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Posts posted by kieranbhoy

  1. Well, I don't know about that, pure Brothers may act like arrogant bastards, but Enclave, you never know what will happen when you meet them, anything ranging from patriotic dialogue to terrible experiments on you followed by disection :tongue:


    Not unless you are the one doing the experiments. :rolleyes:


    Edit: Fail quote

  2. I really enjoyed being with the BOS in FO3 but when FNV came out they made them look weak. Is it because there is not much presence of the BOS in the west or something else? Why weren't they a bigger faction in FNV?


    Well, BOS in the West is the "pure" one, meaning they do not accept new members, unlike the branch in DC area, now combine that with the huge NRC which the BOS was or is in war with... Basically this chapter in FNV is rather ruined by both the war and the slaughter at the Archimedes, just tryng to survive, rather than show presence.


  3. Ok I'm getting a 360 controller and I would Like to know if this is the one(I'm on iPod can't link properly):




    And I get a slight lag with the pc version with no mods when I do stuff like taking out pip boy and putting it back or switching through pages in the pipboy or been just turning round!! Can thus be fixed? If it can then I can get Skyrim for PC too.

  4. Ok im doing the "My first Vault" tutorial seroius and there is no vault 108 for me to find when i need it


    "The first thing we need to do is create a new interior cell. The best way to make a new cell is to duplicate an existing one. To do this, make sure the "Cell_View_Window" has "Interiors" selected in its "World Space" drop-down box. Now find "Vault108a" in the list of cells."


    It also says that it may mention stuff from F3 but it should be ok.

  5. Does it happen everytime? There isn't even any audio markers or triggers in the area(wilderness 9,0). Might be a glitch or bug of somekind.


    This is the first time i have ever heard this.

  6. Ok so i am walking by El Dorado and im on 360 so no mods are active and i have no radio on.


    I hear strange banging, glass breaking, doors opening, people screaming, dogs barking and strange noises


    Click Here and watch the video.


    Information: Im the only one awake so all noises are in game.


    The quality is rubbish.


    EDIT: i stuck headphones in and turned volume at the top and i thought i heard a car driving by then i could swear i heard 2 men talking and then a girl shouting "No stop, please! somebody help me !


    And also a noise that i have been trying to figure out for a while is a young women(like they jersey shore people) saying " so you buying any ciggerettes?" or something like that

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