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  1. I just started a new mod, and Im crashing in the intro sequence all the time. Havent gotten to alduin attack yet,
  2. The aim of this mod should be to create a more immersive map, that fits within the world. I would think it would accomodated players who like to search for things on their own using stars/landmarks. The kind of player that would remove quest markers. But open the map to locate quests or fast travel. Often there is no other option in Skyrim as is. But a well integrated map would make exploring even more fun and rewarding. Here are my ideas on how to completely overhaul how the map works: Make paper maps you read like books, but are bound to the map key. You carry them in your inventory, and you have one big map for the province of Skyrim. Then there are maps of certain areas of Skyrim. These maps might for example be the area around a major city, a mountain reach, a forest etc. You collect these maps in the game, either from shops or finding them in the world. There might be several versions of each map area. Especially for the more visited places of Skyrim. Like the major cities, you might buy a cheap crumbly map with just the major landmarks scribbled on there. Or you might buy a more expensive, finely detailed map drawn by a scholar. He might have listed some very interresting dungeons as well. How you select them: They are carried in your inventory, and when you favorite a map, you will go to that map when you press "m". On the Skyrim province map, you can press "l" for local area map, and you will go to the corrosponding area map, if you have one. If you have several on the area you are in, the one you put as favorite will open. Favorited maps do not appear on your quick action list. There is no player marker on the maps, since one of the fun things about maps is keeping track of where you are on it. I hope this inspired you a little. Any suggestions/ideas/thoughts?
  3. My number one: Only the quick selection available when in combat, no inventory menu. You cant rummage your gear while the skeletons are swinging.
  4. The problem: When a fight gets tough, open menu, spam health potions. My experience is that this flattens the danger level of encounters. Boss fights are reduces to how many health potions i brought. It also keeps me rummaging in the menu, instead of enjoying the fight. And its unrealistic. ;) The reason: The gameplay concept Bethesda works with is always giving the player an "out". Keeping the player out of unwinnable situations, and keeping the action flowing no matter the skill level. Thats why you always find yourself with a large amount of potions that you can turn to when the battles get harder. Thats why you get access to a Nuke so early in Fallout 3. The solution: Remove menu pausing. No pausing in menus, or Q quick select. It would make potions less effective in their current state, but remove potion spamming. I think potions should behave more along the lines of The Witcher. They are for preparing for specific encounters and last a long time. It would also make restoration more usefull, for example. And the battles much more exciting and rewarding. You will have to rely on preperation more, and your preferred combat skills. This would be AWESOME. Can somebody please please mod this?
  5. My idea on how to fix this is to remove menu pausing. Simple and good fix that would deepen the gameplay a lot. Im going to post my own request for that mod.
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