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  1. Hey there, I've been trying to do as the title says, by editing the WNAM - Worn Armor section of his character in SSEEdit to have the ClothesPrisonerRags "Ragged Trousers" [ARMO:0008F19A] as his default armor. Problem is when this is applied he ends up without hands and feet. I think it's because this "armor" isn't made for khajiit. In any case he has nipples when the trousers are applied, so the change somehow alters his body to be a purple human body (without hands and feet.) I have been up and down the list of potential outfits and it's the same for all the ones I've tried. Am I doing something obvious wrong?
  2. I never wanted to edit any meshes, I wanted to grab the existing models and create a new "standard torso" mod that simply replaces the torso with the one from DPA. As to adding them through xEdit, is exactly why I'm here, I need some help on getting started.
  3. So I've been playing Fallout 4 for about week after a two year hiatus, I've made mods before (usually in xEdit), but I've hit a wall I can't climb on my own. I wan't to patch together the Horizon Power Armor Overhaul and the backpacks plugin from Dynamic Power Armor. Now the way Dynamic Power Armor (or DPA as I will be calling it from now on) handles the new models with the backpacks is by adding completely new linings to the game with a tweaked recipe and identical armor ratings. I could go through each one, alter the recipes, names and descriptions until eventually I have what I want but then there's the small matter of this: Horizon (I think it's horizon anyway, this wasn't there two years ago) adds a new slot to power armor that allows you to alter the model of the power armor piece without altering anything else. You see where I'm going with this don't you? I want to take the models added by DPA and make it so that you can add the backpacks by modifying this particular mod slot. How can this be done? More importantly can it be done in xEdit?
  4. I'm trying to make a patch for Ars Metallica that removes certain recipes form the mod. So I copied over the overwrites into its own file, but now what? I've tried setting the Record Flags as deleted and ignored to no avail. I saw someone online suggest I make a condition that says the player should be less than level 0 to use the recipe, but I have no idea how to do that. Any help is appreciated!
  5. As the title says, when I'm near a dragon mound where a dragon is about to be revived my game crashes. That and when I'm near the portal in Skuldafn. At first I thought it was due to my graphics mods, that the game just couldn't handle it, but I've tested most of the potential culprits and none of them seem to have an effect on the CTD. I also have some mods that affect dragons over all, and none of them seem to have an effect either. Lastly I'm using the Wonders of Weather, and it was raining when I had my last crash. But removing that particular .esp makes the game refuse to load my save so I can't test whether that's the culprit. I'm at my wits' end which has brought me here. I play SSE, I use MO, and... My load order is this: My modlist is this:
  6. Hey there. I'm new to vortex, but I can't help but notice there is no way of merging several downloaded files into one mod. Or is there? So far all my "update" files are installed as separate mods, and that just seems wrong.
  7. I'm going to go ahead and bump the hell out of this suggestion. I have no idea what I'm doing here, or how to really test which mod wins the conflict.
  8. In response to post #47383435. #47383915 is also a reply to the same post. Honestly I was mostly interested in the virtual data folder Mod Organizer does. So if there's no news on that, so be it.
  9. So, I'm wondering since Tannin is working with you on this mod manager, will there be similar features as Mod Organizer? Virtual DATA folder, profiles, and abillity to run third party programs (FO4Edit, creation kit) on Bethesda games through the mod manager?
  10. I don't know if this mod has already been made, but I couldn't find it. I want to be able to start out with NO SKILLS. When the Vault-Tec Rep turns up you give him your name, and that's it. You then have to build your character from there on. If it already exists I'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction.
  11. Imagine if, when you get to the institute you could log into the terminal the relay room, decide where you wanted to go, and then you step in the relay room and allow the game to do the rest. AND at the other end of it, when you relay into the institute you relay into the relay room instead of just below the elevator. This of course all comes from the mind of someone who doesn't use fast travel unless absolutely necessary.
  12. Thanks for the input, but I never liked the size of the overhaul. Especially for what it does to the ring of hircine. I prefer to install the bits I like one mod at a time. I've La Femme Lycana, Predator Vision, Werewolf Aftermath, Tales of Lycanthropy and Heart of the beast installed. At this point a small mod that allows you to, through an mcm, set an eye of the werewolf to be blind would be greatly appreciated.
  13. So I've been wondering if it's possible to make a mod which adds a blind eye to the werewolf model, if the player has a blind eye? It's always been bothering me that a human with a blind eye turns into a werewolf with two working eyes. Anyone got an idea how to make this?
  14. I was wondering if any texture artists out there have the ability to make highres versions of the atronachs? I realize there are several mods that already claim to improve the atronachs, but none of these increase texture quality, they only edit the effects and that's just not what I'm looking for.
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