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Everything posted by theonetruepir8king

  1. I could possibly do that. Don't have photoshop, but I do have Gimp. I guess I should dust it off and give it a go. Only real problem is, I'm gonna have to test it more extensively this way, to make sure my texture job is workable.
  2. Oh, it's worth it. A good main quest, a buncha armors that were in previous games (Bonemold, Skall Armor, Stahlrim) plus a lot of great new side quests. It's definetly worth it. But if you want to be cheap and just get some semblance of Stahlrim armor, then try this. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22793/? http://static2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/22793-3-1345540555.jpg Doesnt look great, mind you, but it's close enough if you just wanted a retexture. And the armors in that pack are all standalone, I think.
  3. I've seen one mode out there that uses Wyldtats for companions and I'm wondering if anyone knows HOW to add these onto companions without replacing the vanilla warpaints. I'm working on a mod that adds a ton of new companions and I'd really like to give them some unique features. But I just can't figure out for the life of me HOW to add the Wyldtats warpainst to companions.
  4. Give her a backstory, quests to do, voiced dialog, the works! Make her a bit like the Willow follower mod for New Vegas. Make her interesting, make her someone you can actually care about.
  5. 2 words. Sneak Tools! skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/searchresults/? It's a great mod that brings alot of the themes from Thief: Deadly Shadows to Skyrim. Water arrows to put out torches, Noisemaker Arrows to lure enemies to different areas, Masked Hoods to conceal your identity, the ability to knock people out rather than kill them, Rope Arrows that allow you to climb to new areas, Oil Arrows that create puddles that can be lit on fire... So much to love about that game. Also, the Skyrim Script Extender, or SKSE, if you don't have it. http://skse.silverlock.org/ It's essential for many mods. Including Sneak Tools, I think. Also, SkyUI. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3863//? It makes the User Interface SO MUCH BETTER! And has a Mod Configuration Menu in the options menu that supports a LOT of mods. I mean, I could go on and on about the great mods. In fact, I say you should just go to the main page and check the "Top Files" section under the Files tab. And be sure to check the "File of the Month" sections too.
  6. How do I import an actor mesh (Like a new Draugr variant) into the CK? ***RESOLVED***
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