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Everything posted by GideonG

  1. So sorry for the late replies! University seriously got in the way! Thanks for all your help, everyone, these are fantastic! You've made me one very happy Skyrim player! :D
  2. Hi everyone! This is my fiirst post to the forums, so I apologise in advance If I'm asking something that has been asked countless times before, but in my search for answers I have found so many mod suggestions that sing praises for various mods that I'm honestly a bit overwhelmed! :O Anyway, what I'm looking for (given this is my first time playing Skyrim) is some mods and retextures that make Skyrim more 'pretty' than the vanilla version, without totally messing up the vanilla game by adding a heap of new items and such. I've tried CBB, UNP, along with some skin textures, but I just can't seem to get inhabitants of Skyrim to have that amazing skintone that people show in their mod review videos and mod images (regarding CBB and UNP, nudity is by no means a must in terms of detail, to be honest I'd rather not have nudity but just the really nice looking skin tones). Some armour reskin mods would be greatly appreciated, the sort that make the armour look a little more flashy, without going full on 'sexy armour', because I find the vanilla textures sadly uninspiring. I'd also love some mods that make the follage of Skyrim a little more vibrant, without something as extreme as the mod that makes Skyrim enter full on spring. In terms of clouds/sky/night sky I have found a couple, however if someone could suggest some really nice colourful ones, I'd be very appreciative! If there is a lighting mod that makes things more pretty, that would also be great! Again, so sorry if this has been asked many MANY times before, I've just seen so many mods over the past few days that my head is spinning! Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to help me out!
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