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    Dragon Age, Oblivion, Skyrim

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  1. Hmm, I wish I would have looked a little further down the forum thread a week ago. I posted a request for a personal mod as a new topic, so I apologize to any and all if this wasn't the way I was supposed to do it. :( I posted a request for a Snow Bear mount for my Snow Elf character. A Snow Bear mount named "Frosta," is what I was going for. One that works like a follower when she isn't mounted and still follows, who has wait and follow commands. I had intended to make it myself, got a simple tutorial for it and everything, but I am not a modder and I kinda freaked out when I made the decision to try and do it and then actually got there. :o I don't want to screw things up in the Creation Kit, as I hear it's a big pain to fix such things. The idea of possibly having to uninstall it, then reinstall it, or even uninstall Skyrim and reinstall it is too big a problem for me, as my internet connection is so slow that I can't even watch videos on my computer. :( I have to go elsewhere where there is a fast connection to do such things, which is just a pain. It takes six hours for Steam to update Skyrim for me, and when I tried to download the Creation Kit I tried five times and got a timeout error each time. I finally got lucky when a client of mine let me use their internet connection while they were out of town and I was taking care of their dog, and that's how I finally got it and update 1.8. All in under ten minutes, I may add. Anyway, completely off topic. :) So, yeah, a Snow Bear mount named "Frosta" for my Snow Elf (she's my favorite character and I just think it's fitting that she have a snow bear as a mount). I had intended - if I could do it myself - to put the bear in Helgen, as if roleplaying wise it had gone searching for my Snow Elf, or in Riverwood. :) It's not a high priority request, as there are other bear followers and bear mounts, but I wanted her to have a special animal follower and mount.
  2. I second this. I am an animal lover and get quite upset when NPCs say "Stupid dog," for no good reason at all. :( I hate it even more when my followers do it. That really bothers me - my dog has saved their lives plenty of times too - and it takes some willpower to not have my character smack them. My dog follower rocks compared to the human variety as far as I'm concerned. :)
  3. I just wanted to ask if anyone could make a snow bear mount. I know there are a lot of bear mount mods out there but I'm looking for a snow bear mount for my Snow Elf character. I was going to try and make one myself, got a simple tutorial and everything, but it kinda freaked me out when I got there, the prospect of trying it myself and possibly messing up in the Creation Kit, which I hear is a really, really big pain in the behind to fix. I am not an experienced modder - or even a modder - I only made my first mod a couple weeks ago, a Snow Elf follower for my, big surprise, lol, Snow Elf. :) I wanted a snow bear mount/follower for her named "Frosta." One that would follow like a normal follower would when not mounted, like the Feline Friendship mod, only a bear, who would have follow and wait commands. I only intend to use it for my Snow Elf character, as she is special to me, the race being part of the Skyrim lore already. I like the roleplaying aspect of the Snow Elf Race: they were the original inhabitants of Skyrim, they were killed to the brink of extiction by the Nords, and those that remain in Skyrim were horrible experiments gone wrong by the Dwemer, turning them into the monsters they are now...you know, that kind of thing. :) Just wondering if it was a possibility.
  4. All right, I can't take it anymore. I just recently downloaded the Creation Kit and I want to make animal followers. Trouble is, my internet connection is so unbelievably slow and crappy that I cannot watch the tutorial videos. I was watching one by DarkFox earlier, which was helpful and working fine - earlier - but an hour after it was going well, it kept locking up and buffering, buffering...ugh! So i thought I would watch the video on my phone, since it has a better connection, but same thing happens. I was wondering if there was a written tutorial for this, with picture references, like BravoOskar's tutorial for turning your player character into a follower character. Something like that, with step by step instruction. Someone, please help, I just want to know how to make cute dogs, foxes, bears, and sabrecats of my own for my characters. Currently I was wanting to make a fox companion for my Noiral character, and a snow fox or snow bear for my Snow Elf. :( I even had names picked out.
  5. Technically, this isn't a problem with the game - I haven't been able to play it yet...I need help understanding how Steam works. I bought Skyrim, I have a Steam account, but what I want to know is if I have to be on the internet to actually play Skyrim? It says that I must sign into my Steam account to play the game...can I not play it just off my hard drive without connecting to the internet. If so, then I just wasted $70.00 on a game that I can never play. I hope that this isn't the case, but I've learned with the world of the internet not to hold my breath. I'm tired of buying games I can't play ever, if this is the case. I had thought that I needed Steam just to activate the game, which is fine, but it's not fine if I can't play the game without being on the internet.
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