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Everything posted by Klyde21

  1. Edit: troubleshooting ongoing. LOD Issue may simply be a broken vanilla setting after all. For more info on this, enter your game, and type coc SLBosBunker Then walk over the hill in front of you, and look at the mountains around you. The ground texture LOD is broken for me, and I would love confirmation from someone else.
  2. Oh yeah. I know people hate this word, but after I reinstalled Windows I got "Kaspersky" Say what you will about it, it caught an infected system file, and scrubbed it clean, before fixing the damage. A clean install of Windows from the BIOS is always a good idea, though.
  3. Links! I LIVE on links. Thanks man! I'll check those out, and maybe include the links in the end of my guide for those who want to further their experiences!
  4. I totally get that, but at the moment, I don't think my guide offers much that a truly experienced modder couldn't accomplish on their own. That being said, my guide isn't FOR the accomplished modder. Far from it. This is supposed to be a low-mid tier guide for those who don't know what they are doing, and are trying to play New Vegas without too much hassle. I made the guide because many of the ones I have seen, while being VERY LARGE don't actually offer any instructions that I could understand. ULTIMATE mod guide being an example. I tried to expand my knowledge on modding New Vegas by asking people who seemingly knew what they were talking about, but none seemed too eager to help a stranger sending them a private mail . It just bothered me that there was a bunch of non-functional mod guides, and the people who claim to know what they are doing seemingly can't be bothered to answer any questions. There's so much modding info out there, and I know my friends have a very difficult time differentiating between the working mods, and the old, defunct ones. I made this guide as not only an adventure in learning for myself, but to eventually be a handy guide for people who have ZERO experience with the game. Perhaps I should include some of this in my elevator pitch! I will try my best to spruce up my description, and clarify myself a bit more. Thanks muchly!
  5. Wait, you can upload pdf files. To the Nexus? :D I figured there was strict rules about only uploading mods, though to be clear, I didn't read them. Thanks for the idea! NexusMods home is a much better place for this modlist! Yes. There's quite a few mod lists on the Nexus. Some won't have a pdf attached but rather a link to a website, YT video or Google Doc or the instructions will be contained in the description tab of the mod page. As an alternative to a pdf, which can get unwieldy, you could use the Nexus' wiki or even a Github page like Viva New Vegas. Lastly, you might find that you want to share your own compatibility patches with your users so it's also handy to have a mod page at the Nexus for that reason so they can be hosted and downloaded from there. Well, I just got told by NexusMods that my file is not a mod, and can't be posted there. I AM allowed to keep it there until they have their own "Guide platform" though
  6. The default game puts .BMP files in the install folder? Well now I feel foolish. :D WAIT, that makes a ton of sense actually. Every time I had an ENB, TWO screenshots appeared in my folder. One for the ENB, one for the game. I get it now. THANKS MUCHLY, FRIEND! Un-needed edit: I am NOT a smart human being.
  7. So here's my issue: I have uninstalled v0.451 of Fallout 3 / Fallout New Vegas ENB, and even after i reinstalled New Vegas, and deleted everything, I was still able to take screenshots with Shift and PrintScreen after reinstalling. I then found out I had a virus, and uninstalled everything. Including the operating system. STILL When I reinstalled everything, the screenshots can be taken. I'm not sure how to uninstall ENB, if literally every file that I know about has been replaced. Is there some sort of FULL uninstall guide? Am I missing something? Help would be greatly appreciated, because I am at a loss. Ideas: Maybe Steam is adding extra files on installation of New Vegas?Maybe there is a DLL in Windows causing this? I included an image of my install folder. Is anything there that shouldn't be?
  8. Edit: Deleted and relocated post to Mod troubleshooting.
  9. Wait, you can upload pdf files. To the Nexus? :D I figured there was strict rules about only uploading mods, though to be clear, I didn't read them. Thanks for the idea! NexusMods home is a much better place for this modlist!
  10. That may have been my fault. I think running LOOT is messing up the load order. Best to uninstall and reinstall unsung the latest guide. I very much apologize for that. Also, you may have installed ENB wrong, but it might be something else. I'll look into it a bit, and see what answers I can come up with. Edit: Try a few things for me... Uninstall ENB alone. Do this by locating the files individually and removing them. Any change?Uninstall NVTF, and see if the textures are back.Uninstall NMC's texture pack. Fixed? Reinstall. Still broken?Check the new guide for anything I may have accidentally omitted in any version prior to 2.0 Go to the settings option in the title screen. Do version numbers of mods appear at the left? type ~ (under Esc key) and type Get is LAA as one word. Was the response 2 ? (If not, the 4gb Patcher was not installed properly) Hold Shift and Press Enter. Did a menu appear? If so, ENBoost was installed incorrectly Are you running the game through NVSE? (Don't use the New Vegas exe!) When you uninstalled, and then reinstalled, did you delete ALL your game files, as described by the guide? Did you also uninstall all vortex mods, and reinstall them? Sometimes people keep them active between installs, and this leads to all kinds of stuff going missing. If all else fails, I would ask you to Reinstall 2.0 in the order provided, as I know it to work. Also, what are your PC specs? Maybe the texture files are too bulky?
  11. Oh, I see. I simply commented %appdata%, because I had the very same issue a short time ago, and thought if he couldn't find it, that was the most likely spot for it to be placed, as that was where I found mine. Edit: It's also the default install folder, if memory serves, and it stands to reason that if he couldn't find it, he probably didn't manually place it elsewhere.
  12. Now I'm confused. Who are you talking to? I was just trying to help him locate the download folder. Edit: oh, I see. He was looking for the Fallout 4 folder, not New Vegas. C:\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\downloads\fallout4
  13. The MOD FILE or MOD ARCHIVE as in ZIP, RAR, 7Z file? That's the default installation for Vortex Just go into Vortex SETTINGS------>DOWNLOAD and change the location of the folder. ALWAYS check the SETTINGS part of a program to see what things you can change The archive. My mistake. C:\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\downloads\falloutnv
  14. Changed the wording, thanks man! Edit: Hopefully coming soon in 2.0: LOD fixes. I will try my best
  15. "This bugfix collection combines and updates fixes from Unofficial Patch NVSE and Unofficial Patch Plus" HELL YES Edit: Testing Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus now. Very excited.
  16. Edited post: It appears I am NOT allowed to post simple guides on NexusMods after all. Good to know. I may migrate that file back here, or it may stay in place for now until a format for guides can be created on NexusMods. Soon however, The files will be found here, AND the nexusmods page, as I have permission from Support to leave it where it is. New version uploaded. Changelog included in the .zip. Now... I'm gonna die if I don't eat something. File is now too big to be uploaded here, https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/71304
  17. Edit: Guide removed from this page. Should you require the latest version, please refer to my post. If the guide isn't helpful to you, I apologize. I tried.
  18. I'm terrible at navigating this place. A link would be Mucho helpful. Edit: found it
  19. I'm just a new Modder saying hello. Edit: Removed my Guide as it does not belong in this thread.
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