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Everything posted by kasrawy

  1. Hey all, I have recently run into a sort of a problem; I am using mannygt's awesome ENB configuration called Vivida (albiet a bit altered) and have messed around to make outdoors areas sufficiently dark at night and light in the morning so as to be as realistic as possible to my tastes. This led me into another sort of problem: too bright indoors and caves, no matter what I did to try and find a good balance between indoors and outdoors I never got that. It was either blindingly bright indoors or pitch black out. So I settled on too bright indoors and went with other mods like Creepy Dungeons and such to make dungeons what they ought to be, dark. The problem with this solution is that for some reason night-eye and vampire sight don't work for **** inside caves anymore, torches do however. So here is my request: can someone make an adjustable level night-eye/vampire sight? as in I can see as a vampire but normal people need torches in dark dungeons? I know it's been done in Belua Sanguinare but was then removed for some reason so it's probably doable. Thanks in advance.
  2. I know this thread is old and dead but I had the same problem then I figured it out and thought anyone in the same pinch would appreciate the info. I had this map mod installed and it changed a couple of settings in the skyrim.ini file (not the prefs one) so I deleted it and launched via the Skyrim Launcher which then set my game settings back and saved them into my SkyrimPrefs.ini file. After that I was able to load saves outdoors again.
  3. Hey guys, love the concept of this mod its really something hope you can pull every idea in here off. One question though: did you actually succeed in adding a whole new perk tree? If so then WOW, I was under the impression that one cannot simply add a perk tree in Skyrim :biggrin: . How did you pull that off?
  4. My mistake, I was referring to the deadly reflex (version 3.3 I think) where they included mounted combat. Was there like a difference between the horse skeletons there and here or something in the coding perhaps?
  5. Hey guys. So in Oblivion I was led to believe that mounted combat was implemented quite promptly upon the game's release while in Skyrim there's not even a hint of anyone actually working on it so far, so what is the difference between the engine here and there that makes it that much harder to implement? I understand that Oblivion had its own tools released even before the game itself came out while we have a month or more of a delay in Skyrim. I just wanna understand the problem better to know whether or not it is wise to hold my breath waiting for this mod, I mean Bethesda did it in that DICE demo they made so it must be doable right? All inputs appreciated :D
  6. I usually try to keep the immersion as deep as possible when playing this game and therefore make use of several food/sleep mods, a camping mod, realistic lighting (so I can't see in the dark and am forced to sleep till the morning comes) among others. The thing is when I am at the period of time between 6 or 7-ish PM it's just not late enough for me to sleep (since I'd be forced to sleep for like 10-12 hours to see the light of day) and its too late for travelling/questing, that's why I'd like to pass the time doing something, that and I love reading up on the lore in Skyrim especially the novels and historical books in-game. That is why I would like to have a mod that un-pauses the game, if you will, while I read a book so it gets late and I am able to sleep instead of having to read a book then fast forward an hour or two. Can anyone help me with that or point me to some mod that does it already (if it exists)? Thanks
  7. I agree this would be a pretty handy option, too often had I found myself wanting to get specific alchemy ingredients in particular only to travel halfway around the country to get them.
  8. *****This might be spoilerish for people that did not play this part yet***** So did anyone else find the civil wars kinda... weak? I mean they could've been grander with more people being involved. For example: the part where you are to invade Windhelm/Solitude you aren't even met with any resistance until you're in the city gates, no platoons outside no gate ramming, scorching oil pouring action. It might just be me but I believe that the civil wars could've been better if Beth took a leaf from say the LoTR wars in the movies for example. I don't know if this requires the CK or not but I hope someone tries doing it.
  9. inb4 burning arrow 2 the knee
  10. Hey all, I know that such a mod cannot be done untill the CK is released, but my question is can this be done at all? even with the CK? was this ever done in Oblivion or before that in any Beth game with tools available and if so then what are the chances of this being actually done in Skyrim?
  11. Now I don't know about u but it's kinda irritating to morph into a male werewolf with my female main. That's why I was thinking it would be cool if someone remeshed the original male mesh and provided us with a female one. I'd like to know if it would be possible to have male NPC's morph into male werewolves and females to females or is the reference to the werewolf mesh unisex? One last thing too, if there is such a mod out there already please point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone has the spare time and skillz to recreate the human noble from the artwork as a head-morph. this is the link to the pic if you didn't see it before: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090628180720/dragonage/images/thumb/4/4f/Humans_-_Noble.jpg/270px-Humans_-_Noble.jpg Now I know that the hair is out of the question but the beard and stubble are doable so is the rest of the face, so please if anyone is interested can you post a link here? thanks in advance.
  13. Hi peeps, I've been trying to install this mod and several others using the daupdater but I keep getting an error message. I have a version 1.04 patch and most of the DLC installed. The DLC gave me some trouble but then it worked fine. I've also attached a copy of the log. Sorry if this has been posted before but I really couldn't get similar topics from simply scouring the forums. PS: I had the AddIns file in the settings folder modified as someone instructed me to when the DLC wasn't working. I replaced all the "RequiresAuthorization=“1”" with "RequiresAuthorization=“0”", but changing that back doesn't do it before anyone asks.
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