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  1. so why not make a sword with a very soft personality? imagine a weapon that dislikes being a weapon... trying to talk the user out of being violent, saying sorry to victims, teaching philosophy ., being all "please don't make me do it"... while having a shield like auriels shield with the script effect be a total bad ass urging the player on, being excessively violent and slightly psycho... basically these two souls were bound to the wrong items :) anyone remember the room from the fallout new vegas DLC Old World Blues where you would find personalities for certain appliances? imagine the shield being the toaster :) from there you get a clear idea of what i mean.
  2. Hello, where to begin? I love the realistic needs style mods, the one i use currently is Realistic Needs and Diseases by perseid9, keeping that in mind, my character drinks eats sleeps ect... now i recently decided that my new character shall be a Volkihar Vampire (playing through dawnguard) and noticed a very particular desire... While my now undead body only wants blood and makes the fulfillment of my nourishment needs much easier, sleep on the other hand is an issue i can't seem to be comfortable with. With frost fall and other mods you have yourself portable camps, bedrolls camp fires, but what about a coffin? Just doesn't 'feel' right sleeping in these beds when all my body truly wants a pretty coffin to keep me sleeping soundly and safely. So here's the thought, Other mods have you craft and lug around a bedroll or tent, seeing as that a vampire has magic at his disposal and a coffin would probably be quite personal to a vampire there should be away to summon a coffin when it is time to rest. Maybe to start have to be able to craft one, and bind the coffin to your self... possibly add some sort of buffs to sleeping in it.. or being within a certain range of the thing. Maybe even have a storage section, a small drawer for blood potions or a change of clothes :smile: maybe a guardian? something to keep watch during the daylight hours... should it stand erect or lay on the ground? I'm sure that there are other's who play the vampire like i do that would want something like this... oh and as an after thought, maybe those rings and amulets you get from the volkihar quest line could be added t the coffin so instead of wearing them you only have to sleep in the coffin and you get that buff until you change it out for another or enough time goes by? and some sound effects... like quiet whispers around it would make for a fantastic feel :wink: (maybe an aoe fear spell for everything not your companion if that's even possible) also a spell to teleport you to where the coffin is currently or upon death? (have like 30 in game days pass? :P ) In my mind i imagine the coffin to be something like that of Alucard's from Hellsing Ultimate, a haven for recovering from mortal wounds and resting before an important quest... ah the ideas... if i had the construction kit-fu i would attempt it myself, but i haven't opened the cs since morrowind :/ so if anyone would take this one that would entirely rock my night :wink: if not i'll just keep dreaming :3
  3. Tara Platt is on the list, cant remember the number i think its 5
  4. We know what happened. He/She died in Akavir. Well we only know thats where he/she went. I choose to believe the Dragon-Tiger guy roflstomped him/her. yes i understand that the nerevarine disappeared(not sure about any death though), but im sure there were adventures and things worthy of note that happened, maybe it was a murder, maybe he/she was onto something, trying to prevent something azura foresaw and only entrusted to him/her ;) there are many possibilities, but maybe i'm alone in thinking that it would be interesting digging up what happened there... and in the process discovering how events previously though unrelated are in fact a direct result of something done in the time of morrowind... meh, just fantasy at this point :)
  5. I'm placing my bets that the dragon riding will simply be a mechanic to allow you to travel from skyrim to the new lands and what looks like either fast travel within apocrypha or something like the MQ in skyrim... a one way ticket what i am mostly excited for is the chance to expand dunmer lore in skyrim, much has changed since we played morrowind, it will be interesting to see how the dunmer as a people survived red mountain; currently in skyrim they just seem like refugees, not much there other than a side quest or two and some followers. always wanted a dcl on par quality/content wise like shivering isles, but having to do with following the nerevarines footsteps to see what happened to him/her. but i think this will be good enough ;) (for now :3 )
  6. yeah im having issues myself, can we have the exact changes made to the exe so that we may apply them manually and test that way?
  7. the only kind of bases i'd like to see more of is the alien ones... tbh the end of the game shouldn't be... at all lol. i would much rather have to fight more bases, take down more ufos, council missions, ect... never ending battle to reclaim earth from the invaders!. thats the kind of mod that would rock xcom:ue
  8. The thing is, playing x3 is a job all on its own, learning curves are similar, and so is the feel, except camera is locked in third person, and that all the npc's usually flying around and trading in x3 are now actual people... Ive played x3 for years, and still play TC, but eve is an animal to its self, can't really compare it, no other mmo does it for me like eve simply because of the risk/vs/reward factor... (there ACTUALLY is risk in this game... and losing feels crappy because there are consequences) anyways ill just leave you with this, and let no one ever tell you this isn't true because for most people it is ;) http://www.eve-pirate.com/uploads/LearningCurve.jpg
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