Hmm, I wish I would have looked a little further down the forum thread a week ago. I posted a request for a personal mod as a new topic, so I apologize to any and all if this wasn't the way I was supposed to do it. :( I posted a request for a Snow Bear mount for my Snow Elf character. A Snow Bear mount named "Frosta," is what I was going for. One that works like a follower when she isn't mounted and still follows, who has wait and follow commands. I had intended to make it myself, got a simple tutorial for it and everything, but I am not a modder and I kinda freaked out when I made the decision to try and do it and then actually got there. :o I don't want to screw things up in the Creation Kit, as I hear it's a big pain to fix such things. The idea of possibly having to uninstall it, then reinstall it, or even uninstall Skyrim and reinstall it is too big a problem for me, as my internet connection is so slow that I can't even watch videos on my computer. :( I have to go elsewhere where there is a fast connection to do such things, which is just a pain. It takes six hours for Steam to update Skyrim for me, and when I tried to download the Creation Kit I tried five times and got a timeout error each time. I finally got lucky when a client of mine let me use their internet connection while they were out of town and I was taking care of their dog, and that's how I finally got it and update 1.8. All in under ten minutes, I may add. Anyway, completely off topic. :) So, yeah, a Snow Bear mount named "Frosta" for my Snow Elf (she's my favorite character and I just think it's fitting that she have a snow bear as a mount). I had intended - if I could do it myself - to put the bear in Helgen, as if roleplaying wise it had gone searching for my Snow Elf, or in Riverwood. :) It's not a high priority request, as there are other bear followers and bear mounts, but I wanted her to have a special animal follower and mount.