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Posts posted by MathLeBeau

  1. Their is a few option that you can do.


    1 : Check your game cache on Steam/Library/right clic on Skyrim/propriétés/fichiers local por local folder/virifié la cache du jeu or virify game cache


    2 : Delete all conflick mods


    3 : reinstall your mods, load you save game.

  2. Load screen messages `


    Stonecrest has a long standing history of being a town that is under the influence of the Bormir clan, who are specialized in providing weapons and security to whomever has the deepest pockets in Skyrim.


    Bormir clan is a new warrior clan lead by Lord Bormir. if someone has a problem with pirates or bandits, they will call the worthy Bormir clan members to take care of them.


    Even if Stonecrest has it's own guard and prison system, they most follow the laws of Falkreath Hold.


    At the very beginning of the Civil War, Lord Bormir, the leader of Stonecrest City, successfully convinced the General Tullius and Jarl Ulfric that he and his clan will stay neutral in this conflict, but in enchange, Bormir must take care of the rising bandits and Serpents Teeth Pirates.

  3. daventry As I see, you are a regular member for this site and you should know that making change on a vanilla quest is risque, even more if you use the unofficial Dragonborn patch. Your mod request loot like little, but its in fack way more complicated that it looc like.
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