of different races. In the corner, he saw a group of babbling Dunmer, being very loud and obnoxious. One was apparently making gestures as if telling a tale of her husband, or perhaps she was just stumbling around. About four or five Nord looking men sat at the bar each with a tankard in front of themselves. Drinking there sorrows away Waldo thought with a vague expression. A Breton barmaid maid walked up to him asking, "Would you like anything to drink my sir?" "Ah, of course, I'll have Black-Briar Mead, thank you" Waldo gave her fifteen septims in exchange for the ice cold brandy. He sat at the bar, at the last stool, drinking slowly. He set his drink down to take out a small trinket that his mother had given him a year or so back. It was a simple silver pendant at first look, but if inspected, one could see ornate patterns and designs etched into the metal. Waldo opened it and stared at the ruby inside. It was the only thing that his parents had had that was valuable. His mother kept it from when she was a child. Her mother had given her that ruby when she found it on the side of the road. Ever since, she'd kept it close as a remembrance. Her mother had died two weeks later when a tree fell on the house, crushing her and there cat instantly. Looking up, Waldo clasped the amulet shut and put it back in his pocket.
  24. As the figure drew out of the dark bush, Waldo readied Vuthoen, however with his left arm injured he was only able to keep up the act of aggression. "You goods or your life scum!" The black figured shouted. Strangely, his voice was a higher pitch than most, and he had almost no muscles on him. Waldo couldn't tell if he had a bit of fear in his voice or not. "Such a small child-like man you are.. why do you bother me with small threats on my life. Don't you see I could slice you apart like parchment?" Hopefully that threat was enough to stop the thief from advancing. "Idiot! Do not insult me!" The baby man yelled. With that he charged. Waldo was forced to drop Vuthoen and grab a hold of the man's right arm with his own right hand. A struggle ensued, which only lasted a few moments. Waldo had been right, baby man had no muscle. He was wondering how he would even be able to drive that dagger into him with his little arms. Waldo put a vice grip on the baby mans hand, crushing it. He screamed in pain and his grip went limp. Waldo grabbed the knife and stabbed the little man in the throat. As his gurgling sounds lessened and became rasps, Waldo took the knife out and cast it aside. Shaking with adrenaline, he picked up Vuthoen and tried not to look back at the poor baby man dying on the ground.
  25. Waldo wasted no time. He charged the ice mage, Swinging. A shield spell blocked the first blow to his head, but the next was to powerful. Vuthoen Cleaved the mage in half with the force of a dragon's landing. Grimacing, Waldo yanked the freezing cold icicle out of his arm and tossed it aside. He gathered up a bandage and wrapped it around his wound. Then, remembering a brief healing spell is mother taught him, he relieved himself of the pain. The body looked quite gruesome next to his camp, so Waldo covered it up with leaves and tried to ignore it. Remembering the soldiers, he sneaked over to the bushes and peered out. Tracks in the muddy path where a carriage had gone and footprints following told him they where ahead. Now I may continue my journey. Although if I want to go faster than a slow walk, I must find out where the caravan is going so that I might avoid it. Waldo sighed. It was never just as simple as leaving things to work themselves out. After a quick and hard to stomach meal consisting of deer meat and bread, Waldo took his tent down. He gathered the pots, rolled up the mats and put out the cooking fire. He stuffed everything into a overly large backpack. Looking back at the pile of leaves, slightly reddening, he put the mage in the back of his mind and walked out on to the road. Walking in the forest was quite the risk. Always a dangerous wolf or skeever, maybe even something worse nearby. But the roads were safe. To a point. Usually thieves patrolled this part of Skyrim. At night especially, it was very common to come across a pickpocket. Waldo was thinking back to multiple times when he spied a few thieves that had all made independent thievery and by change had run into one another and gotten into a fight. In the end, the owners of the items that had been stolen found them and there was an all out brawl. At least ten guys were wrestling on the ground. Of course Waldo made the most of it and managed to take all the stolen goods and get away by the time they'd figured out what happened. Speaking of thieves, just then a dark figure leaning behind a tree jumped out, brandishing a dagger.
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