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About ghostpowerelder

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  1. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03284/reignoffire_3284631k.jpghttp://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQzNTkzODkyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODA2ODU3._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg This guy is a f*#@ing bad ass!
  2. I like the idea. almost like the gray Cowl from oblivion.
  3. isn't it neat how you can turn on and off the radios of new Vegas ...... wouldn't it be neat if you could tune into another channel too? could someone make a mod that allows you to change the radios station? perhaps something like this: press "E" to turn on/off radio HOLD "E" for a little menu to pop up and have a list of available channels to choose from. Thanks MODDING GURUS!
  4. Request: The 9000 (camera) actually takes pictures. it could work several ways, maybe after picture is taken an item is added to your inventory which would be a framed picture of the screen shot the camera took or if you wanted to get really crazy you could make it so that it adds Polaroids and then you can go buy frames of different sizes. at any rate seeing anything done with this idea would be cool. THANKS!
  5. Ok, so after you have been playing for a while you feel it is time for a new character, but you hate to see yours go. so what the mod would do is copy your character and place him in your new game as an NPC. maybe replacing another NPC, maybe the high king? just thought how much i would love to end up having to fight my former self in a new game :) and as far as the idea goes, i think its unique lol ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDIT Idea part 2 : build a quest around your old character where you end up having to interact with him or fight him, or maybe a companion. ok im done this time promise lol.
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