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Everything posted by TTek

  1. oh I thought my account would be banned. Good to know.
  2. Enhancing the representation of Asian individuals in star field doesn't necessarily imply the intention to reduce the representation of other racial or ethnic groups. However, it may inadvertently lead to a decreased representation of other groups. But your guidelines state that any form of reducing represenation is bannable...so would this would mod be banned, too?
  3. If I make a mod that will increase the spawn rate of asian NPCs in star field would that mod get be banned?
  4. "A a voice cannot be copyrighted." If I make a companion mod using AI tools that makes it sound like kim kardashian there is no law that prevents me from doing that. BUT "You cannot copyright a voice, but an artist retains exclusive commercial rights to their name and you cannot pass off a song as coming from them without their consent." This mod stated he used ai so no law were broken. Just don't tell people the real voice actor voiced your mod always say it was ai.
  5. you should add challanges: - no death challange restart game if you die - don't use crafting - no potions... etc. or use the requim mod -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19281
  6. Activate all of them and start the game and never ever deactivate a mod. Have fun :)
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